Just throw us out of NATO

And take all Burger soldiers which are defending our country and move them to a 2%er country like Estonia or Poland or Greece.

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All the US soldiers in Germany should go house to house collecting rent

what a horrible vision, a neutral Germany just like Switzerland, Austria or Sweden...

We should just drop out of nato. Let all the sitting to piss nancy boys defend their own

can't blame them honestly, why haven't we disbanded NATO yet
>inb4 muh rooysia
they are a paper tiger with an outdated military

I really like that camo.

This is how I feel. Eurofaggots want to enjoy their little romance with socialism, while we foot their military funding.

go fight for isreal goys

Nah, they need to be going to the border

jews wont let us leave germany because they are afraid you will become nazi again as soon as we leave.

We should leave NATO and build 6 million piplines from Russia in exchange for getting Königsberg back.

europe isn't socialist retard.

Yes, if it were an option, please leave Europe and take care of your own lands.
We both have so much shit to clean up, rather have your boys fighting the good fight at home instead of guarding a border with Russia.

did you know that the modern day region of kaliningrad is in such poor shape , that when the iron courtsin came down the russians wanted to gift it back to us?

>getting Königsberg back
but why? i doubt any native germans are still there

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Protect your women from muslim rape faggot

that is true. The native Prussians, baltics and Germans were forced to modern germany's borders.

Exactly. It's why the Finns (aside from the "Karjala takaisin, perkele!" joke) don't care to get Karelia back.

Only thing we’re defendig is the ZOG you cuckservative faggots

> but why?
This is where my Grandfather was born.
I saw old pictures I want to restore it to old glory!

I would love to see Königsberg rebuilt as it was.

But architecture tells us a lot about the soul of mankind. It's not looking good right now . . .


Germany might be bigger jew cuckolds then us they just don't need to advertise it because there is a whole other level of bureaucracy in Brussels that runs the show. Belgium and Germany spear head the globo homo agenda through a proxy and Euros like it and think its necessary and there is no alternative.

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desu I think Europe would be a lot more interesting if we gave Alsace, Baden-Wurttemberg, Vorarlberg, Tyrol and Sardinia to Switzerland.

If Trump is elected again, NATO should be considered dead.

>I saw old pictures I want to restore it to old glory!
I can imagine how much it hurts to see your forefathers' land wrecked. Mind you, I don't need to imagine it. I see it all around me in England (or rather, what used to be England).

Please don't. I have a sneaking suspicion europhiles are just waiting for a big excuse like that to force United States of Europe into existing.

>I saw old pictures I want to restore it to old glory!
I feel the same way about Philadelphia, but whether it's Russians or Nigs, neither of us will be getting what we want.

Nordic countries, Ireland, etc are socialist enough. They are giant welfare states faggot.

Good, so lets fuck off from NATO. Why are we paying the lion's share to protect a bunch of whiny faggots who are being conquered from within anyways. They can suck a dick.

welfare states doesnt equate to socialism you fucking boomer. their is a reason welfare is more prevalent in capitalistic countries than socialist and communist countries. also it's retarded to not think we are also being conquered from within.

Israel owns you under our boot Klaus

Hey zogbot, we wouldnt have degenerated military wise in the first place if you were shielding us from responsibility.

>be a whore to russia

Fuck that rundown nukedispenser, prussia is dead.

Because the nation is on welfare

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seems like thats pretty much already a thing.

did you read what i just said? capitalist countries give out more welfare than communist countries, hence all the famines and shit.

Sardinia and tirol is a retarded idea.
Make it allemania and it will be fine tho.

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jews are really fucking paranoid, weird and have a obsessive compulsion to control EVERYTHING. Trust me hans, they hate and fear you more than you could possibly ever imagine.
That is why you will never be free from them or us.

>leaving an occupied country for no reason
In your dreams

And they created more wealth, so who gives a fuck. I don't want my taxes raised to cover free healthcare and education for some diseased faggot who wants to study basket weaving.

Well we lost a war.
So its fine I guess and our fault for being ok with it wholly in exchange for prosperity.

Boo hoo go back to sucking Ahmed's cock instead of crying over some little shit

Fuck NATO, fuck the un, fuck the Eu

Vestiges of a dying age with no use to the USA anymore



>Well we lost a war.
against the world.

>like Estonia or Poland or Greece

Hell yes. We hate you fuckers. We love Poland and Greece.
Unfortunately our government generally feels differently.

I mean, do we even really dislike Russia? We the People, I mean.

Where would you rather tour: Eruostan; or Muslim-free, based Eastern Europe?

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Pay any reperations lately, Hans?

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>And take all Burger soldiers which are defending our country...
Do you know how pathetic that sounds...

The shiller is in Washington to prop up the corpse. Kick him out! Dont let your sons die for Estonia and fat germans! The russians strike soon! It is not Americans war!

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Against Russia and half the USA. Let's not be dramatic.

I wonder if they ever have to confront the fact that if we are fat retards, what does that make them if we're kicking their collective asses at everything?
What is someone in less fighting shape than a fatty?
Who is someone dumber than a retard?
A German, I guess.

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They can crash in Britain, if they throw out all the traitors and invaders we have.

America should leave NATO. You will be far better off. Europe is dead. Good luck to you!

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Take that muzzie cock up your ass Kraut


this guy named halford mackinder created what he called the heartland theory which stated that whoever controls the heartland of eurasia would control the world island--eurasia--and would control the fate of the world. the british empire and later the u.s. tailored their entire strategy around keeping russia and germany from being on the same team.

if nato is disbanded then germany would ally with russia. this would spell the end of u.s. hegemony. eventually the german/russian alliance would take over the entire world. that's the real reason trump did a 180 with his attitude toward nato after he was elected. he's willing to keep eating germany's share of nato's budget as long as they don't ally with vladimir.

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Get all 56% spics and niggers out of Europe, reeeeeeeee

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From 1919-1939 an Axis Powers that included Russia would have been unstoppable.

But now the only strategic value for Russia to consider an alliance with Germany would be the real estate upon which to build their pipes.
Then again, it would not be the first time those Ruskies laid pipe all over Germania.

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Yep. NATO is pointless when we can just have bilateral and ad hoc agreements.

think about this
german industrial capacity + russian natural resources

>I mean, do we even really dislike Russia?
Most Americans are aware of the rampant criminality and corruption in Russia.

>to force United States of Europe into existing.

You mean doing what they've been doing the past ten years anyways?
And look at the result. a giant socialist, corrupt, nonfunctional absolute shitheap that would be conquered by russia in as much time as it takes to drive a Jeep from Moscow to Madrid if the Ruskies actually wanted to.
Just kick out the Mutt Globohomo enforcers, clean up our own Governemtns and then rebuild a proper Europe. A man can dream...

Isn't your military just filled with Turks anyways? Not even banting I just feel like I read that Germany was trying to for migrants into the military to deal with unemployment. It's not like any NATO military is going to remove kebab so why fund it.

Irony the post, no more brother wars and statistics say I have to call you a spicnigger and tell you to get the fuck out of my country.

Who cares? You're just going to get your eu army anyway

Unironically this.
Real neato, NATO.

and your retarded government declined the offer

do it cunts
we get annexed by Russia before breakfast

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We're aware of the same among niggers but we keep making excuses and giving second chances to them anyway.

We could apply all the socio-economic arguments for why our minorities act the way they do and apply in actuality to Russians. The difference is Russia used to be different, and could be again.
A thriving nigger nation is just a monkey in a borrowed suit.

That could be a problem. Better nuke Berlin from orbit on our way out, just to be sure.

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the USA should leave Europe so we can start killing eachother again

That would in fact be rather helpful. This stagnancy is killing us.

Yeah, and you can get beaten by Greece again.

This, now russian mongoloids have put ballistic missiles in there.

fine by me if we can kill commies, faggots, traitors and the rest while losing

Just drop out of NATO. A bunch of countries aren't meeting the spending requirements:

USA, Britain, Italy, Norway, France, Luxembourg, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
Canada, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Portugal, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Belgium, Slovenia

USA, Britain, Greece, Estonia
Poland, Latvia, Romania, France, Lithuania, Norway, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal, Canada, Germany, Slovakia, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Albania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg

Fuck Germany in particular:
>1.24% spending of GDP
>13.75% spending on equipment

Germany literally spends less as a percentage on equipment than 68% of the countries in NATO. And this includes some shitholes like Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Turkey. They spend less than 57% of the countries as a percentage on their GDP. And this includes shitholes like Turkey, Romania, Greece.

They aren't even remotely holding their end of the bargain.

This time around Greece would be on our side.

Yankee Fuck Off Home or PAY US to be in our fucking countries you fat cunts.

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you fags dont get it. jews are shilling because they want another war or you to pay into the war industrial complex. the US is the undisputed sole superpower in the world, and even when the third most relevant world power resorts to complete vassal state cuckery. why bully our greatest fans? shits great being a burger

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>all that land
Woodepdee fucking doo, lotta clay.
Not worth a shit if your people hate life so much they drink and shoot themselves up to death.
>mongols and vlads, with a hodgepodge of various quarreling tribes and a fresh wave of muslims for spice

usa is not in europe

>He think they are protecting Germany

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Right, they occupy our nations making us a target, and then demand we pay them for it.

Our troops are faggot; we have no business there anyway, pull them out and let them spend their own shekels on defense instead of being NATO welfare niggers

mhm. In the case of Germany they keep soldiers there to make sure they dont get any funny idealistic ideas again.


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Why would anyone pay for their occupation? American empire supporters sound like niggers, they whine, threaten, and cry but just won't leave.

In the first place, you and the rest of the continental faggots allowed Germans to exist for centuries, now get fucked.

you have like 12000 troops in Italy alone

>Right, they occupy our nations making us a target

so you think if some malevolent country wanted to attack the USA, they would start by bombing yuropoors?

>Literally thinks US soldiers are stationed in Germany for the protection of Germans

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Logic would say anywhere with a US base would get bombed.

You act like just because we have a few military bases in a country it means that we are running it and pulling the strings. Germans are so quick to blame the US, but I never hear them mention Mama Merkel. You are delusional.

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in retrospect this heartland theory seems sort of stupid and it's amazing that the British believed it (and so do we apparently!). Seriously there's nothing in the heartland of Eurasia except Churkas.


Occupation ain't free.

logic would say youre a scaredy cat lil bitch

carpet bomb berlin imo

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Never said anything about defending Germans bong

We're just sick of fighting for kikes and their poodles (i.e USA).

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Even after the alleged holocaust, Germany is still full of Jews lol. Won't even invest in defense.

They're there for force projection, everyone knows that already, retard.

nigger the kikes run your entire fucking government, getting rid of us isn't going to fix any of your problems