Why do women want badboys?

Look, I can understand the attraction on a base level. "Badboys" often tend to be hyper-masculine and adept at emotional manipulation.
Studies have shown that women are attracted to the 'dark triad' personality type (narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy).

But you just know these men will lie, cheat, and abuse you. However, for some reason women can't get out of this vicious cycle. Most likely because they don't WANT to. So stop making out you want a good guy if that's not what you're attracted to. The only exception seems to be women with low sex-drives who prioritize betabux over physical attraction.

>inb4 "ur not a good guy"

Maybe not now. I've been embittered by experience.

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You're missing the big picture by focusing on wimin.

Look at popular people through history, the artists, the rulers, anyone really. Then look at popular characters in literature (most written by men). Instead of calling them "bad boys" and focusing on negative qualities, view them as Byronic heroes and focus on the positives. It's not that hard to see why a lot of the traits and a person who is living life according to their own rules would attract others.

>narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy
I'd guess it's because these personality traits were evolutionarily beneficial.

Some of these things are sexually dimorphic too. Higher testosterone leads to some psychopath-like traits such as lower emotional response and lower empathy.

Bad Boi > Soi Boi
your pic related is a fucking family killer and is unrelated

Women do not choose partners rationally (hell, most men don't either). The "badboys" exude an independence and sense of self that leads to being confident and capable without having a woman by their side. Women don't want to know that they complete some guy until they're deeply in love with him first.

This is what is most attractive (aside from potentially obvious physical attributes). The guys' sense of self is not impacted by the woman and that makes them intriguing and beguiling

>your pic related is a fucking family killer and is unrelated

Nope. Dude have a wife & mistress even though under the surface he was a psychopath. He also got dozens of fanmail from women AFTER he was jailed.

>Women do not choose partners rationally

Well yeah, if you have no problem attracting women then you aren't going to be dependent on them for validation.

I knew about the wife, mistress, and the case, but the fact that he got fan mail by killing his family and getting on TV scares me.
Do we know what any of them said?
That's so messed up.

It goes the other way around. People who have no problem attracting others, don't give a shit about validation from outside sources. It's how confidence works.

There are tons of insecure PUAs who can attract desperate women with kiddy physiology but still struggle attracting people normally since they depend on validation.

You shouldn't be dependent on them for validation in the first place

>Well yeah, if you have no problem attracting women then you aren't going to be dependent on them for validation.

Not true, infact it's often the complete opposite.

Sounds good in principle, but everyone wants validation from the sex they're attracted to. Maybe if you're some kind of yogi you can transcend that shit but idk

These women could easily read what he did to his two daughters. One daughter watched him kill her sister and then said "Daddy No" when he was killing her and yet women want him though he shows no remorse at all.

Look, a blood engorged vagina (puffy pussy) has no conscience but wants that he man dick.

>but everyone wants validation from the sex they're attracted to
Or they just want sex. Women don't like men who think like women, or at least they aren't attracted to them

Funnily enough I don't think actual psychopaths need validation and probably see women as literal fuck-toys.

This is one of the reasons they do so well with women.

>It goes the other way around. People who have no problem attracting others, don't give a shit about validation from outside sources. It's how confidence works.

That's my point. If you're blessed with good genes, social skills etc. then you'll have no problem attracting women, therefore you won't get hung up on oneitis, etc. because you know you can't just find another.

*can just find another

Yeah man, people are fucking stupid and confuse the cause with the effect. >>>>Abundance mentality has to be based on reality (if you are not mentally ill and able to lie to yourself and believe it)

>because you know you can just find another.
It's basic ass math. Only insecure fucks forget it due their mind being clouded by irrelevant crap like "I'm too short" and overvaluing the relevance of some girl saying no.

>Abundance mentality has to be based on reality
There are hundreds of millions of woman in your age group. Hell, let's ignore all below 8, and you still end up with hundreds of thousands.

How many of them want to date you though? And assuming you aren't sponsored by mommy and have to work, how much time do you have to meet that many people?

Exactly. And dating apps are out, because they're a woman's market and the 80/20 rule is in effect

Oh boy, it's this thread again. Don't worry guys, eventually he'll link you to ONE study that talks about the "dark triad" and you'll realize he's based his entire worldview on it.

Go away, OP. You're a faggot.

Women don’t like guys that are pieces of shit, it’s their confidence and lack of passive behavior.
Yet most guys who start out nice slowly grow jaded by rejection, so they either take on a victim mentality(incels) or let the pain be a driving force to get what they want though hard work and balls(being a man).

Women seem to want drama but just enough to feel invested, so if you’ve had a few heartbreaks and work towards life goals in spite you’re in the golden zone.
She’ll feel part of a bigger plan instead of her being your sole reason for thriving.
You have to always be willing to walk away if she calls it quits, no begging or sobbing. You can let a few tears out but you never give her your manhood and dignity like a bitch boi.

You’ll learn to be the man a woman will change her life for, from mistakes and pain. It’s a long fucked up process, but the right woman is worth all of it.

>How many of them want to date you though?
Depending on what you have to offer (all in your hand), it shouldn't be too hard to be of interest for about half. The more important question would be, how many you'd want to date, so let's cut the half a few times ... and you'd still end up with way more than you could even say "hi, wanna bang" to in a lifetime.

>have to work
Even if you're some wagecuck who doesn't value his time, it shouldn't be too hard to find 20-30h a week outside of work, and this is not counting vocations.

Even if you believe in such memes, become the 20%. There are enough of ugly and poor people there, so fuck your excuses.

It's inductive reasoning based on empirical observations.
Scientific studies, social experiments etc. just back up what I already know.

Validation is a pipe dream created by the morally bankrupt.

>Even if you believe in such memes, become the 20%.

Why hadn't I thought of that?

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Why do you keep making this shitty thread? People keep telling you why you are wrong but you won't listen no matter how many facts are thrown at you.

because OP is an incel

You know that you are a low IQ loser? Because that is backed by science and empirical observations.

facts bounce off an incel's shield of denial

So you're saying that cold approaching works? Because my experience says the opposite. All relationships I had were with people I known for years. Otherwise how would you get talking to those >billions? Does your social circle contain billions?

>So you're saying that cold approaching works?
Jesus, no. Was just a jokey off handed comment for "you'll never get the time to even talk to most of your potential partners"

> Otherwise how would you get talking to those >billions?
That's like the point, man. There are so fucking many people that could work for you that oneitis crap and "I won't find anyone else after muh crush rejected me" is just silly.

I meant the billions part more like a joke. My country is in the few million range and it's not like I'll do a world tour to find someone who'll be interested in me.

Thing is, there really isnt that much abundance of options when you consider you can mostly date only girls you know.

>My country is in the few million range
As long it's not Best Korea nothing stops you from moving in the long run.

>when you consider you can mostly date only girls you know
But the pool for these is practically unlimited. And the number for "girls you know" is limited by you when we exclude extraordinary factors. You can choose to spam incel threads and never getting to know one or living an active life, getting to know dozens and probably even hundreds. If it doesn't work with one or ten or twenty, or hell fucking fifty, there are still more than enough left. So to get back to the thing that started it, abundance mentality has a pretty firm basis in reality.

No it digs under their skin and poisons their stupidity with a logic virus.
Some incels are just too Eliot Rodgers to be saved.

Maybe but it's tricky to tell how deep someone is into the bullshit, so surely one can at least try.

>As long it's not Best Korea nothing stops you from moving in the long run.
I don't want to.
But the pool for these is practically unlimited. And the number for "girls you know" is limited by you when we exclude extraordinary factors.
Limited by time, money, and a lot other things. Do you feel like going out every night or something? Pretty much all girls in my social circle are taken. And by know I don't mean you said hi to each other a few times.

Also I didn't make the thread. But you sound way too optimistic to be based in reality. Go make a tinder account, swipe 100 women and tell me you get 50% to swipe back as you said. And tell me how many ghost or don't reply lol. Or ask out 100, same thing.

BADBOYS actually put effort into their self image unlike anyone else. They try to look good to attract women, obviously. They also don't try to knock you up to start a family unlike "good guys" who are all "oh you're so amazing I want to make you my wifey and force you to raise our kids because women like kids right? Yeah, I bet she'd like some kids."

If you have nothing to contribute but puerile insults then please leave this thread

If you have nothing to contribute but stale threads that have been repeated tens to hundreds of times, then please leave this board.

Most of the women I know end up with guys who mistreat them, either through cheating, stealing or manipulating them. Even some of my middle-aged aunts still go for rough guys who mess them around.

So don't fucking tell me this is all some kind of incel hallucination. I've seen it first-hand, time and time again.

I've also known plenty of girls whose boyfriends dote on them endlessly. Most of the love & affection is one way and it's obvious they're only with them for the money & luxury.

>I don't want to.
Which is fair but also shows that you don't care enough about the shit to maximize your chances (which is actually a good thing in a way)

>Limited by time, money, and a lot other things.
Sure but even if you add up all the limitations, there are still too many left.

>Do you feel like going out every night or something?
Just the opposite. But even during my most slack-y and pathetic phases when I was just playing vidya or shitposting, it was pretty tricky to avoid meeting interested women at least online.

>Pretty much all girls in my social circle are taken.
Can always expand it, even slowly by going with the social circle of your friends and eventually their friends. Or by creating new ones with active hobbies.

>Also I didn't make the thread.
Ik, Ik. Was just an example of a pointless action assuming the person is interested in dating.

>Go make a tinder account, swipe 100 women and tell me you get 50% to swipe back as you said.
It's the worst fucking method ever that puts personality behind and your skills at making pictures and cheeky one liners first. Even if you're great at these, you're still going to get too many duds because you don't know shit about the person. It's alright for hook ups if you know what you're doing but thought this thread turned to be about relationships?

>Or ask out 100, same thing.
Nearly as stupid unless done during somewhere you both want to be like a festival.

>BADBOYS actually put effort into their self image unlike anyone else. They try to look good to attract women, obviously.
Nah. Bad boys who care about their self image and try to look good for women are basically the "nice guys". They lack any of the attractive and redeeming qualities of legit ones.

If most of the women you know do that then your circles consist of really shitty people.

My cousin's bf does EVERYTHING for her. He's an architect by trade and has gone above & beyond to build the house of her dreams.

All she does is make fun of him on social media.

Guess it's time to adapt for good.

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So..men being flawed equals womens fault. Women being flawed equals womens fault.

It must be so nice to be a man and get to blame everything on women. When actually the women can be flawed equal to men.

Don't buy into that bullshit.

Quit being a fucking faggot and get some pussy.

Colleges provide plenty of great options. Get outta the house you little whiny shit.

Women are like children. Whenever we gave them too much agency things turn to shit. The overwhelming majority of sjws are women. They don't live in the real world, everything is driven by "muh feels".

Men = logic
women = emotion

You can have too much logic, but you can't have too much emotion.

have sex

have sex


Ah yes beautiful. You've illustrated my point so perfectly. Men will always pretend they have no flaws and blame everyone else. Thanks for your help.

If I wanted my comeback, I'd have wiped it off your mother's chin

Just stop focusing on basic thots lad. I don't have any of those qualities besides probably some narcissism from my years on r9k. I do fine with women. I do better than most of my stereotypical "chad" friends. In fact most of my friends who do well with women aren't like that at all, they are generally happy, nice people. My friend who is a manlet, dicklet, brown person gets more pussy than anyone else I know because he just amazing at talking to and connecting with people, so he naturally has a lot of female friends who also wanna fug. Get off your bullshit lad, fuck the studies, you make your own rules. Don't give into the game, it wants to create some apathetic edgy faggot who lives for his next emotionally abusive bdsm tinder relationship. Just say fuck it and try being a genuinely nice person and foster relationships with both sexes, just learn how to make friends and connect with people without worrying about getting your autistic willy wet.

Men are not flawless.

Women are just so SO much worse.

Also sorry for bad english.

So why the fuck do you obsess so much over them? As much as incels dislike women, they should give homo sex at least a try.

lmao, even homos wouldn't want to fuck an incel

Lol k ;)

Lets see. 96% of murders committed worldwide are committed by MEN and you want to say women worse.

you're not attractive to women. Accept it and move on.

Men are under more pressure than women.

Who cares about murders. Some women didn't want to suck my dick!

Never heard of a love-hate relationship?

Women are fine, so long as they know their place.

96%. Half the world population commit 96% of all murders. If someone is under pressure its women, we are no more than prey to men.

You’re right on the college part, It’s unfortunate I never went. Already 28 and only worked since high school, have myself to blame for that though.

I know how men think so this isn't surprising. If I resist you kill me or even if I just lay there and you take what you want you still kill me so no other guy can take some.

>as they know their place
As far as possible from incels?

and women love murderers

And I bet the girls that your "friend" fucks are absolute pigs


Like you fools could ever understand...

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>implying death is an inherently bad thing
God women are such cowards.

Why can’t you stupid whores learn to pvp?

Confirmation bias much?

Bad boys are attractive in the sense that they are forbidden fruit somehow, and the air of danger around them is kinda arousing, but normal women don't got for those guys in relationships

True, some women can't help themselves and go from one asshole to the next, but the vast, vast majority find decent, normal guys. Out of all my friends, only one of them have gone down that road, but that's because she can't help herself when she sees a handsome man, ignores all the red flags and she has massive daddy issues

They might be with "decent, normal" guys for whatever reason but secretly they wish a badboy was banging them.

>the kissless virgin who has never talked to women is an expert on what women want

Just dropping some truth bombs, bruthaman. Hate to get too real for ya

Women are cunts. They don't a shit about you. Unless you treat them like shit. That's the kind of fucked up psychology we're dealing with.

I fell in love with my boyfriend the first time I saw him crying. The fact that he looks at me like I'm the only woman in the world, and would never do anything to hurt me or even go as far as yelling at me is the reason why I would never ever leave him.
Nothing beats a genuinely good guy.

Of course, being a good guy is different from being "nice". A backbone and other personality traits other than being an okay human being are kind of required.

How do you know this? Because those of us who know women know what you said is wrong and retarded.

You think I'm supposed to believe this LARPing bullshit?

Can’t wait for them to fuck up and end up becoming property again imo.

Just because something doesn't align with your personal narrative it doesn't mean it is larping, user.
A man who is sensitive but not a little bitch, kind but not a doormat, sweet but not clingy and entitled, open about his feelings without treating you like a personal therapist is top tier.
Especially if he has other good personality traits.

You don't need to be an asshole to be likeable.

Guaranteed replies, eh.
Women just hate guys who expect them to do the lifting. At least when the guy does the lifting there's the implication that things might not suck as badly.

>You don't need to be an asshole to be likeable.
It’s a women tell you listen to what they say instead of watch how they act episode. Tip top zozzle lassie

I feel a strong "damaged goods" aura.

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Exactly! Listen to incels with zero connection to human relationship or even reality instead!

Any woman who has had premarital sex is damaged goods bucko.

Why are you purposely misleading young men? Women say one thing but do something completely different.

I'm telling you how I acted. The guy I've been dating for 2 years is an extremely good guy.
If I told you "I love nice guys, I just end up with abusive assholes!!" it'd be one thing, but I'm telling you "I like good guys, I'm dating one".

Nope. Had 2 relationships, both long term. Never fucked around. Pretty solid family. Degree. Stable financially. Don't drink, don't party, don't do drugs. No mental illnesses.

So women basically want perfection lmao

>being a normal fucking person is perfection from incel POV

> extremely good guy.
Care to give more details?

If being a normal adult capable of expressing his emotions and being kind is "perfection", yeah.

Perfect order is as dangerous as complete chaos bucko.

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He's just a good person.
He is a great son, a great friend, a great partner. Always down to help others, even strangers. Very active in our community. Great with kids. Never heard him saying one bad word about anyone. Selfless.
Very thoughtful, empathetic and sensitive. He's a bit naive but I find it very endearing.

I don't know. Just a good guy, and not for show but just because he is pure at heart.

>hurr durr if you have your shit together you're damaged good