Bugs contain dried shit since they arent exactly big enough to gut

The Canadian state media are therefore promoting eating Bugs and eating Bug Shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The government is full of scat fetishists, confirmed.

they promote eating ass in sex ed too

Things that the elite want normalized:
- Goys eating bugs
- Goys eating plant meat replacement
- Goys never eating meat again after skyrocketting the prices
- Goys eating each other in the form of onions green




i saw canadians defending eating bugs and promoting it in these threads all last night. i no longer believe they are NOT bots.

Bots are everywhere trying to shape peoples perceptions. It's crimes against humanity.

1 ant weighs 1mg. So to consume 100g would mean eating 100,000 ants and you still wouldn't be getting as much protein as you would from a quarter pound of ground beef.

A grasshopper weighs 0.5g. You'd need to eat 200 grasshoppers.

A cricket weighs 0.25. You'd need to eat 400 crickets.

Truly a clown world.

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y-you don't eat them one by one


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>Cost of meat sky rocketing
>Lefties want to ban farming because "Muh Climate Change"
>Goys just eat bugs or become vegans.


what about in canada - where everything is rationed

the bugmen must eat their own kind, now.

Wasn't cooking meat a huge evolutionary step, and allowed our brains to grow bigger?
Wouldn't cutting this out of our diets, lead to devolution? The most intelligent animals in nature are carnivores.

in canada you mix the ants with dog semen to create an antmeal to consume

>capitalism bad

Attached: IMG_1485.jpg (600x900, 148K)

so? bug shit is mostly water and sugar

>p-protein is protein
>Your stomach can't tell the diff!

Attached: i like them now wtf.jpg (485x452, 50K)

>weird hippy shit
noone's surprised.

It's ok
You can laugh as these vegans die from malnutrition as they can't afford expensive mineral tablets. And if you knew how these (((health))) tablets are made you'd never fucking eat one.

A cricket smoothie with plant milk sounds quite appetising.

I'd eat anything to survive eating bugs now could get me used to it when the collapse happens fully

The whole thing is a "ethical food" gimmick, whoever thought to do this is laughing somewhere.

>when your micromanaging government regulates everything to the point of creating a market for pigeon shit milkshakes
it's all a matter of time

you're in luck, the latest Vancouver fad is rectal arthropod coffee smoothie enemas.

Just like in Camp X-ray in Cuba.

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Do tell?

Not me. I'm full of dread at the disgusting turn we are taking. Even worse I live in BC.

saved and spot on image

I'm very curious to know how many people have been so demoralized that they'll eat bugs over meat.

check out the doses in canadian vitamins. it's all like 10x what we have in our supplements.

I was like WTF! when i first found that out

coast cricket bars don't even seem too bad crickets are better then what they put in chips and monster ultras

>crickets are better then what they put in chips and monster ultras

a canadian

Attached: yum.jpg (485x452, 49K)

USA sells higher doses and 1/10th price and better quality than Canada

Inb4 a chink or gook tells us to stop appropriating their culture.

they should be pushing increased consumption of rabbits

canadian doses of vitamins are classed as toxic levels. you arent allowed to sell them in stores in the UK, you'd be done for attemtped homicide.

The objectively best source of protein to low calories I'm aware of is blood, the most common of which is pig's blood. 1.73 ounces for 9 grams. The simple fact of the matter is, people don't actually care about nutrition. Less than 1% of people get their daily recommends, and even less so just from food without pills. That said, you can near completely sustain a human body on nothing but unprocessed oats and milk and have a better diet than practically everyone else alive because those are very comprehensive foods.

i can drink a litre of milk in 10 seconds without barfing

I'm sure your mother is very proud of you. Now imagine if that was pig's blood. Rather than roughly 32 grams of protein you'd be getting 175.9.

i prefer my blood in sausages.

It loses a significant amount of nutrition comparatively.

probably crickets are all they can afford.

Rabbi Warns Locust-eaters: Insects May Not Be Kosher


soon home crickets farms will be the only way they get any protein. all the escapes form the small farms will trigger a plague though statistically speaking sometime before 2022, according to known rates of escape and estimated projected farm counts

>drinking pigs blood
Fuck that sounds metal as fuck

I eat 500 to 1k calories a day and under 30 carbs. I'm trying to lose about 100lb. I eat only the highest quality meats and veggies and Trudeau can go fuck himself if he or anyone thinks ill switch to eating bugs.

>I eat 500 to 1k calories a day and under 30 carbs.

in canada 780 calories costs $10.

more than 1 cent per calorie. I have no doubt you will lose weight in the future.

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Yeah the prices are kind of an incentive to lose weight.

that's one way to spin it.

in reality you dont have a fucking choice. you better figure out what crimes are OKAY by your conscience.

Well I could afford to spend more money on food, so I do have a choice. But I've been depressed and let my health and weight go to shit. It's just another check in the boxes for getting healthy. The prices are total bullshit, don't get me wrong.

If Crickets and Bugs were by any means good you would see them served at high end restaurants. Based on googling only a few minor places sell it.

When fags try to sell you on this bug meme every now and then point this out to them.

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enjoy your cricket bars, but I think I'm gonna keep eating hamburgers and hotdogs.

lucky you

Don't restrict calories every day. your body will shut down shit to maintain balance.
Eat normal calories for some days, and other days eat nothing at all.
Your body will step down body mass but maintain metabolism.

>Wasn't cooking meat a huge evolutionary step, and allowed our brains to grow bigger?
no, that's nonsense fanfiction narrative
how the fuck does burning things make your brain bigger?
Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, most of the most intelligent people in the world eat a shit-ton of raw meat

I'm very bad at half measures. If I don't stick to a strict regimen I easily lose my way. I understand what you mean though, I'll try to add some caloric variations. Maybe a few cheese sticks or something a few times a week.

Don't you realise that you eat shit literally every day?

All mass produced food has an accepted amount of fecal matter present, from rodent feces to insects all of it gets grinded up into the mix and is impossible to prevent.

assuming everyone eats the processed shit you eat

Well its not just processed food but fresh meat and bread and all kinds of things.

and none of it will a deer you slaughtered have

there is a difference between passive shit eating and eating dried bug shit and bugs on purpose.

it's no wonder china stopped buying canola from canada, given their lax attitude about bugs, it's like yours.

I don't think most people here slaughter their own deer.

And that is why our society were so rotten
they don't take responsibility for their living, and the one that do have malicious intents over them.
Britain is suffering, but this is God's punishment.
You bombed German churches and children, and we had to apologize for that. You stole what was left of the Churches. But God you can not fool.
You are shieldy for your forebears deeds

i bet you eat ass

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>talking abotu bug shit in food
>German starts going on about muh dresden
Only on Jow Forums

>Confederate meme flag

you have no problem eatIng bugs and bug shit I KNOW YOU EAT ASS

Canada is the greatest country in the world and everybody who hates Canada on /Pol is either a shill or a mutt.

deal with it you cucks lol your probably just mad because were so much better at posting then you lmao

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I know for a fact you have literally eaten shit. I just don't act all high and mighty about it.

You pay fifty dollers for a beef... You are mentally ill mate

how much is one beef?

I think he means meat in general, but phrased it as 'cooking' meat instead of 'eating' meat.

No, that can't be, simply because humans are flesh-eating deer


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t. butthurt third worlder who thinks 42$ is alot of money

i didnt see you disagree

I've never seen a stake that expensive out side of a fancy resterant but i can still adford it when i do lol/

whats it like being por?

>I've never seen a stake that expensive out side of a fancy resterant
the average canadian negatively hallucinates the steak out of their grocery store to prevent being traumatized.

Attached: $33 a kilo.jpg (2160x2880, 1.9M)

canada loonie no longer pegged to mcnuggets

it now costs more than $1 after tax per nugget

Attached: canada loonie pegged to mcnuggets.jpg (645x291, 88K)

lol weve all seen the pictures of you muttoid it's very apparent you're coping with being a bankrupt mexican

I wonder what the long term effects on your brain and body are when you don't receive the vitamins and acids only found in meat?
Mentally ill Basedboi and Bugmen? This is a lobotomy that is self inflicted due to market manipulation. Why steal when you can devalue currency? Why lobotomize people when you can manipulate brain chemistry by diet.

It also makes women infertile and guess which demographic this diet trend is being directed toward and primarily practiced by.


remember how the soviets used to arrange their food in neat stacks, patterns and arrays since they only a had a few things?

From Canada: I give you, The Pork Flower

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That is fucking disgusting to be honest with you.
Damn that's one sparse window though. Fuck this is a glimpse of the future catching up with the whole of the west.

Eating meat, yes, provided our ancestors with a surplus of energy that didn't limit the growth of the brain. If a mutation is beneficial but costly in terms of energy, it won't be passed along unless the individual has the means to acquire said energy.

That said, it's completely wrong to think that about today, because we can substitute meat for a number of other things. As long as the calories and nutritional requirements are met, there's no need for meat. This is easily done because the modern lifestyle creates a massive surplus through farming and industry. Think of how having down syndrome is extremely bad for us as a species, yet people that have it can exist because of the support that the modern society affords them.

For argument's sake, let's include the possibility that food is scarce/costly. Does that mean that we would necessarily "devolve"?
No. If we are back in a survival world (mad max), although the brain is expensive, it's also a great survival tool. For the brain to "devolve", that is, a drop in IQ as a species, individuals with higher IQ would have to have a great disadvantage in such a world, therefore dying and eliminating themselves from the gene pool. My personal opinion is that the benefits of higher intelligence would be greater than the cost of the brain.

Also, I put "devolve" in quotes because the idea is based on a flawed understanding of evolution. You are thinking evolution like a ladder, with the brain (or intelligence, or us) on top, as a goal. There's no such thing - the species is evolving if it's adapting to its environment. Thus an earthworm is just as evolved as us, because it is adapted to its environment.

The Canadian economy is run in a self-replicating shit loop the main industries are construction banks and insurance. So what happens is the Canadian state needs to ship in like 1.3 million warm bodies a year to keep the loop going, the new shitty migrants arrive and they get their shitty state benefits however, the migrants are also required to rent some shitty apartment or take out a mortgage which the banks will provide and the construction industry gets more supply of migrants and more projects and more expansion the migrants are then required to get their shitty telecom and isnurance subscription the telecoms and insurance will take full advantage of the limited knowledge of English and saddle the migrant with the shittiest options thusly you have an entirely newly minted paypig who owns nothing who is forced into debt slavery and shitty jobs and who will get fleeced by the banks telecoms and insurance in perpetuity

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construction banker here ama

canadians are at their thermodynamic limit they cant be more environmentally efficient without being smaller.

if they are colder they need to eat more, if warmer they eat less. gaining weight is now costly not something accidental. it's the laffer curve of revolution.

>because we can substitute meat for a number of other things
We can not, retard
Most vitamins are only found in meat
There is no Vitamin A, B12 in any plants
Most other vitamins are severely lacking in Fruits and Vegetables
Eating fruits gives you diabetes and rots your teeth with little to no nutritional values
Eating vegetables poisons your liver, gives you constipation, damages your internal organs, gives you alzheimers etc.
Lack of fat is associated with Schizophrenia
Lack of Cholestoryl is associated with heart disease, as well as Glucose Poisoning#
Plant based diets malnutrition your body, weaken your mind, lower your fertility. Plants are not food fit for human consumption, in most societies eating vegetables is frowned upon.

Funny how pol was all for this a decade ago to escape horomones, then reddit came

t. armchair economists

canada is fine. worry about your genetics

tfw all the 'small scale home farms' cumulative escapes triggers a famine as a plague of shitsects devour everything sometime in the next two years

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fruit, vegetables, and meat are all good. in balanced proportions.
your gut is an ecosystem of symbiotic life forms when balanced properly. the symbiotic relationship can be pushed into harmful territory when disrupted. fat is a superior energy source to carbohydrates.

>pic related
2 slices of ham, $2
>$1 for a small slice of ham

Attached: hamdeau.jpg (823x1268, 385K)

I saw a dead bug in my dogs water bowl a few days back, there was a fucking white worm thing coming out of its ass kind of like in this video but on a smaller scale


In canada, you can put 'product of canada' on a package if >50% of costs were spent in Canada, ie marketing, labour, operating expenses etc. So what Canadian food companies do is buy polluted Vietnamese fish and put them in fish sticks, and they can legally put 'PRODUCT OF CANADA' on the box to make consumers think they were eating Canadian fish.

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>We can not, retard
of course, and easily.
I do. For years. If what you said is true how do I even live. I can still do sports as well. I live off of pasta, milk and bread. I don't even eat vegetables and fruit.

People laboured hard off of bread alone too. How you explain that with your pseudo science crap.

Truth of the matter is not eating meat is absolutely easy and almost inconsequential to your organism. You have plenty of other stuff to eat.

we have no guarantee canadian bugs are even canadian.

That Canadian Organic Shit circumfused by organic free range cricket thoraxae might be from asia

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Post the insect prices and there will be an end to the horror!

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