Do people still give a fuck about Native Americans?

Do people still give a fuck about Native Americans?

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Ugh! No like Pale-Face, bad medicine!

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Only when it's politically convenient

I should hope so. I myself am a Native American. I was born in the USA, as well as my parents, grand parents, great-grand parents, and great-great-great parents. My ancestors on my Mother's side came over from Poland, and my ancestors on my Father's side came over from Ireland.

Yeah they are still on govn gibs. Monthly checks and reservations. I wonder when it will be ended

I'd say the English settlers are the real native Americans.

Natives in my state have had gambling rights for decades and they Are Rich as Fuck

No one likes prairie niggers.

Based Nippon Bro!

Can't real call them Native Americans as they showed no real effort to forming America. They were merely tribes of barbarians slaying each other.

The conquest of North America was centuries ago, the indigenous people were utterly conquered, dominated and displaced. There is absolutely nothing that can ever be done about it. There's always a sense of sadness when unique cultures fade into history, but Native peoples need to just assimilate and move forward. It cannot be undone. Hopelessly hanging on to some mythical past is why so many generations of Natives are so lost and bitter. Many feel just getting on with assimilation is defeat, but the defeat came centuries ago, you're just dragging it out needlessly. They would be so much better off just letting go.

Their called american asiatics

what do you mean by "still"

>giving a fuck about people who don’t give a fuck about themselves
They get free everything and most still never manage to read a book.

they don't give a fuck about themselves. At least not around these parts.

Playing the victim to support your crippling alcoholism without working is easier for them. Some make bank off of gambling but most are just impoverished drug/alcohol addicts. I agree they should just assimilate

I don't.

the natives of this continent are just one of history's countless examples of the dangers of mass migration.

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Guy looks mexican to me .

literally who?

In my my city the Natives make up a significant part of the population and the vast majority of them are ultra prairie-niggers. They are all on multiple gibs programs where the government cucks throw massive amounts of money at them all of which goes to meth, alcohol, and weed. There used to be parts of the city you just didn't go to at night because the natives were all so scary and taken seriously 20 years ago now everyone knows they are drunk and stoned out of their minds 247 so they're impossible to take seriously and those neighborhoods are starting to look like pix from Africa. Fuck them if they go extinct they did it to themselves (just like the west, whites, etc)

They bitch and complain and moan about everything
Yet they live in squalor because it's their own doing, and they don't do anything about it except for blame whitey
The whole "muh land" shit is tiring, our fed government offered them in the late 19th century massive amounts of land to farm out west, and they denied it. Their fault on that one.


literally who