Im so bored and theres no happenings going on that interest me. What other sites does Jow Forums use to pass the time...

Im so bored and theres no happenings going on that interest me. What other sites does Jow Forums use to pass the time, pls help

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Other urls found in this thread:


but really everything on the net is trash
all media is kiked
invest in yourself
exercise daily
build something
create something
learn something

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Lots of good stuff to dick around with there.

gee I wonder if this recently declassified book from the 60's has to do with Trump's latest executive order

Make your own happenings, then we all win.

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Used to play this with other Jow Forumsacks with a Jow Forums wordlist but the user that started it stopped making threads.

I miss the risk threads. Those were a lot of fun.

Risk threads?

Yeah, we used to play risk here. Then the mods made Jow Forums which no one visits and started moving the threads. Kind of died off. It was a lot of fun though.

I play poker.

it helps to develop a lot of interests so you're not relying too much on any one pie

Damn, sounds like fun.

There are no others.
bestgore and zerohedge... maybe takimag and lewrockwell...
kiwifarms has some funny threads
the cringe on reddit can be funny, like r/transpassing or r/transtimelines

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It was pretty fun

granny porn works well for people like me

Mods are possessed by demons

I think they were doing it to drive people to the new board. It really flopped hard.

I just wanna die

I honestly can't even remember how those posts went. did they just say


did they say anything else? god damn my memory is bad. It wasn't even that long ago.

Brave AND powerful. Not to mention stunning and beautiful.

At least livestream it so we have something to do.

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This OP, the second part.
Lurking webpages for content expecting it to keep you entertained is a poor lifestyle. You have to intake content you are looking for that advances your purposes. Life is the ultimate RPG and most people are too scared to experience pain or failure or pushing their limits to really play. Start scheduling your time and having clear, realistic, and time oriented goals and you will dominate your existence. You will never look back on a life limited by how many miles of other people’s bullshit you can scroll through. You can do it, OP, you just have to try

>Lurking webpages for content expecting it to keep you entertained is a poor lifestyle.

It's also the very definition of a NPC.

either this

or i go into the woods and practice with my bow and hunting slingshot