Can you imagine if a politician dressed like this today? They would be laughed off the international stage. lel

Can you imagine if a politician dressed like this today? They would be laughed off the international stage. lel

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Okay, that doesn't say much though...Everyone wears suits.

who is this Rothschild?

He looks like a larping general with his phony hat and weird accessories or something lololol like a gi joe or something

They do dress like that, fuck face.
Every politician owns a 2 piece suit that’s worth more than your entire tuition.

well obviously in this world they would be laughed off if they were wearing swastikas and Nazi symbols. they would also be fucking outcasted.

Kikes aren’t known for their fashion sense. Fucking Shitler lmao

He was a veteran. Why can't he wear military-style uniform? Why can't anyone?

and that's a good thing!

You do realize Hitler was a WW1 veteran right?

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This is aesthetic and kino you are a fag and flaglet

He was Lance Corporal during WW1. What the fuck you talking about.



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Even my gf thinks the Nazis had the most stylish uniforms

>weird accessories
You mean medals?
You mean the medals he was awarded from first world war?

Yeah, what a LARPer.

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well considering he was like 30-40s during ww2 he couldn't have been

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Hitler wasn't a politician. He was a leader.

Funfact: Hugo Boss helped design and produce uniforms for the Nazi's.

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I miss him jewbro

Yes like we haven't heard this before for the 1000th time (Hardly an unknown "fun fact" at this point). This is also not true. Hugo Boss did not design anything of the Nazis. He simply PRODUCED in his factories some of the SS uniforms.

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Faggots like you are the ones shitting up the board with your idiocy. Maybe consider going back to plebbit

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Hitler was based I wish politicians today still dressed like military generals.

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Different times.

Different styles.

Simple as fuck.

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Not to attack but you are glowing so hard actually retarded or trolling

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England would welcome him now.

I miss him so fucking much lads

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Today politicians dress like businessmen in suits because they are busy selling your country to jews

Unironically based Jew

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he looks really cool here

all 4 are retards

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>When the kike shill fails to mock Christ he turns to mock Hitler.
Why are you kikes so predictable.

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Unpozzed leaf

dumb christcuck and your deconstructed ramblings. every time i go to library or bookstore i always make an effort to put bibles and shiet in the fantasy section! LOOOL EPIC TROLL

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Who cares what you think, faggot?

This is a good picture. Hitler would only wear medals he was actually awarded for being in the war

Seething or drunk, either way a buttblasted kike.
I take it it has dawned on your circles that your time is up.

fucking idiot!!! suck my dick!!!

ah the notorious xbox footage

Right. I despise the fucking guy but he was a twice wounded, decorated combat veteran.

Your suffering almost touched me.

God dammit, the black just looks bad ass!!

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Let's face it folks, we memed the downfall of the worst parasite in History, in less than 5 years, and for FREE as a hobby.

And that's a good thing!

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There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.

saved user

> implying he always dressed like that


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what are they even wearing???

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Ghadaffi....shame hes gone, was gonna lift the african continent to a whole new level

>Wilhelm the second
Now that guy was a cosplayer

Mosley was a lot more stylish

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Naval uniform

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Only the first one is. Now go play in traffic memeflaggot

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Winter field wear

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Boring attempt

OP needs to go back to plebbit. He’s not comfortable here.

Are you telling me styles change?

A rare Pokemon!?

The same goes if a king from the 1600s dressed as a politician from today.