What's the point in not being a selfish, lazy, hedonistic cunt if we're all gonna die anyway?

I've struggled all my life to come to terms with death. My existence has been marked by existential anxiety and depression.

My ego can't grasp the idea of its utter annihilation into interminable darkness. Anyone with a rational mind brought up in a Christian tradition knows that it is full of shit with regards to what happens after death.

As a result, I looked into stuff like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism. All of them gave me ideas that fed my ego. But the harsh truth is they are also likely full of shit.

When we die, it's blackness. No more trace left of me.

Given this sobering truth, what the fuck is the point in all the self-improvement bullshit depressed people are advised to do? Why even have values?

Given death's inevitability, why not just fuck as many women as I can, be a selfish cunt, abandon any children I have, drink beer every day, and browse the Internet all the time?

Given our existence is completely pointless, there is no need for exercise, anti-depressants, career goals, stable relationships, money, and all this other drivel people say will help me.

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Exactly. Finally you‘re starting to get it. Enjoy.
Also, it‘s called hedonism.

>fucking as many women as I can

>be selfish cunt and browse internet all the time

Yeah those are not going to work together well frend.

For starters you won’t be such an insufferable crybaby faggot. If it’s all so meaningless then you better tighten that rope

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Speak for yourself incel

>If it’s all so meaningless then you better tighten that rope
Or he could just sit back and enjoy the ride

Then go ahead and do it and don’t beg Jow Forums to argue with you you angsty little faggot

Caring about others is often presented as contrasting with looking after yourself, but people are simply happier when they feel like a good person who makes [their work environment, their family, their kids, whatever] happier. Paying real attention to things outside of yourself also frees you of that claustrophobic anxiety, insecurity, dread etc related to your own person. Relating meaningfully to things outside of yourself is simply the way you enjoy life the most.

Do you truly think that sitting on your ass, eating candy, playing games all day, leeching off the government or whatever is the way to live the most enjoyable life?

depends how much money OP has

>live the most enjoyable life?
Only one way to find out. You know what to do, op.
user, this is only NOT enjoyable as long as you think you shouldn‘t be doing this. The guilt and shame is what makes it not enjoyable. If you take those away (what hedonism does), then the actions itself are pretty god damn enjoyable, yes.

The angst

>Do you truly think that sitting on your ass, eating candy, playing games all day,
Isnt this what billionaires like Dan Blizerian do?

It is. But everyone wants you to believe that you first have to work your ass off to deserve this instead of just directly doing it.

A few reasons really:

You have needs and a nature - you think fucking tons of women, being a cunt to people and drinking is going to make you happy? it's not.

You risk being imprisoned at some point with this sort of attitude to life. You wanna go prison and get beat down everyday? go for it.

It's no way to live, with this attitude, you will be unemployed(able), homeless, horrible person, hating yourself and heading for suicide at some point that would be my guess.

being imprisoned for being a cunt? lmao

What the fucking fuck does that even fucking mean, you fucking fucker?!

Carry on then dude, why are you even asking us?

Hedonism won't make you whole if you're trying to flee emptiness. It likely won't make you too happy in the long run, either, because you'll fry your brain with unearned "rewards" like sex and drugs.

I agree with you, life probably has no intrinsic meaning. You've obviously thought about it. Nobody can tell you hedonism is wrong and truly know that to be true. If you want to die at 27 after having a pretty great 3-12 years, maybe it's what to do. I think the only way to have a meaningful and fulfilling life, though, is to be moral and mix pleasure with discipline. Yeah maybe it doesn't matter in the end, but to me that seems a little bit cooler and more satisfying than injecting skag for a decade then dying, or never feeling any love cos I'm a dickhead.

quality comment, made me laugh out loud

Who gives a shit about "things outside of yourself"? Fuck off and die.

How can you be so certain there is nothingness after death? Science proofs it? Because time and time we're correcting our science to make sense of all this, but chances are we know fuck all about anything.
You can live however you want, there is no "good" or "bad" life, it's just life.

This.. we don't even know if this is a simulation etc or what the hell it is.

Life literally just works out better when you're honest and upright.

Cheating and lying and hedonism work in the short term, and so seem like effective strategies, but in the long term it will cause more difficulties than living honestly.

>what the fuck is the point in all the self-improvement bullshit depressed people are advised to do?
Makes life more enjoyable.

> why not just fuck as many women as I can
Eventually it won't get that special. Simplistic pleasures don't last for long.
>be a selfish cunt
Lowers your chances to accomplish anything unless you're already rich and/or can hide it well. Which takes more effort than not being one.
>abandon any children I have
What's even the point to father them then?
>drink beer every day
Will make you feel like shit for more time than the joy coming from it.
>browse the Internet all the time
Pretty sure you have first hand experience that it's not that rewarding.

Occam's razor, my nigga.

>I've struggled all my life to come to terms with death.

Who "you" are is nothing but a perfectly balanced genetic overlay of every ancestor you ever had. You were not born in isolation, you're the emanation of other beings. Like a link in a chain, you're in the middle.

Who "you" are, in in face the whole chain. The DNA, the perfect genetic blend of surviving genes. But your body, this life that you're talking about is only one link.

You're right, you can do whatever you want. You're totally free to. But the trajectory of our choices decides how far down this chain we survive. If you choose lazy decisions, impregnate dumb women, then your essence will probably survive a few more chain links before finally perishing forever. But if you can make the most coordinated decisions that you possibly can, then it's possible to diffuse your DNA into all humans after enough time, then you live forever.

The ego is a game. It's a trick to make you believe that you're in isolation, to encourage you to survive and reproduce. But it's really all-encompassing of every member of our species.

Redefine who "you" are, then you can open up to other directions in life.

I'm not assuming anything, for this is something that cannot be assumed until you reach that point. And honestly, believing in heaven/hell, a simulation, or reincarnation seems less complex than just nothingness.

> And honestly, believing in heaven/hell, a simulation, or reincarnation seems less complex than just nothingness.
How comes? A brain that doesn't work/exist can't interpret signals hence there is lack of ... anything.

Now obviously one can assume that there is more to humans than their biology or that there is another plane of existence for intelligent life and whatever else, but every step from nothing requires a complex system on top of everything there is; even a somewhat intuitive idea like simulation just adds another level without providing why it'd be required.

So for life to have meaning it has to exist for an infinite duration? Anything less than immortality is pointless in your mind?

Look, life is meaningful because of what we do with it and the things we find value in. You don't need an immortal afterlife to make life meaningful.

Even if you only value your own pleasure, you still need to function in society in order to secure that pleasure (unless you're fine with living as a hermit).

You can at least get a beatdown for it.