100% pure anglo genes

100% pure anglo genes

Attached: typical english woman.jpg (1000x726, 131K)

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Niggas be blacked than poop.

Bong hate thread? Bong hate thread.

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I hate the bong so goddamn much.

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That may be the most hideous woman I've ever seen.

Imagine pumping a hot load all over those.

arent all the english-speaking countries english-descended though


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Imagine being that desperate.

There’s not enough zinc you could eat.

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>typical bong woman

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>typical bong woman

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she has good taste in beer atleast

Anons keep pushing this symbol in threads.
>what did they mean by this?

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That’s an English anal bead. The creature holds it down to symbolize how the people need to deny their hungry asses.

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>it was amerisharts that fought against us
Stop sucking yourself off, faggot.

They don’t care; she’s white.

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There's a reason why Jews are drawn to America, our country was created off the back of jewing France into fighting you for our independence and getting nothing in return.

>Hating fellow white country when both our lands are being invaded
What sort of nigger mindset is this? Banter is one thing but goddamn dude.

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You get to have some royal MUTTS soon, too. Joy.

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>100% pure nigger genes

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so is this a*glo female or male?


Because they should be ridiculed until they find a crowbar and pry the cock out of their mouths.

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100% son of bolton
Radcliffe Rd, Bolton BL2 1NU, UK

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This. However it's worth noting that the west, being decadent and also having incredible levels of medical technology and extensive social welfare programs, has permitted an ever increasing number of low-value, defective, broken people to live and thrive. Perhaps in harder times, these "people of wallmart" would have been weeded out naturally, rather than clogging up our institutions.

Last one. Bedtime

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Blonde hair, blue eyed Prussian Saxon master race, checking in.

we're not turning our back on white people. no matter what you think we will feel ashamed of.

whites never needed anyone else, everyone else needs us

if it's white it's right.

get the fuck out of our lands.

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You can tell that ancient Briton males valued giant tits over an attractive face. I'd imagine this is because the face can be ignored after a few pints.

Another brain-dead hipster

It takes a lot of courage for her to go out.

Jesus, you are kidding me.

also, i'm part irish, so possible anglo.

so much master race it's hard to handle

wouldn't have it any other way

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I always thank British women for making it so Irish women are not the most revolting women in the world. Seriously, these rice-dimpled flabtitted rhinos stride confidently through England's Muslim infested streets wearing tight thongs, carrying themselves like they are filming a Maybelline ad but to all observers appearing like a large leg of ham wrapped in baling twine, with cleavage that looks like Simon Weston's face. These sardine-encrusted vagina harpies watch Loose Women, Emmerdale, X-Factor and Jeremy Kyle all day in their pink pyjamas, using the stubbly head of their illegitimate African halfbreed son called 'Tyson' or 'Reese' to scratch their itchy raw pubes, while they let out oohs and aahs at the sight of new adverts for washing powder. "OOH that'd be the right thing get those cumstains out of me black dress, I FUCKIN TELL THEE OUR KID." They collect chav sprogs like some people used to collect model cars. These vicious, plump-faced dimwits think that a night drinking copious amounts of alcoholic syrup before being thrown out of multiple establishments for trying to dance on the tables, because a table put together by Thomas Chippendale himself could not bear the weight of one of these shrieking, moon-faced Miss-piggy lookalikes dancing to Beyoncé while trying not to drop their cheap knockoff handbag, which will come in handy later to vomit in as they fall in and out of doorways on the way home, balancing the acts of eating greasy kebabs and releasing torrents of steaming, putrid piss all over the streets, giggling and laughing about the size of black men's cocks, is the height of culture.

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Who's the 8/10 thot OP! Shit she's even got an nogbu shirt on too.

Top kek, furthest left looks like the puft man.

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And she still burning the coal! Lesson not learned anons..

>Part irish
>Master race
The eternal mutt strikes once again.

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wow Arya Stark has really grown up

check these ones out, bro, its even better.

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scousers are more irish than english. It's irish genes that are responsible for this thing.

lmao i call dibs on babyface

and snipped to, right? *wink wink*

>master goy race

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As a German living here people always ask me what I miss most about Germany. I always want to answer "attractive women" but then I usually just say good bread and leave it at that. Seriously though the island genetics (particularly of the working class people) are hilarious.

>opposing an entire ethnic grouping based on the colour of their skin
>opposing a religion that worships a degenerate criminal pedophile
... what the actual fuck is wrong with the left?

But German girls look like horses, though u r right, not as ugly as Brits.

It must be a genetic preference. I like long face with defined features. Everything is so round on British women: their head shape, face, noses eyes and bodys. It's so fucking gross.

reminder these girls think they're 7/10+

Why is this amarimutt woman walking around chinatown in the UK. God I love globalism...

It's all in the tits, it's all in the tits.

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Sad face

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Yeah, but she's collecting tits in the tits, mate.
She don't need that many tits.

The one in pink always gets me. Holy fuck kill it with fire.

>shrewd, sexy, confident facial expression
>arms wide apart confidently marking territory
>enormous, healthy breasts demonstrate outstanding fertility
>does not expose flesh like a thot; dresses conservatively
> holding plastic bag proving she is out running womanly house errands, perfect wife material

You're all just jealous, that's what this is.


Those are some disproportionately small looking heads, the one on the left isin't too bad.

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