Why are zoomers and millennials the dumbest generations in history?
Why are zoomers and millennials the dumbest generations in history?
Hold up... She says she wants to be a single mother... But her husband is in Ghana? You wot mate?
thanks to incels
>implying they let white people immigrate to america anymore
also why specifically ghana?
Women are golddiggers, and black dick is expensive according to Swedish scientists.
because they are the most recent generations, Next batch will be even dumber. We are under attack but most are too stupid to recognize it
Common Core.
Why are Gen X and Boomers content with raping the world of everything good?
kek. it's almost charming in just how naive and innocent she is.
The toll will be paid eventually.
this guy will take her
>the next US president.
Because they were raised by boomers and genXers.
But she's not wrong about the single mother stuff
Boomers and millennials?
So you're either Gen X(+40 and on Jow Forums) or you're Gen Z (under 20)
>she's not wrong about the single mother stuff
>wants a nigger husband
Yea single mothers are dumb cunts that fuck niggers?
I don't believe people like that actually exist. It's mind-boggling.
I bet he wouldn't ban bump stocks.
Who did this to her?
German general education
it's fake
I wouldn’t say dumb, but definitely lacking in critical thinking skills and common sense. Technology has detached people from the real world and leaves people constantly using their phones/computers to answer questions. The current educational system pushing more and more useless crap and less life skills has definitely contributed to that. My High School doesn’t even have Home Eco. last time I heard never mind basic accounting.
t. Zoomer
>le idiocracy meem
Omg I fucking hate my generation.
lower attention span
Anyone here from FL? Rick Scott is a fucking faggot, theres TOO MANY fucking liberals moving here and its fucking getting ruined with trash and traffic all over. What a fucking trainwreck. Need to get out of FLORIDA
>Biological causes.
What color are half of the zoomers?
Boomers get gulaged, 5 years experience in the gulalg before applying for the pension fund and pension.
boomers are fucking terrible. Im stuck in fucking boomer heaven
Do tell, green text time?
thats a woman, though.
you will get killed by zoomer and millenial men, however. Soon.
Dunno man. Really comes down to the region.
In Muttland they are probably quite stupid because the boomers kept turning educational institutions into for profit money grabs, kept decreasing test difficulty to collect more money from the parents, while reducing funding for public education, so it turned into utter garbage.
They also promoted a culture of "US citizens have the freedom to be stupid" which in itself is utterly retarded.
So yeah... I really wonder why Mutts become more stupid every generation. :^)
thats actually pretty sad desu. someone needs to mentor these people. it's not impossible to find a woman. the supermodel you think you want? probably impossible. a companion that will make your life better as you improve theirs? very possible
Because they don't have to remember anything. They have a useful idiot device to reference instead.
(((biological causes)))
the wage system is pretty much communist
>get $70k holding a lollipop sign
>pay little tax, possibly none if you have kids
>get $150k as engineer
>get taxed to hell
>only end up with a few hundred more than lollipop sign meathead
>difference in social status is negligible
>meathead has better body from constant exercise on job
>stacey fucks meathead
my nieces have almost been explicitly told not to be smart, in stark contrast to when i was young
Already done.
>get $150k as engineer
>get taxed to hell
The amount you get taxed and the amount you pay is different ie tax rate and tax payable
>only end up with a few hundred more than lollipop sign meathead
Conversation starter and boomer bullshit, the past 6 years of liberal government have eased the tax rates for the $150K.
>difference in social status is negligible
Being that much of a jew for the eyes of the boomer roast
>meathead has better body from constant exercise on job
>stacey fucks meathead
Fucking commies, amirite?
Kill yourself you miserable boomer cunt, unironically.
>get $150k as engineer
>get taxed to hell
>get $150.000.000 as a CEO
>get taxed 99.99%
>use loopholes to get taxed literally nothing
Only Mutts will defend this.
social media and instant gratification.
Common core.
OP's webm is of a German girl
Society and technology protect them from natural selection, for now.
Used to be a woman had a dozen kids and most of them died from stupidity / weakness, but now nearly all stupid babies mature to adulthood and have their own even stupider babies.
Probably the educations system run by Boomers and Gen-xers.
That's an anglomutt my man.
I'm actually amazed that they actually used blacks in the picture. Normally when they write these stories they go out of their way to make the country look like a white ethnostate.
No, her name is Luna and she's from Germany.
War is peace, freedom is slavery and single mothers aren't horrible pieces of shit.
German broads must be so easy
>that shithead reporter
what the fuck?
Vaccines and chemtrails
what does it mean when she pulls ass cheeks apart like that?
shes trying to make her fat ass look shapely, when in facts its just large because shes kinda fat and has bad genes
its a common trick, actually hot chicks dont need to do this
That she's a fucking liar that wants to be a passive aggressive psychopath and bully people while pretending to be a victim.
tl;dr a facebook whore.
Schooling for test results instead of educating.
because women are very fucking imaginative
Lol...your generation is fucking weak. Weak. Cant do shit, cant function, want everything handed to them, and are content to destroy their future. Hands out, begging, whining and crying. We will always e known as the Teabagging Generation...you fucks are deserving to gargle our balls.
it's this kind of cognitive dissonance that is found in virtually all women that should alone disqualify them from being allowed to vote. That being said, she has an incredibly fuckable ass.
>the past 6 years of liberal government have eased the tax rates for the $150K.
by what $5?
face it faggot the overly extreme belief in 'equality' is causing blatant dysgenics, and also the property bubble, high earner cunts get taxed to the fuck and are generally viewed with contempt so you can't entirely blame them for turning to property jewing
i think its only women in the US or Canada. This place is fucking garbage. I can easily flirt with a European girl and get in her pants. Here women are so fucking weird. Why is that?
>Sir, we don't ca-
So liberals are the real racists?
Coddled in every layer of safety ever conceived by man
>Missed out on the most basic of life lessons and made to feel even more bulletproof
Standardized testing
>Missed many hours of instruction to take tests that, lets face it, were subpar.
Heads filled that they can do anything, be anyone, never take no for an answer
>Flip the fuck out when someone IRL says no to them
Based on this are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).
General downtrend in IQ as well as quality of education over the past several decades.
A wall is not enough. We need to build a dome to keep race traitors like her from flying in from Europe
It’s because there the last generation in the United States that will be adults during this countries normalization. The higher-ups knew this since at least 1990 so since there’s still a little bit of humanity left all the way up there they decided to allow them a crazy amount of stimulus for the first 20-30 years of there life before the rest of it is shut misery human suffering not seen since the 1800s. Think about the fucking food our parents fed us in the 90s think of the tv we watched, fucking iPhones now? Seriously? Kids can literally disassociate into these things professional. Everything will fall in the end and we deserved to feel this nice despite the negative side effects.
She's a fucking retard, dude.
>"...after I emigrated to new york..."
>emigrated to
emigration:the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another; moving abroad.
im a biologist, but i still learned how words work.
means she wants to be black seeded like all good gurls
maybe because boomers were the laziest generations in history
In 1979 the United States government took over the Department of Education and changed the focus from education to obedience training. Good millenial, roll over...play autistic for neet bux. Good boy.
National Review is Neocon Central. (((Jonah Goldberg))) got rid of any dissenters. Like Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn, John Derbyshire.
nigga named 'John'
the majority of people in the 1800s could compete
>basically make a bunch of nigs do all the hard labor for free
>fight about not paying the nigs
>start paying nigs and now chinks to do all of the hard labor
>the supermodel you think you want
Is a nasty fuck pig or a lesbian with addiction issues and eating disorders. I'll take loyalty over looks, you try to fuck the really hot ones but not wife them god no.
>millenial men
those fucking soibois hate physical activity
they think playing videogames is a sport and probably have a strange disease that makes them unable to compete with normal people.
hell most likely zoomers will be all traps when i am 40 and most millenials will look like a grandma because all the zoy they consume if by chance they aren't trannies by that time and get a gun any other men can overpower them easily
>a strange disease that makes them unable to compete with normal people
it's called a lifetime of BPA that makes their testees not produce enough T
I wonder if she achieved her dreams.
Well we got the first nigger out of the way, what’s stopping us now from electing another?