I don't think it can be explained like that, only learned.
When people told me "Be yourself", "Be confident", "Don't be needy", "Stop giving so much of a shit" etc. etc. I would PULL MY HAIR out in despair trying to comprehend all the things thrown at me.
Understanding women is not so simple, but it CAN be understood.
You need to become a man basically. Not even memeing, but you were likely raised wrong.
You can undo this and become an attractive man.
Expect 1-2 years if you keep at it.
Start by reading the following books:
>Models by Mark Manson
Start with this, it's a bit of a softer transition, cause honestly, Manson is a bit of a sap, but genuinely good advice aside from that.
>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
Careful with this one, don't go full MGTOW when you read it.
A lot of it might sound absurd, chauvinistic and contrived, but aside from some bullshit, it mostly holds true. Again, careful not to turn bitter from hearing that stuff, just read it cover to cover and internalize what is said. You don't have to subscribe to every word, but you do have to know the contents. You could learn this stuff from other sources, but I liked this one the best, almost BECAUSE it's so harsh.
Having the principles from both of these in the back of your mind almost makes you a bit more attractive all on it's own.
Weird how that works.
There are some channels on youtube, mostly PUA stuff, that has some basic, but genuinely good advice, if you filter out all the sleazy, chauvinistic pick up stuff.
Of course also get your style in order, work out, wash up, get a job, move into your own place etc. etc.
Just read these books and observe social interactions to get you started. But you will have to learn by DOING stuff and taking action.