Did he predict our future?

Is this an accurate description of our near future to come?
> technology has become so cheap and ubiquitous due to technological acceleration
> as a result advanced technology exist everywhere, in everything ( I'm thinking similar to internet of things)
> body augmentation with technology isn't any longer confined to taking place in a lab, it has spread to the rest of society via the black market with no regulations.
> The procedure known as jacking in to the internet is equivalent of taking heavy drugs, people are so addicted to it that they surrender all their freedom for it.
> people are addicted to technology similar to how addicted we are to the internet and smart phones today, people literally feel anxious if they forget their phone at home
> pollution has completely destroyed the environment and the sky( the sky resembled something on television set tuned to a dead channel)
> mega corporations rule the world with draconian measures, competing with each other, hiring hackers to steal other corporations data

Unregulated capitalism which is the result of neoliberal politics only seem to perpetuate this dog eat dog world, it seeks to take over as the global hegemonic system all in the name of a everlasting progress, technological advancement is a means to an end even if those means ends up being disastrous. We are already seeing the effects of it today, giant tech monopolies that governments are in bed with, the creation of a super rich oligarch class with the power to undermine our democracy, people spending more time online, the disintegration of social values etc.

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Post your real flag faggot

Every time something appears to "come true" in pop culture it is because the braintrust trying to steer us is so inept that they can only follow concepts that are 40 years expired.

Snow Crash was a bit more prescient IMO, but generally yeah those guys were spot on

You do realize that what was once considered science fiction has become a reality, this book first created the concept of an internet and a decade later the WWW was created. This book even described how people similarly use technology today and our tech obsessed culture, so I'd say it still holds.

No because no one is trying to become a wasp

>muh tricorder

And we jumped from the 18th century to the 20th in 100 years without the aid of some faggot and his book. Be white.

I need to reread it. It's been 15 years since I read Gibson. Never read his sequels either.

sort of....everything he predicted that was bad came true: mutlicultural mud, corporations and the rich run everything, rampant crime, loss of god and humanity"
but everthing cool he predicted didn't come true: case-like hackers, razor girls, space stations, god like AIs

>Tech advancement has slowed massively since the 90s.
>Resource scarcity prevents a nanotechnology revolution.
>People are getting dumber due to dysgenic breeding.
>Corporate leaders are just as dumb as public leaders and companies are dropping like flies.
The future will be stagnation and unbelievable levels of correction to sustainable living along with necessary eugenic breeding to help societies eventually transcend the plateau and get into extra-planetary colonization.

Which basically means the "lived in" universe plebs so desperately desire and we have obtained is nothing more than the shit our great x50 grandpas warned us about millennia ago. All the technology offers is generations of twitter and mangled manginas.

>(the sky resembled something on television set tuned to a dead channel)
so bright blue with NO SIGNAL flashing?

Gibson predicted an enormous number of things in his first trilogy, and a lot of things ended up not happening too

If you keep reading his work forward from that point, you'll see he gets a lot closer each time, and each one tends to examine different aspects of changing technological trends and their impact on society. The bridge trilogy is very good for this reason. His recent book Peripheral is not my favorite but might be his most plausible vision of the future yet.

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full dive VR isnt real yet
there is no (known) "virus" that kills your nervous system using the internet (CIA fags with the electronic mind control shit, shut the fuck up for a moment, im not talking about you)
cybernetics are now real true, but not full body weaponized custom mods like the assassin chick
mega corps...on the way

we are 7/10ths on the way to cyberpunk dystopia.

get an audiobook (and learn how to hack while you listen), welcome to the future.

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>zoomers never saw analog tv

>sòy flag
>sòy post

One of the saddest things I've seen in my life is William Gibson - the man who introduced me to things like Zero Hedge years ago, made me question everything media, governments and corporations said, and wrote multiple novels about labyrinthine conspiracies against the common man - become yet another aged ORANGE MAN BAD Twitter blue checkmark boomer. What a pitiful slide into irrelevance.

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Yeah I know that feel dude. Nine out of ten people I looked up to as a kid - all of them lucid, critical minds - it's like they just had a switch flipped in their brain. Hard blackpill.

All I can do is read his old stuff and remember the person he was back then. But if he, and others, don't feel like it's worth it to buck the social pressure, what the fuck is the point

AKA kill african genes.

I just checked his Twitter. It's worse than ever. Every tweet is something to do with DRUMPF, RELEASE MUELLER REPORT, IMBEACH, etc. Retweeting Alexandria Ossified-Cortex. It's like he's inadvertently trying to make his writings a reality.

fucking shit it's worse than i expected

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sensenet stims were teh drug of the plebs.

case was a cowboy, those guys were adrenaline junkies from hell.
the 3 sprawl books are the best, then the bridge trillogy. never read the last series he wrote.
he's always been a chickenshit cuck draftdodger coward. he talks a good game but he's just as fucking yellow as the vancouver chinese.
he has his head wedged firmly up his ass