Reading Keynesian economics

>reading Keynesian economics
>"When wages become low, people will work less"

Does anyone take this garbage seriously?

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Sounds logical to me.

you telling me that you'd give the same amount of effort to a six figure jobs as you would a minimum wage job?

I'm only working if a fuck tent is a given

But the opposite is true
If your wages are low, you will work more to able to pay rent and food
If your wage is high, you will work less, because less work can support your standard of living

You give the same amount of effort. It's about parenting, and the culture of responsibility
Good people work honestly as street sweepers and bad people laze off even in 6 figure salary jobs. America is the proof of that

Keynesian models barely work on short term, let alone in mid and long term.
Remember that the depression was won when the US started the ww2 war machine.

It means people will exit/avoid employment as it's not seen as viable to supporting oneself, not that the workers will cut down on hours.

Maybe he understands it as time that's been spent working instead of productivity.

Yes, the book describes it as time spent working

Wouldn't it make sense to you then? See:

brainlet detected - why would you bother reading this garbage?

Its popular because it gives the government a cover to grow their power and influence. They hand picked what ever system gave them power, and then that in turn raised the "credibility" of it. Rinse and repeat for 80 years.

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Lots of Jews behind him

mfw reading Austrian Economics

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no because the disutility of work effort/marginal productivity of labor still exists and will be satisfied based on the individuals utility curve.

six figure job people do very little actual work.
they are surrounded by flunkies who pass the work down to the actual workers.

Its crazy how intuitive and simple it is.

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not as stupid as (((randian))) economics

People act according to their preferences.

What is randian economics? What are her economic opinions?

the current state of america? lol.

who cares? economists know nothing anyway

get me UBI now

economics was overtaken by jews on all sides, it's a shit show. National socialism is the only way forward.

>If your wages are low, you will work more to able to pay rent and food
I took it to mean if you are paid poorly you won't work as hard.

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No, even left wing economists promote "not" Keynesianism. Unfortunately, so do "right" wing economists

>If your wage is high, you will work less, because less work can support your standard of living
If your wage is high, the prices are high, so you will work the same.

And if there's other means to live, such as social services or crime people will do those instead of working for poor pay

>Does anyone take this garbage seriously?

No. All economics is expedience.
What do they want to do anyway?

wage i assume being defined as the payment for labor, which should include salaries bro.

>when workers can't get by working they don't want to bother with the rat race

Have you ever worked a day in your life?