>Hated state control
>Owned a private army
>Fought back against the state only when the NAP was violated against him
>Sought to free people from state control
Prove me wrong Jow Forums!
>Hated state control
>Owned a private army
>Fought back against the state only when the NAP was violated against him
>Sought to free people from state control
Prove me wrong Jow Forums!
Fucking right he was. If my neighbors cat is trespassing on my property I should be able to bash it's head in with a hammer. My property is my fucking castle.
Hes a Trump boi now. He isnt interested in your meme govt to legally trade heroin for children.
He was secretly working for The Patriots too and double crossed them to bring them down sooo...
>dont you get it Snake?! I equipped Metal Gear Rex with an N-bomb. Metal Gear is gonna say the n-word!
I doubt it
The N-word!?
>n-bomb huh, you dont mean...
before anyone else does
>snake. this is mcdonnel miller. dont worry too much about metal gear saying the n word, the darpa chief signed the n word pass this morning
pshhh, thats nothing. check this out
>snake, remember what Confuscious say. aroundu bracku, never reraxu
Here's the thing nobody ever realizes, too: Ocelot fucking won. He outsmarted fucking everyone else. He played the bad guy, knowing it would be his end, to free the whole fucking world. Ocelot is the hero of 4, snake is just playing his role. The protagonist OF THE ENTIRE SERIES is Ocelot.
Based and redpilled
>plot twist
Was he AnCap as well?
Nah, Armstrong wanted to create a new state, Ocelot wanted to eliminate the concept entirely
He's also been inside another man, that's something you ancap faggots can relate to as well.
pic related was more /ourguy/
snake has always been a useful idiot for the patriots
A notable sacrifice to bring down the state
mgs had one of the greatest speeches in vidya
so many good redpilled quotes in here:
>some men just need killing
Sad truth
where real men cried