>girls talks to me of her own accord
>give her a short reply and go back to browsing Jow Forums on my phone
>Keep thinking about how I showed that roastie, she only wanted male attention from me and I denied her
How do i stop being like this?
>girls talks to me of her own accord
>give her a short reply and go back to browsing Jow Forums on my phone
>Keep thinking about how I showed that roastie, she only wanted male attention from me and I denied her
How do i stop being like this?
>gave her an answer
>ha! Showed her!
Anyways, don‘t you have nobler ways to feel superior?
Post more Frederica
Femanon here. I browse the chans largely to understand young men more. I need to understand people in my line of work and it's very helpful.
I used to think many young men were just hateful, angry, reactionary little shits. Now I still think that haha, but I least I can see the varying motives and causes behind this, and the varying degrees of intensity.
I wonder if there's a way you could try to emphasize with women more? And no, raging while browsing Instagram thots doesn't count.
Honestly, there's not a huge difference in men and women. The venn diagram is largely overlap. If you really can't empathize from a logical or emotional perspective, therapy.
That particular roastie kept looking at me during class few months ago and I kept looking back at her. She would sometimes start conversations with me.
Then I realised she just wants male attention of any kind since she was talking to the class Chads all the time and I stopped aknowledging her existence.
>Honestly, there's not a huge difference in men and women.
She's talking to the Chads because they are charismatic, and humans like to be heard, respected, understood, and to laugh and enjoy themselves.
You're clearly not unattractive. You're just an asshole, and your lack of empathy and social awareness has been the social death of you. Scream bait all you want, but you clearly don't want to change.
I am unattractive though, I'm fat.
>lack of empathy and social awareness
Never learned these, 6 years as a shut-in does that. No chance to learn them at this age.
It's funny, you normies always talk about change and becoming more empathetic and whatnot, but you never say how. Because it was all automatic for you.
I hate the both of you so much
>never learned these
So you’re in no position to judge so ignorantly. You’re not a jaded adult you’re a child
I'm 26.
I might be a child mentally due to being a shut-in for many years, but everyone still expects me to magically start acting like an adult overnight because I decided to stop being a neet.
No fucktard. I was a fat awkward bullied kid, then spent a decade in hospital, effectively missing all of middle school, high school, and beginning of college age. Do you think I had friends? No at best I had some sick hospital roommate who would leave in a few weeks while I was stuck there, or else i was bedridden at home.
It's easy to say "wow normie you didn't even have to try". No I did. I brute forced it, went to therapy, acted like a cringey fuck in public but slowly I learned. I don't see any reason why you can't.
It’s a shit deal you’ve got but the only way to learn is to talk and get friendly with normalfags if you want to talk to them. Learn by exposure. And just be friends with the fucking girl in the OP. If you don’t expect sec don’t be bitter about not getting it and use it as a chance to socialize. Spending time here and letting this site corrupt your ideas isn’t good either
OP will never make it. A girl will talk to him at a party he'll get mad then she goes home with chad instead of her and he will again rage.
Again, you're not saying what you did. Just that you did something and you 'made it'. Good job.
How the fuck am I supossed to talk to normalfags? Not only am I inferior to them, I got nothing to talk about with them. The year in uni is almost over and I haven't made any friends.
Summer is about to be the usual shut-in neet business till next semester.
>Spending time here and letting this site corrupt your ideas isn’t good either
Too many years spent here, can't cut it out of my life now.
You lack confidence, so you make up these dumb games in your head to trick yourself into feeling better. You're writing a thread because you're still thinking about that situation and you think that you somehow showed her or something, but she forgot the whole thing within 10 minutes and doesn't give a shit.
You need to work on your self-esteem and you need to socialise. You can attempt increasing your self-esteem by doing something productive and becoming good at something, whether it's grades, job or a hobby like playing an instrument. Shitposting and binge-watching anime don't count, it needs to be an actual skill.
Find out what they’re into and learn about that shit and then talk to them about it. Normalfags love some nerdshit so learn about that nerdshit too. Use the summer to lose some weight, it’s not going to disappear overnight but it’ll be a start
Another normie that learned to socialise on autopilot.
I like cars. I'm generally informed on recent sportsball happenings. And of course the vast videogame, anime and internet knowledge.
I did have some smalltalk with some of the Chads and other normies about cars and sportsball sometimes, but I don't know how to approach them, since they talk about other things most of the time.
Ask to be their partner with an assignment or some shit, an excuse to be in proximity. Another thing is friends are made by chance. If you start hanging around places with people chances are you’ll find someone to click with and be friends. It’s a luck based game but if you want to win eventually you’ve got to play it and get used to big groups of people
And find out what other things they’re talking about. If it’s lime a party or some shit then I feel your pain but you’ve got to try anyway
Year is almost over. There was a group assignment few months ago, I got in the 'leftovers' group. I was too shy to communicate with them since the other 2 were girls so I just did the whole thing myself. Girl that talked to me today is in another class though.
People they know since they're all friends by now, stuff they did over the weekend, clubs they went to, where they going for summer, normie music stuff, etc.
The only person in the whole uni I can talk with for more than 2 minutes is the cringey autist that's so self-unaware he unironically uses videogame, anime and DnD terms in his speech. But noone cares and girls think it's 'cute' cause he's tall and goodlooking.
You’ve got to try talking to them even if you know you’re going to Sperg out. People who approach you I mean. Stop giving a shit if they judge you or not and try to enjoy their company. When talking to someone ask them questions. People like to talk about themselves and let you know about themselves, so that way you know a little about them and can talk to them about themselves. Not too much but it’s conversation nonetheless
And talk to that girl dude
People hardly ever approach me. I do try to put on my normie mask when I'm stuck with them in the elevator and whatnot.
Why would I give this roastie the attention she wants? She obviously didn't get much attention before and she became cute in uni and tries to get it now or something.
And if I talk to her I might start liking her, misunderstanding things, etc. I'm not gonna make that mistake, I know better than that.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This girl might be a chance to break you from this endless hell you’re in, but nobody can pull the trigger but you. Give it a shot, it’ll probably be better than being a neet right?
im a young man pls understand me
Just knock it off. Yes sometimes women are only looking for attention, but did it ever occur to you that maybe this one was interested in getting to know you, to find out if you're worth knowing? You're sealing your own fate. Get some exercise and sunlight, toughen up, and next time some girl tries talking to you, respond to her instead of assuming she's being a terrible person. It's really that simple.