How tf do you get a job

I'm 19 and need to find a job, how do you find one. I go online and all I see are retail things, which im fine with.

But idk how the hell to get a full time job, what do i do bros

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What are your marketable skills?
What makes you a more desirable candidate for a position over anyone else applying?

do you smoke weed? if not, start doing so. weed smokers are more likable due to their social skills and ability to make clever points and humanistic remarks. i would say smoking weed every day, or at least every week is a good start.

second. have high expectations on your first job. don't settle with a job at a fast food restaurant. aim high and only apply for full time jobs since they pay better than part time jobs and give you a chance to prove yourself.

last but not least. spend a lot of time on Jow Forums. im not really joking on this on. Jow Forums might seem like a place where dudes come to waste their time but its actually a beautiful opportunity to find contacts, learn trades and to get good advice, like this one.

9/10 shitpost right there

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>What are your marketable skills?
>What makes you a more desirable candidate for a position over anyone else applying?
Dunno, I would show up on time

If thats all you can answer, then retail and similar is all youre going to get.
Not trying to be facetious, but but where retail, cs and warehouse jobs are concerned, attendance is like 9/10 of the job

A warehouse job would be very comfy.

Honestly, they pay better than fast food/retail too.
Also an easy in to logistics

Other guy isnt me (op)

I guess i have 3 yrs of college.

Im just desperate for a full time job rn. Even if its around min wage. What places hire quickly. Like where do all those trashy people find jobs so quickly

Recruiting agencies for quick work.

For more serious things, your typical job sites like monster, indeed, or directly on a location's website.

What if I want to become a rapper? Is it possible these days?

If you were any good, you would already have the answer to that

But I have a really cool voice.

Spit me a line nigguh

This one has me dead

Still wating

>What are your marketable skills?
How do you find that out?

Apply for as many temp agencies as you can. They will do the job-hunting for you and this will give you a great opportunity to try many different career hats on without committing to them. Some temporary jobs are temp-to-hire and if you like the company, you may get lucky and asked to stay on board. In the mean time, the other temp agencies you applied for are also looking for work for you too and if you're valuable enough, they could get a bidding war started over you. That's how I got my job and it worked out great.

Good luck, OP.

Start with internship.

How the fuck do you do that?

I dunno I have an electrical engineering degree and three years experience as a repair technician