How does one find an artist girl who isn't an art hoe?

How does one find an artist girl who isn't an art hoe?

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what the hell is an art hoe?


Lmao good luck

uh, an art hoe is a depressed girl? i don't get you, user

No, the picture nigger
Its just a look

that girl looks fine. that being said i have like20 artistic friends, both good and bad at what they're doing and not a single one dresses like this

Thats because theyre just artsy and not hoes

why do you not want an art hoe gf they are qt

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uh, so that's exactly what you want, aint it?

>I want someone artist
>if she eats peaches she's a whore

Not me, im not op im just anwering your stupid questions

Wondering it too.

Sure her make up skills aren't great but you're overreacting.

anime artist

Because they don't actually make or have a passion for art but pretend they do solely for the image it gives them and they are quite literally all insane cunts with Borderline Personality Disorder.
>t. went to art school

you know.. i want to disagree with you
but i cant, they are depressed and will fuck your Life Up
i had an arthoe gf.. i broke up with her a few days ago
we were 9 months togeather
Last month she cheated on me, i have her a Second Chance,
then she didnt Put effort into the Relationship, the reason..
because she "isnt a Person for Relationships that last a Long Time"..

still Miss her.

forgot to add a Pic

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art school unironically. A lot of people there were cute sane people with quirky fashion style. you could try going to the art galleries nearby art schools or check for workshops and activities at the school itself
>t. finished art school

This. Also what you might be looking for are animators.

>isnt a Person for Relationships that last a Long Time
Nothing wrong with that.

By being an artist themselves.
Not some fake trap "musician" or a fucking mindless athlete, but actually sensitive towards beauty yet in touch with masculine power.

animators and any girl with an actual passion for design (and not the rich ones who are only there because they thought art school would be fun) are all pretty normal and cute on top of their artistry.

you think so?
i dont know man, it Hurts
and she told me she misses me too
she is 5x more fucked Up than i am
Just makes No sense

Artist in the sense that they actually make art for a living, or does just being moderately good at creating it count? Anyway, try to find girls who dress slightly out of the norm (not as bad as OP pic) in libraries, music gigs/record stores, museums, etc etc.

She let you go and now she's reeling you back in. It's a really fun game that you should never take part in

all women are hoes, goodluck pickin' cherries and not complaining when the girl you've "been waiting for all this time" ends up not being as interested in sex as you might be because you thought art hoes were a thing

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so whats the Outcome?
and how should i act now?
we stayed Friends, should i Break concact?

Ghost her mate, shes using you because you clearly dont know your value as a person, Being cheated on is the ultimate disrespect, Know your worth bro and be more of a man!

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pfft, did you know art hoes themselves coined that term? good luck finding unicorns user

Like 80% of girls at least draw. Most aren't into art enough to want to do it as a career but nearly every girl I've ever known has had some talent for art beyond the average guy and drew or did other art regularly, it's just a common trait, finding an artist girl shouldn't be hard for you user.

This pic actually fits my gf really well, its actually strange, I wouldn't call her a hoe though. At least not anymore. She isn't gonna do art for her career but does draw and paint for fun and she is very good at it, loves tattoos too

A lot of girls studying art at my state university aren't art hoes because they're more humble, probably because they couldn't afford actual art school. Also, I find sculpture/ceramics students to deviate from the art hoe type.