When was being a minimalist look down upon?
When was being a minimalist look down upon?
more room for fucking her raw dog against the cheeto-stained carpet.
White men are too busy carrying the weight of the world on their backs, that we dont have time to worry about how our apartments look.
>decorating and furnishing a place you don't own
it's like cunts just can't stop spending money.
that’s not minimalism, that’s just a lack of things
If you have a bowl to drink from, you are not a minimalist. - Diogenes
Men don't need much. The environmental degradation of the world is almost entirely caused by the female nesting instinct and the need to consume.
I'm sure I'd be plenty enlightened by a visit to her place and see her collection of vintage tube radios and the well-apportioned workbench where she restores them.
That or shit tier "decor" in the contemporary Wayfair theme. Whatever.
Someone post the “female moves in” version of this meme...it is so spot on.
Because men spend most of their time at work
Needs a small little four leg table next to the seat for chips and other stuff. I see cup holder in the chair, pretty sweet chair.
Most of the stuff I have I never use.
i would ditch the television
you're thinking of stoicism, not minimalism
>cucknadian edumacation
Why are you posting this shit again??
You can ditch the fridge too since you guys don't get food
It drives women insane when men can relax and be calm with very little.
Any little girl that says this is not old enough to post on social media.
I'm not a 'guy'.
I'm a fucking man.
it looks comfy, i don´t get it
>remove carpet for wooden floors
>remove onions chair for a wooden chair
>remove BIDEO GAEMING STATION!! for a bookshelf and desk
there, fixed
It’s because life to them is “Live. Laugh. Love”.. they all have at least 3 wall hangings that they bought at Dollar General.
Looks good to me. I might have an end table and a desk to put my keys and mail on and store documents. About all I would change.
Hey man, starting out I didn't have much shit either.
Guys before I even saw this image I was feeling more and more suffocated by all the useless crap I have around me. Every day I think about just throwing most of my shit away, even my bed and just sleeping in a sleeping bag. I feel like I could live in a cardboard box and feel happy.
I never thought of this as a male feeling until I saw this image and now I feel like I am having an identity crisis. Is it really some sort of male "minimalism" or am I burying myself in a hole to "escape" from the world?
I am also now starting to associate female life with intoxicating, perfumes, make up, fur coats and other such ridiculous pollutants.
Help me figure myself out
Modern minimalism is a silly attempt to mask poverty as wokeness.
Women are used to having income handed to them. Even if things are tight, they still prefer to spend money on frivolities.
Based Chad in the house..
lmao that sperg kid ruined his perception of him forever
Try again Ivan. You are fake news.
One day Diogenes saw a boy cup his hands to take a drink of water from the river and exclaimed, “He teaches me that I preserve an unnecessary utensil,” and he tossed away the only utensil he owned, a shell he used as a cup.
What is this? Some sort of art project?
Stuff owns you as much as you own it.
Less is more.
I'm getting my first apartment soon.
Is this a good solo furniture?
Id: meme u
Sounds gay
No M8 that is chink shit. Get on craigslist and find quality wood furniture for pennies on the dollar. If you dont like the cushions, get them redone for cheap. Or refinish the wood to a color you like.
No, chaise lounges are for faggots.
What the hell is that. Get a comfy couch
I enjoy backpacking on long distance trails. On eof the age old rules is - if you don't use it daily, you don't need it. While this is untrue to a degree in 'normal life', the general idea holds true.
Even a woman can be right sometimes, this is one of those times. Nihilistic, hedonistic approach to life is detrimental to societal progression. You need to inspire yourself. You dont need a grand ballroom and a marble statue, but you certainly need something. Have plants, have books, have a decent couch and desk. There is no inspiration to be drawn from this. You are pulling yourself out of nature, out of any motivating environment, and putting yourself in a mental and physical jailcel.
I'll buy it if it is cheap and fits in my Honda Fit.
Here is my list of things I want/need.
>Guys, should I buy a chaise lounge?
You should get tested for AIDS.
It's good enough. Don't go overboard on dressing up an apartment. Get a few essentials and start saving 20% for a mortgage.
The chad pad
Craigslist free section and Goodwill for odds and ends.
>super mutt
Holy shit no wonder he was such a faggot
No, spend a decent amount on a nice couch that can double as a bed. Preferably one of those L-shaped couches.
Your mom helped you with that list, didn't she?
TV too small. Stupid bar style counter in the way of the sink and fridge. Feng shui fail.
how exactly does that disprove anything I've said?
*goes back to watching others play a video game*
Looks like my place.
because I was right and you were wrong. Diogenes was a cynic not a stoic and he got rid of this bowl, just like I was talking about.
Lol, I looked around and I only have 1 poster on my wall
> this one
She's right, tho. The TV is too small for the stand/viewing distance/room. He also isn't using surge protector power strips. And the blinds are turned the wrong way.
Okay, for fuck sake. Buy off craigslist. Fine.
So when I make a I have bedbugs, lice, and fleas thread thanks to Jow Forums, don't be surprised.
In the age of materialism, minimalism is a cardinal sin.
Funny. Me and the gf are looking for more home decor
>room looks boring
>try decorating
>don't like the way it looks
>rearrange 60 times
>it looks perfect
it feels like and old greek philosophical story
Dont take beds you sperg nigger. Dont you know how to observe things?
FAKE: A man living on his own ALWAYS has a much bigger television than that.
Go with a real japanese futon, then you can put it away and have room to workout. You don't need shit.. Shit needs you.
Stay the fuck of Clist and don't purchase used furniture, ever. My buddy bought an xbox from Clist and his entire studio apartment smelt like a damn ashtray.
Lol, mine was like that, except I used vaccum cleaner box for my TV stand for about a year. Saved a lot of money bought my first house cash.
So he did not smell that when he walked in?
my place looked like that for like 2 years. gf moves in and all of a sudden we've got to start filling the place with literal ikea garbage. told her i'd agree to start decorating but we should save and buy quality stuff but all she wanted was to fill the place as quickly as possible. didnt care if it was trash.
>Diogenes was not a stoic
A trend is starting
Fired it up and I guess whoever owned it was a heavy smoker. He just left plates of coffee grinds and sliced apples all over his apartment to kill the smell.
He doesn't needs more, he needs to clean less. I mean for real, people come from work, they do that. Meanwhile relationships are dead due to roasties, so no need for fancy looks.
not an argument
Yeah, echoing this. Diogenes of Sinope was not a stoic and stoicism hadn't even been founded as a school of philosophy for most of his life, perhaps all of it. Ivan up there is the only time I've ever seen anyone call him a stoic.
Isn’t that jessie pinkman house?
>sexy bedding
Not true. Some men have other toys and hobbies. Mine was 32in but I did have 1987 Porsche 944 Turbo as my toy.
>soilent brand gayme controller
>nigger smash braindamage ball
>no books
Is it painful to sit with no ass?
Also head to body proportions are fucked.
We know. Ya'll better start making those home movies you discussed>]
are you fucking retarded
I hate women so fucking much lel
Probably not much for her because like less than 90lbs and short. Me a 180lb man who was sick and went down to 135lbs. Very painful.
>female nesting instinct
Why not? Just a change up from what we have now.
These are just depressing. No table of books, no newspaper, no items showing hobbies or signs of life... the central focus of the space is just a black screen and a black box of mind numbing tv and game entertainment.
a man only needs a large pan, a small pan, a sofa bed and a bottle of scotch
holy fuck Jow Forums never change
jesus you are dumb just because stoics are ok with living an ascetic lifestyle and teach to avoid being shackled to material wealth doesn't mean everyone who lives minimalistically is a stoic
>female nesting instinct
holy shit, roasties btfo
as much as they say they aren't bound by nature..they are fucking BOUND by nature...
>proving me right
you didn't have to
Dont worry. I won't change being comfy at least.
So if it had a Kindle Paperwhite loaded with great books, would a make a difference to you?
But Harry it makes all the difference in the world!
>>female nesting instinct
You know, thing they want. Granite countertops. Stainless appliances. Big bathrooms and walk-in closet.