Would you accept Puerto Rico as the 51st state?
Would you accept Puerto Rico as the 51st state?
>2 safe democrat senate seats
>5 or so safe democrat house seats
Fuck no.
Maybe if republicans actually helped Puerto Rico instead of shitting on them, they’d have their support
shitskins will always vote anti American, no matter how good we've been to them
Maybe if Puerto Ricans could be counted on to vote Republican they'd have Republican support.
It’s racist comments like that that make minorities vote democratic
I hope it gets hit with another hurricane and everyone on that shithole island dies
O yeah, Dims really help too amiright you gullible mongrel
>muh helps duh poor
If they fixed your problems youd cease to be a political football
Since youre too stupid to see the big picture my answer still stands at NO
The USA should annex Central America from California to Panama.
It minorities voting Democratic that makes Republicans racist.
OP is a butthurt boriqua, fuck PR and JLo
remove your meme flag, spic
Only if we kill all the men and use the women as sex workers for incels
I would sell PR to Russia that's how much I want it gone.
Fuck no. They haven't done anything to earn the right, other than turn themselves I to a brown nigger shithole. Let them fucking turn to ash. But let them keep asking, because it's more funny when they are relentlessly denied.
I thought gore threads weren’t allowed.
We must focus on making relevant places states before semantics.
First, Japan. Next, Britain. Then the Phillipines. Then France, Switzerland, Belgium, Poland, and Albania. the rest of Europe will follow suit.
THEN we can concern ourselves with places like Puerto Rico.
Can we get rid of Florida and California? Maybe NY too?
Hell no.
We should deport all niggers and spics to Puerto Rico, then grant them independence.
haha... You're fucking stupid memeflag..
PR is full of nigger tier welfare queens who are "really into politics" in the sense that they all vote for whoever gives them more handouts..
Molymeme interviewed one of these shitbrains a while back now.. Look it up.
We need to cut them off.
I would give you back to spain, and if they refused I still wouldn't give a fuck and just leave it as is
How did that go with amnesty for Reagan? 4 years of red in exchange for turning our biggest state permanently blue and 35% white. Nice. Puerto Rico is also incredibly poor and would bring literally nothing of value to us as a state.
I would accept Puerto Rico but only if the Puerto-Ricans no longer exist
I'd accept them as a nuked territory
No. it's what the real estate world calls 'busting the block'. We're America. Fuck the world; we'll take it ALL.
Well, we could if we wanted to anyway.
kill all the men, take the women as slaves and colonize..
Only answer, only solution.
Fuck off we're full!
You gotta hide in the mountain cave for safety.
maybe spiccy people just vote for soclalism every time so we shit on them.
>pushing molymeme videos
>mad that people vote in their own best interest
>doesn't understand anything about how politics actually work
lol why are conservatives edgelords so dumb
The gore always looks so fake anyway.
Fuck No! We have enough welfare states, we are full. Noting of value, zero benefit to the US.
Only if they take all of america's refugees and illegal immigrants
Hell no. We should declare a war for Puerto Rican independence and immediately surrender.
Taco kike.
Fuck no. Puerto Ricans are the worst of the island niggers. They are worse than Haitians.
FUCK no. I learned today their shithole island has 1/2 the GDP of my shithole state and debt exceeding 100% of their GNP.
>thinking minorities are equally intelligent to whites
this kind of thinking made my country a shithole