When did you realize road repair was a scam? Pic related: A roman road nearly 5000 years old which has never been repaired yet today politicians would have us believe that the current roads need repair? Get real
When did you realize road repair was a scam...
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you either have never been to russia or have been in russia too long
How many semi trucks drive over that road?
does that road exist in an area with yearly freeze thaw cycles?
Stop making dumbfuck threads. You're representing our country here and when you make dumbfuck posts it makes us look bad.
Any major highway has taken more abuse than that has, despite its age. And I hope it stays that way, so those roads are still here in another 5k years.
Looks like the roads in PA
fuck logistics, honestly. we need to bring back merchant caravans of horse-drawn carriages.
The Roman roads had tons of people and chariots (not to mention Elephants) move over them.
Everyone hates Americans already user, just embrace it.
How many trucks drive over it erryday?
The real red pill here is that we don't need that many trucks; rail haulage is more efficient once you have the infrastructure in place.
Honestly, there are plastic roads now that never need potholes filled. But they'll never take off because local and state governments use construction money to launder money to donors, ect.
How can that road exist without TAXES.
You need to gib monies to preserve this vital work or art right fucking now!
we should repurpose our military for infrastructure
Roman 18-wheelers were a lot gentler on the roads
my dad told me this every road trip growing up
I favor private roads instead of beung coerced to pay for them. Imagine two roads running side by side in direct competition with each other. They would be immaculate because the free market would literally fix it
Modded Skyrim sure does look good nowadays.
>pot holes don't need replacing
tell that to my tyres
>local and state governments use construction money to launder money
This. The road I drive to work on went through a huge project to repair all the potholes and damaged sections of the road. 6 months after that was completed they tore the entire road up all the way to the ground and redid the entire thing.
>merchant caravans
No thx f'ama'lam, g'day m8.
Clearly. Tens of thousands of elephants stampeding at 70mph every single day.
>roman road
>nearly 5000 years old
It was engineered into it from the beginning. When the first interstates were being designed, we had options. The Autobahn design, which slated to have a 30-50 year lifespan, and then the cheaper option. Which was 10 years. Guess which one they went with?
Doof you can’t drive 80 mph down that with a modern Toyota
It's an American, but he makes a valid point.
The medieval roads in Britain are still quite functional despite very little maintenance.
Fucking retard the one time elephants came to Italy it was such a big deal we are still in awe of the legendary event today
And guess what? There were like 12 in total
They don't see below 40F in Brindisi during winter
ywn ride down that road on a mighty white stallion in full Roman SPQR regalia past hundreds of dying crucified christcucks
Why does weight matter? If it is going fast then it is on each individual part of the road less time which is actually far less stressful
>I (heart) Macron / the post.
Did it have cars running over it? Does it have cars now? Wow, amazing how different things made of different materials used for different purposes degrade differently.
I live in IL and I visited Russia once and thought their roads were great compared to ours.
Mutt logic.
Hold my beer... T. Tundra v8 owner
> in a world of total anarchy and without any taxes, who would build the roads?
You right burger but don't forget in modern US roads you have fat americans with big trucks going from a MCdonald to another
Except collusion and monopolies are at play too
Whelp, compared to how it was when it was built that road is freaking ruined as well, I imagine all the substrata are damaged as well
just stop....your autism is showing
The faster you go, the more friction you enact upon the road to keep going forwards. The number is also important. Road usage nowadays is nothing like road usage in Roman times, for several reasons. I'll give you one - population.
Got the wrong continent buddy. Romans barely even knew about elephants until the Punic wars
thats made with many large slabs of stone with a packed smaller gravel bed which drains and avoids significant damage by already being many many pieces. the problem is asphalt is this kind of tar based shit that cracks and when it cracks water gets in between and then expands when it freezes which breaks pieces free and you got nothing but dirt underneath
>an argument (not)
>pointing fingers
>from Italy, of all the places
You are right, but just to be pedantic, I can recall two times elephants were brought to Italy, once by Pyrrhus and once by Hannibal
Mh, that does look like a literal gipsy camp, maybe it is one?
That's legit my road here in Pennsylvania what are you smoking
>why does the weight matter
Ha, I rather like your cool blood.
You're absolutely correct. This is in Rome, Italy.
Show me one in Anywhere, USA please.
Would have given you a "Like" had this been posted yesterday.
Nice "pedantry" (not really, it's good historical detail if true: did Pyrrhus really use elephants?).
They always demand more tax money for the roads. They just pocket that shit.
Trains are fine for delivering to large central areas but you need a whole other network to deliver goods to stores and shops and markets. That's where trucks come in and why they exist, they can move a fair amount of goods into smaller areas and have much more freedom then trains
What a nice shitpost.
You can't drive remotely fast on stone roads.
Asphalt is way cheaper, smoother and grippy, but it degrades, especially if the road falls below freezing (due to water damage).
t. only posting this for the retarded kids who might stumble into this shit thread.
Okay Amos, why are you on the internet?
I got confused when I left PA as a kid and didn't heart the rhythmic "ba dunk" sound every few seconds of the highway fucking up the suspension of our car.
Even more pendantic
The famous Roman roads didn’t exist when phyrrus came to southern Italy
Using both is even more efficient!
the further we go in history the farther we stray from the forgotten ones. technology degrades in time, eventually inverting itself into the non-material as society becomes more degenerated.
Heh. Nigger
>who cares that every city in US is filled with millions of dindus beaners n chinks. At least i have muh constitution
Yes, of course the Roman Republic had only just expanded south.
The use of elephants had escaped me, though. I'm rather ignorant on this subject.
The real redpill is that Mayors cheap out on road repair.
Like if they could spend 5million to repair a road that lasts for 1 year, or 10mil on a repair that will last 10 years, they will pick the 1 year repair. Because they don't want to be the mayor that spent 10 million.
For a car to drive over a rode at high speeds, the road needs to be one large piece with a flat surface. Being one piece also causes it to crack if it is submitted to large force while the individual stones have dirt as a buffer between them where energy can be absorbed.
Wanna know how I know you’re lying
>Obsessed with trains
You must pick both.
Took this long for someone to finally say it. Jow Forums is brainlet tier these days
Your Gipsys are called Niggers.
Correct, and IIRC most of the war would take place outside of Roman territory anyway
If memory serves, it was the "real" first time Romans saw elephants, and it was when they were being used in war against Rome
Imagine being a random roman soldier and seeing that shit
Have you ever driven a car? Or seen a road for that matter?
In 100 years you telling me they haven't figured out some composite material to build roads with? Incompetent compliant governments and corrupt lazy construction companies/unions are the reason I have to drive over shit asphalt everyday.
It really is. Some of the stupidity gives me a headache. I can't fathom it.
Earlier today I "learnt" that Hadrian's Wall was built by the Scots and that Tacitus was a German.
PA has some of the worst roads in America.
Mh, how comes despite having that extended (at leas east of the Mississippi) infrastructure network the passenger service is so limited in the US?
They would defiantly be immaculate. But they would exploit advertising and social media to force everyone on to 'the cool road' and put the other road entrepreneur out of business.
>mfw they will actually ban all cars and trucks cuz climate chang and caravans come back,
Yes, I can imagine.
Pyrrhus's use of elephants is something I ought to have known about (and perhaps I once did), but for the life of me I could not recall it.
Why do people troll when they’re bored? We know Jow Forums is full of retards. Do you get enjoyment from poking a tard with a stick?
Planes are cheaper and faster.
rocks are less suseptable to freezing/thawing damage they dont absorb as much water as asphalt
Imagine the marketing campaign
Road "A" billboard
>did you know the road "B"'s owner is a racist? you wouldn't want to give money to a racist, wouldn't you?
Road "B" billboard
>well, the owner of Road "A" is a child molester, what now?
What's limited about it?
>say dumb ass shit
I don't see much networking besides buses from one station to the other, nor (at least to my knowledge) that much local service trains to move people between small-medium sized neighboring towns beside those around metropolitan areas
Plus from what I've seen most of those lines have one or two trains per day, it's weird as fuck
So yeah, roads are realpolitik.
If you are serious you have shit for brains.
>recycling european memes
Fug that's kino. Where is it
Ohio here. Yes, the collection of potholes known as our roads need repairs.
File-name. The Appian Way. From Rome to Brindisi.