Why do most khv here insist they’re intelligent but also say things such as
>“Where do I even find girls?”
>“I wouldn’t know what to begin to say”
It takes a couple of google searches and a basic amount of empathy and that’s it. either you’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe, or you’re horrified. But grow up and stop blaming the women and the world. That thing you shit talk so much would make you cum so quick if they gave you the time of day, loser. Go talk to some girls, get off your high horse, stop being afraid.
Let go.
Why do most khv here insist they’re intelligent but also say things such as
the reason isnt that they dont have empathey, it's because they never experienced it themselves and their logic rules their emotions.
Thing is you making this thread is another reason to be pissy.
Know empathy and experiencing it are two different things.
How do you get guys to empathize when you dont bother to empathize with them? That's the type of thinking that goes through their head.
They can be intelligent whilst also being completely socially retarded.
>>“Where do I even find girls?”
There are jobs or uni majors where it's male dominated, hence people have hard time meeting women in this situation
>>“I wouldn’t know what to begin to say”
It's not all about what to say, there are many differentials here and dating is not as easy as some Chad's here make it out to be. In order to get a gf you need to be at least somewhat attractive, most men aren't attractive
If that was the case and it was REALLY as hard as you try and make it seem, then how do so many other people do it? Everyone started somewhere user.
If you’re aware enough that there is a problem you’re aware enough to improve it.
I disagree, plenty of average and subpar looking men have mated in our history, and which by your stats you say the average man is not somewhat attractive, yet here we are with 8 fucking billion people on this earth, and you’re telling me out of all those men only the ones who are attractive have survived? Get the fuck out of here
>most men aren't attractive
by to high women standards, yes
>If that was the case and it was REALLY as hard as you try and make it seem, then how do so many other people do it? Everyone started somewhere user.
that's a very good question, thing is we all didnt grow up the same. Many of us had to deal with very disappointing parents who didnt show any for of empathy because they considered us cry babies. Or ita because they were abused and no one was there for them. Or they were bullied so bad they hid away in their room and didnt want to interact with people because they are scared of getting hurt.
Many reasons they act this way and a lot of times it comes from being raised in a very depressing and somewhat frightening environment.
Now this isnt a case for every guy because there are those who lived in a very nurturing environment. But for the ones in question it's because there was no nurturing environment and it was always "you are a loser hahaha." Not every person had a stellar child hood.
You don’t have to have a stellar childhood to want to be happy and to genuinely try. Of course some people have shit luck, abuse, other things that no one should have to go through, and it’s important to deal with the emotions that come with that, not use them as an excuse to not take a chance at love and happiness.
>parent problems is why I'm bad with girls
At least this makes sense, as opposed to "it's literally impossible for most men to have a gf"
but that's not the question now is it? You may not see it but there are times where they are empathetic to the best of their abilities and you dont think they are. Thing is if you give them more of a sympathetic ear, you will find they are covering some deep scars both physical and emotional. Men were taught not to be emotional at least those with lower income. So maybe looking at their perspective more might help ypu understand them more.
thing is a lot of these guys actually went through abuse and have no idea they did. Infact some of the abuse they were taught is their own fault.
I don't have interests that are social and have girls participating. What would a smart person do? Would the intelligent choice be to pretend being into other stuff instead, then?
>If you’re aware enough that there is a problem you’re aware enough to improve it.
No doubt, but could be other issues as well such as depression or anxiety making it difficult for these people to actually fix this problem so gotta sort out the root cause of it first which they usually seem adverse to trying to confront for various reasons
>Would the intelligent choice be to pretend being into other stuff instead, then?
if you want to assimilate then yes.
And that is a legitimate excuse for struggling with some social interactions. But it's not how they would like you to believe that only a fifth of men ever have sex.
It's less of an excuse and what is the cause. Thing is the excuse is they think they are ugly and no one will give them a chance.
The cause is low self worth and esteem brought from growing up in a terrible environment and loneliness.
>plenty of average and subpar looking men have mated in our history.
You are right, but the situation is drastically different now. Women are becoming more and more hypergamous as time goes by. C'mon, do you think all these girls would want to date average guys in their early 20s? They want to sleep around and ''explore''
sorry for the typos, my phone is auto correcting and it keeps fucking up what I want to say.
> “i-it’s different now user, women fuck so many more guys”
All I hear is an opportunity.
Opportunity for the most attractive males, yes
now femanon, this is the excuse part. But as you can see the cause for this anons behavior may run deeper and therefore needs a sympathetic ear, but no one is going to force either of you to go through that.
I personally know fucking ugly men who get average to attractive women on a consistent basis. More than one ugly dude. That already proves your “Only attractive men” theory wrong. What’s really the difference is being afraid to take what you want.
>Women are becoming more and more hypergamous
1. What does hypergamous mean?
2. Post source for claim.
>women are whores and sleep around more than ever
>getting sex for men is harder than ever
Don't try to understand the incel mindset.
I don't want to "assimilate", I want to be myself and also have a girlfriend.
not him but you are giving into his self pity. understand right now he is defensive just like you would be when criticized by him.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you’re not yourself yet? Don’t you think you would be happy with the girl of your dreams if you were really so yourself rather than explaining to a bunch of anonymous posters why you’re not fucking the girl of your dreams?
then learn the difference of being yourself and being socially acceptable in boundaries. You cant expect people to accept you when you are being antagonistic. You must learn to hold back a portion of who you are than expecting people to accept all of you at once.
No, I’m doing the opposite. I’m poking holes in his bullshit cope for not fucking women, lol.
Actually women are not whores and extremely conservative where I live(2nd world), so they try to go for the best of the best or either emmigrate to a foreign sugar daddy. Its really sad
I hope you're happy OP, you put out the incel bait and they came storming the thread to the war cries of "women are whores" as they always do.
it's the same thing. Poking holes in his logic is what he would do to you. You gave into his self pity not by feeling pitty for him but for telling him to get over it. This is where the disconnect lies, now no one expects you to feel sorry for him or to agree with him, even when he may push your buttons to prove other wise, but in the end you are in a cycle of fighting anons self pitty with no empathy while telling him to learn some.
Of course I would be happy, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
What do you mean by antagonistic? There's a difference between being accepting of change and going out of your way to become a different person.
>What do you mean by antagonistic?
you may not notice it then, but often times you feel like you have no friends is either you say depressing things all the time or you say things that piss people off.
There’s no holes in my logic, I am trying to help these guys get out of their misery. You can achieve change while not praising a person for their shitty behavior.
There lies your problem. You first need to believe you’re deserving of that love, otherwise it’ll never come to you.
>There’s no holes in my logic, I am trying to help these guys get out of their misery. You can achieve change while not praising a person for their shitty behavior.
you are misunderstanding what I am saying. Basically you are doing what they would do to you in your shoes. And it's not helping either of you. You see what you are doing now, is what they already grew up with and failed completely. They went the tough love part and didnt receive the love just tough shit. You are doing what already hasnt worked for them.
>tfw depressed bitter incel who grew up in good nurturing environment
It only makes the self hatred worse knowing my problems are entirely my fault
And that's the first step in trying to change things. Taking responsibility for your own actions and now trying to change them. So take a cue from all those times your parents were nurturing and kind and put that to your expectations on how you should act regardless of what people say you should learn to just turn the other cheek and be understanding. Nonetheless even if you didn't have a harsh life or if you did it's still not an excuse to be an incel it's just a Cause.
It's possible, but I don't know how to tell. I try to be nice and positive towards everyone.
Sounds like delusion to believe being deserving of something when there's no grounds for it.
>I try to be nice and positive towards everyone.
just be aware that what you think is being nice might not come off as nice to others. People yearn for an excuse to get angry.
op is correct but incels don't want to hear it. the same guy who says "all women are whores and should be confined to sex slavery or replaced with artificial wombs" in the next breath whines "tfw no gf." no amount of logic will get through to a retard like that.
I guarantee every one of these guys thinks they're a 7/10 and have an IQ of 140 when in reality they have an IQ of 100 and are a 4/10 on a good day. not even exaggerating. it comes from engaging in this asspat bubble that is 4chinz
I am an objective 9/10 with an IQ of 150. All women are whores and should be confined to sex slavery or replaced with artificial wombs.
>tfw no gf
>pic related; me on the left with my best pals
Okay wise one, I see 3 women walking up the stairs 5 meters on front of me.
What could I possibly say to any of them?
We are walking in the same direction and I can easily catch up, what would an empath say?
An empath would know that there are just 3 girls going about their business and would probably leave them be, thereby not saying anything in this instance.
>intelligence always refers to social intelligence
Youre a tard op. Its literally common knowledge that academically intelligent people tend to be more socially retarded.
That being said, many of the people youre referring to are retarded in both aspects.
The primary cause for action paralysis is having received contradictory advice their entire lives.
>Be her friend first
>But don't get friendzoned
>Try to woo her with extraordinary displays and gifts
>Actually that's beta and creepy
>You're trying too hard
>You need to try harder
>It'll happen when you least expect it
>It'll never happen if you aren't constantly working towards it
>Just be yourself
>Radically change your personality
>Lift weights
>Girls don't care that much about looks
>Talk to random women
>Stop bothering random women
>You need to go to places where there are lots of women and participate in female-dominated activities
>Just do what you're passionate about
>You need to be more confident
>Here are 9001 reasons why you suck
>You need to escalate and build sexual tension
>Just forget about sex and treat her like one of your male friends
>You have to read her signals
>Don't read so much into her behaviour
I think that covers most of it
Intelligence doesn't fix a deep lack of self-esteem, in fact, it can worsen it since these people will use their creativity and intelligence to find new ways to insult themselves and misinterpret everything around them as a sign of their inferiority.
"Couple of Google searches" lead them to "The Red Pill" advice which either tell them that women enjoy being called whores or that they love being brought flowers every day. You can't read how to score with chicks, it's a skill, you learn skills only by practicing and khvs lack the confidence to even attempt that.
Both of these. I feel these posts in my blood
Maybe shallow cunts like you because you're an asshole but those aren't the kind of people wed want to go out with.
Most normie I've met talk highly of empathy, but when I observe how they interact with each other empathy is the furthest thing from their mind. When I point this out to them, they deny that their actions are driven by anything else and say that I am the one who lacks empathy for pointing it out. Why is this?
A lot of people seem to think that empathy means treating people nicely. This isn't correct. It's about understanding the other person's feelings.
>everyone who struggles with dating and relationships and posts on here is one giant monolithic entity that only thinks the same thing
Some of those things you posted really are not good pieces of advice though. And some aren’t even contradictory.
Empathy is "I feel what you feel."
Sympathy is "I understand how you feel."
I just thought someone would find it interesting, don't mind me.
The majority of people who post about not being able to get a gf here all complain about the same things and never actually listen to the advice given to them.
I'm convinced 90% of "how do I get a gf" threads are posted by the same half dozen people from Jow Forums and Jow Forums
You've got that backwards
sympathy is feeling sorry for how someone feels.
>the reason isnt that they dont have empathey, it's because they never experienced it themselves
But that's literally lack of empathy. An empathetic person doesn't need to personally experience something.
an empathetic person doesnt HAVE to have personal experience, but it helps, the point I am getting at is that there arent anyone who are reaching out to them and therefore are not recieving an empathetic understanding from someone else. Thing is you show empathy a person feels legitimized in how they feel. However when no one is showing them that it delegitimizes their feelings making them ignore their emotions more and more. you get what I am saying?
I guess yeah, you're mostly right. Though obviously it doesn't apply to anyone.
Doubt I'm that much of a special snowflake but I just don't need others to legitimize or delegitimize my feels. Then again, obviously an outside confirmation can be nice, especially if you haven't had any in a while.
thing is some of these guys dont have any AT ALL. like their parents tell them they are lazy and worthless. So it ranges, but really they feel hurt most of all when women dont empathize because growing up they saw media portray women as understand in all fields. So a lot of the problem is still on them but the sad fact of it all is that they are kind of screwed coming and going.
Because they are usually not objective and are desperate. What kind of stupid post is this