New to Jow Forums, can someone tell me a good area to be in on Jow Forums? along with just basic rules and
good ways to convo here.
New to Jow Forums, can someone tell me a good area to be in on Jow Forums? along with just basic rules and
Well, don't worry about filling out a name unless you REALLY want to be a tripfag. Stay anonymous until you're out of the lurking phase.
When you reply to someone click the number next to their reply and it'll put >> then the number in your reply. This is how you direct replies toward people. Anyone who uses an "@" sign is doing so ironically.
Use catalog mode.
As for where to go, there is a board for most interests here. /b/ is what Jow Forums is known for but it's not for everyone. I hang out on /v/ (video games) Jow Forums (technology) and Jow Forums (fitness). There are also boards for animals, guns, anime, literature, and so on.
Make sure you know shit before you post. This place is elitist as fuck even if it seems chill. These are some hardcore negroes.
There are no good areas, leave while you can.
Get the fuck out of here while you still can. Seriously, this place won't bring you anything positive. There's a pic that explains it, someone post it pls
Thanks, exactly do i use this? Or am i doing it properly
Just remember, you're here forever. Make sure to lurk before posting, every board is different in culture. You'll eventually find a board that interests you most.
I usually browse /an/, Jow Forums, /sp/, and shit post raid /tv/.
I don't plan on leaving. Iv'e experienced worse.
I can do that. I guess.
Also, red boards are NSFW and are mostly shit.
alright thanks!...ill be on my way i guess.
Stay away from containment board like b, trash, r9k and pol. Dont trust anons anything they say until proven otherwise. If it sounds crazy, its because the author is probably crazy.
Best board is /int. Your posts have way better chance to be read and replied to of they contain quality meme. Instal clover (android app).
Alright, second. How the hell do you use green text?
I've been here since 2004. Let me give you a piece of advice:
Fuck off.
You learn to post on this site by lurking.
Put a > before the thing you want to be greentext
right back at you.
>let me try that
Almost all of the boards are organized by interests. Some of them are busier than others. If you're into making food and cooking if you're into anime if you're into hiking and gardening and the great outdoors so on and so forth. The busiest boards, if I remember right, are which is politics (they're very right wing), (used to be troll central, but, it's basically porn these days), and (video games). I think and and a couple others are pretty up there, but explore.
The cardinal rule is to LURK MOAR. Try to avoid posting for the first couple months of visiting unless you've got something that's genuinely insightful or helpful.
Namefagging is a bad idea, unless you enjoy being yelled at for being an attention whore.
-t. been here since 06 you'e here forever
>hehe greentext
Jow Forums is also a weird board because quickposting doesn't work here. You gotta go to the top and copy paste and all this other tedious shit to post on Jow Forums. Might be an addon that makes it simpler, but I'm just using the basic site.
/v/ is barely videogames. It's mostly e-celeb garbage.
if you're from reddit turn around and go back and rope neck yourself.
Ah, that probably explains where all the Destiny threads on Jow Forums are coming from. Haven't visited /v/ with any regularity since, like, '12, so my mistake.
I use an ipad. The only way I knew was direct quotes when copying another poster and it would already be in this little box I'm typing in. Now, I can build scarecrows.
Just practicing. I would never be a namefag. I been around two years but never went past the "good enough" stage.
If you’re looking for funny content check out for Hot Memes or for Creating Memes. And any general Jow Forums questions you can ask on
you troll >>