Why do I viscerally feel a hatred for thots? I myself don't have trouble getting laid but I always saw sex as something sacred and to be moderated whereas most of my generation seem to be hypersexual and without any moral guidance yet preach this righteous feminism as if it was religion. Is it normal to feel like this at age 21?
Why do I viscerally feel a hatred for thots...
>Is it normal to feel like this at age 21?
Hey I felt like that even older than that. What can you do people are maleable with society
It seems like you have a specific type. You want a classy, respectable woman who doesn't watch Wonderwoman three times a day and hate men. They are a gem but there aren't many of those around. And pretty much any classy girl you encounter has had or will have a slut phase. It's inevitable. So the advantage in dating sluts is that you know they've already gotten that part of their life out of the way.
>my generation seem to be hypersexual
Except they aren't
Truth. This generation has less sex and start having sex later. This entire generation is on a constant dopamine transfusion thanks to high speed internet.
Also less into vice, they consume less alcohol and drugs.
it's because you are addicted to being politically angry. You see this so much and that's because ita all that you focus on. You may deny all this but it's TRUE. The only way to move on is to actually want to move on. Right now you enjoy your anger because there is a lot wrong with this movement and with in your own tribe as well.
I do but because i've only been in relationships with sluts whenever I find a good girl I get an intense fear and disconenct from me. Its very unhealthy and sad.
Honestly, as a ""good girl"", the fact that my boyfriend used to date/sleep with sluts haunts me.
I've thought about breaking up with him over it so many times.
He's otherwise perfect, we have a great connection, I love him so much. But it kills me to know that he used to be a manwhore.
I'll resent him forever for this, even if just a little.
>identifies self as being sexual
>hate women for being sexual
>is scared of "good girls"
>identifies own behavior as unhealthy and sad
Yeah my dude this is some mad madonna/whore shit you've got going on. See a therapist.
That's quite nice to here. Most girls I've met and seen on twitter think the opposite of you.
I didn't say I was hypersexual and non-monogamous.
You both need help
>Most girls I've met and seen on twitter think the opposite of you.
I don't think most girls have the same values as me, desu. I was virgin before I met him (I was 23) and saved myself for a special person. And he is, by all means, a special person - he's literally my dream man under every aspect but this one. And I know he feels kind of bad about the fact he slept around, he didn't do it for over a year before we met.
But it kills me he didn't save himself for me.
If you want to date someone who cares about having a low sexual count, don't be a manwhore.
It's a pretty big difference in terms of values, and it hurts me that a man I love a lot doesn't hold the same values I do over something this important.
I mostly came to terms with it, we've been dating for over 2 years and very happy together, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me that we couldn't be each other's first.
What do you think about virgin men who are saving themselves due to religious reasons? Not talking about incels.
I wouldn't have minded to wait till marriage, I would have liked to date a guy like that.
How come you went against your principle ? Didn't you know beforehand?
Well, I never really wanted to wait till marriage, just wanted to have sex with someone I was very in love with and serious about. Just to be clear.
I decided to date him despite the differences because I genuinely love him. I just have never met a person who is as good as he is. He has everything I've ever wanted in a man.
At the beginning it was way harder to deal with it, because I never thought I'd fall in love with someone who slept around, and I thought about breaking up with him over it a lot. But now I mostly accept it.
I know I'll kind of resent him for the fact that we didn't get to share our first time, but it's really fine. I just really want to be his last one, and be with him forever. He's awesome.
Kek. No.
What does he do for you that makes you feel that way?
He has everything I ever wanted. He's amusing, intelligent, charming and so fun to talk to. Everything I do with him is fun. He's genuinely good, kind to everybody, a little oldfashioned and romantic.
He's really my type physically, he has a smile that makes me get butterflies even after 3 years I know him. He treats me like I'm worth everything, has eyes just for me.
I never feel alone with him, and I've always been the kind of person who feels lonely with everybody.
OP is a sociopath in training. He's gonna end up shooting a hair salon or some stupid shit because he's been on Jow Forums too long and has resorted to using blanket-labels for all women who visually look to be within a sub-category of women.
Get off of Jow Forums and spend some time in the real world, jack. Take off your blinders and see the world for what it really is and not what incels whine about it being because they don't have the chops to win love and attention from the opposite gender.
I felt like you when i studied in a western country, just respect their choices and focus on improving yourself
>Why do I viscerally feel a hatred for thots? I myself don't have trouble getting laid but I always saw sex as something sacred and to be moderated whereas
Nigger did you even need to make this thread?
>I'll resent him forever for this
good luck with your relationship unless you talk to him about it dummy
No. Stop being a holier than thou faggot.
Try remember this little gem I learnt online:
Girls are the gatekeepers of sex. Guys are the gatekeepers of commitment.
I don't know, OP, but I'm the opposite. I adore slutty whores to the point that it's a problem for me.
I feel the same way, and ive had more than 10 sexual partners because of this hatred, lol.
We did talk about this, obviously.
It's bullshit I've never in my life bought into.
Degeneracy is bad on both sides.
I like that. Thanks.
Felt your way much, much younger than 21.