How do i look more manly

how do i look more manly

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Work out, if you’re a guy.

Grow a penis, if you’re a girl.

Cut that hair, eat some meat, do pushups, pull ups. Take your vitamins, sleep 8 hours, drink water. Get sun. Pic is dark but are those skinny jeans? Good lord ditch those faggot pants. That's most of it.

That coat is too big for you, you look like a child

I agree alot with the second comment my man, drop the longer hair, workout, sleep, drink water, wear tshirts and baseball caps( I know that sounds dumb as hell) and definitely stay away from skinny Jean's bruther should atleast help, good luck man

alright noted but are any of you women

Just be you and don't let you your mom dress you. Dump the skinny jeans.

Ask yourself what you mean by "manly" and why you are doing this? Are you trying to just pick up chicks and get laid? If this is the case, you have to know your location and target audience. Going the jeans and a t shirt muscular working man type manly will work in some areas, but, in many big cities with the modern day hipster type chicks, the skinny jeans and slightly effeminate thing will get you drowning in artsy liberal poontang. Are you trying to appeal to women or other men? Lots of guys will give you shit if you don't fit their own macho vibe but remember that there are dudes like Morrissey who would have women lined up to ride and suck him dry FFS. It just depends on your motives and what you are going for.

You look great why do you want to change

idk what type of woman im going for - any one will do... im just worried the reason im a virgin is cause i look too effeminate

No I am a straight man lol, BUT since I've started working out, living and eating healthy, woman are much more attracted to me and I have alot more confidence to talk to them, also the long comment above is a good comment

It's about having confidence in yourself and an attitude of not giving a fuck that's really all that matters.

Get tighter pants. The male body is beautiful and the most beautiful thing in the world is the penis. I love to see a good bulge on a big strong man. So get those tight pants and show off the outline of that male physique, and a tight bulge.

I'm straight by the way.

This, you're cute af OP

Just go for cute hipster girls

are either of you women

No, I'm a straight man.

Not a woman but I am a man who has no problem getting laid so consider my advice.

I'm legit femanon. Where I live, young dudes who dress like has always have a way hotter girl with them haha

To continue on with this as probably the only girl here lmao, yes you could get built (and probably on your frame you would get defined super easily). Everyone, men and women, look better when fit.
You're never gonna be Joe Rogan big so with the way you look I think dressing like a hot/cute/comfy hipster boy is a good angle. Just top it off with standard manly charisma, cool confidence and authenticity, good music taste and maybe a creative hobby (photography?) and bam.

Then just go to cheap, weird, small time local concerts alone or with a wingman, and flirt with some girls.

Fuck all this. You need to take a lot of space. Feet shoulder width or greater apart. Shoulders back, chin up. Arms out. All that shit. Dig the tabi shoes.

So you can score manly men you like other manly men and you can hopefully catch them when their drunk?
Nah. Fuck off buddy.

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work out and be all sweaty and shit with no shirt and hair

Did you cut your hair user? Looks good, better than the carrot top style you had before