What’s women’s general opinion on PUA?
Most of my female friends wouldn't even know what it means. The ones who do find it sad/silly.
"""Game""" essentially filters out women smart enough to not get pump and dumped, so it works in that sense
What is PUA?
The thing is, they tend to even turn off women who do just want a fuck.
Yeah. Maybe they stumble on something’s that work but they are really obvious (work out and be social)
I think it's a funny relic of the early 2000s.
"Hey, can I get you guise opinion on something?"
What's a PUA? Portland's Union Associates?
PUA is pick up artists for everyone asking
I think the issue with PUA bullshit is it often gets too manipulative, like there are all these "rules" you have to follow with women, which is total bullshit.
Like, if you're a confident, sociable guy who makes his intentions clear and isn't a bitch to make a move and express what he wants, you're going to be good at getting women.
All this "wait 3 days to text her", "make sure she knows you're seeing other girls" "passing shit tests",
Like i'm not saying its all bullshit there are some takeaways from these guys but at the end of the day being a genuinely cool and confident dude trumps basically all of this shit.
The Game as said by others is still blue pilled. It's externalizing the traits of alpha males and mimicking them, but where they still internalize blue pill realities and fantasies. That's why the guy has a nervous break down because he's blue pilled internally where his facade was seen through in his long time relationships.
The Game and PUA is tactics
RedPill philosophy is strategy
>who makes his intentions clear
how do you do that?
It’s trash and most women can see right through it.
>but where they still internalize blue pill realities and fantasies.
What the red pill reality then?
A lot of guys are afraid to let a girl know he is interested in her romantically.
Obviously you don't have to come out and say "I want to fuck you tonight"
But telling the girl she is pretty
Asking her directly on a date and not asking her "you want to hangout"
If she asks if you want to hangout as friends you tell her no
If the girl asks you directly about your intentions you let her know you want to sleep with her
It doesn't have to be super overt, simply asking the girl on a date and using the word "date" in the ask makes your intentions clear, guys just dont do it for some reason.
its potential usefulness in raising a shy dude's self esteem to the point where he's comfortable socialising and whatnot is its only redeeming factor. beyond that it's just whores making more whores
unironically gas the kikes race war now
Lookup the rationale male.
Literal early 2000s cringe. I can't believe anyone ever got laid with PUA, it makes me lose faith in women.
Only literal cocoon chads can pull it, and that's one guy of hundreds.
>having ANY faith in women
>wait 3 days to text her
That's one of the golden rules, they come before PUA bs.
>make sure she knows you're seeing other girls
Nowdays retards think this is straight telling a women how good you fucked last night with another.
No, it means you subtly let her know you are not that available. Like chating with her on a friday night and suddently ghost her, you are prob playing video games but she might think you are doing something else.
>passing shit tests
When i get shittested i lose interest. But yeah, some of them are a good way to know of the other party is mentally unstable.
A common guy shit test is when you are in the first date, and you are going to pay and the lady doesn't offer to, both parties know you are going to pay alone, but the act is nice, shows the women is not spoiled.
>dude just buy my book/courses/lessons and you will HAVE SEX
>That's one of the golden rules, they come before PUA bs.
If a guy waits 3 days before texting me back, I am not replying. You just show you're either not interested enough, or playing stupid games.
> she might think you are doing something else.
I don't understand how anyone would think this is a positive.
>I don't understand how anyone would think this is a positive.
>how is being busy with life a positive
You wat?
Although 3 days is obviously way too long and shows just lack of interest.
You're just being rude and dismissing her by ghosting her mid conversation, and making her feel unimportant. It's not a positive.
Only young (16-20) and/or stupid women fall for that shit. Anyone with half a brain see right through it, mostly because you can't fake genuine charm and confidence.
I remember one guy tried to hit on my and my friends at a bar a couple of years ago and he was soooo sad because he "had a sick puppy at home, and he did not know if it would make it". When we asked him what breed it was he had no answer and when we asked why the fuck he would go to bar and leave his sick puppy at home he just got up and left.
Another guy tried to hint about his massive dick every other sentence, which is the conversational equivalent of a dick pick.
>"you want to hangout"
I gotta disagree. You never want to say 'Do YoU wAnNa Go On A DaTE?' unless you want to get laughed at.
Asking a woman to hang out is fine, or even better 'lets get a drink sometime,' especially because no woman is going to want to one-on-one hang out with a guy they barely know.
If you're young, which I'm assuming most here are,' inviting women to parties or hangouts with friends in public places is exactly how you start.
If she's into you, you will just know. If not, it'll be pretty obvious as well.
Just be cool. Betas don't understand that.
>ghosting her mid conversation
Ah, that's obviously stupid. Though of something like not replying to a new one right away because ideally you're really too busy.
>and making her feel unimportant
Not necessary a negative either when done right. Also obviously depends on the person and how long you know each other.
Just for the record, I do think that PUA is idiotic stuff but some of the methods and especially the idea behind them isn't as crazy and wrong as the people practicing it.
>Another guy tried to hint about his massive dick every other sentence, which is the conversational equivalent of a dick pick.
>"oh whoops, oooh. i dropped my monster condom that i use for my magnum dong."
You are female? chances are you easly fall for the logic behind PUA and you just don't know.
I have had women taken me from granted,and in a relationship too, as soon as i don't reply texts as regularly, or wait a while for it. their minds go crazy thinking "something is wrong" and the dinamic changes. Do you think i like this? in a perfect world no one is taken for granted, but what can you do besides playing mind games? "stupid answers for stupid questions"
The rule of the 3 days is the most reasonable one, you met someone on friday night, if you talk on saturday you are desperate, if you talk a sunday it's weird, you are supposed to be wirth your family, rest, it's your "me" time before going back to war, monday night is perfect, in the trip back from work or in the bed.
There are obvious exceptions, but it's rule because it simply works.
>if you talk a sunday it's weird, you are supposed to be wirth your family, rest, it's your "me" time before going back to war
What the kek.
You are not important, you are no one, we just met.
I ghost my best friends and we continue the convo 12 hours later
Get a grip of reality, i have to conquer the middle east as rome right now.
to work*
kek, sorry i hate wageslaving so much
>chances are you easly fall for the logic behind PUA and you just don't know.
I don't. If a man doesn't show interest in me and isn't consistent at showing interest in me, I just drop him. I am not 14 and complicated, on and off bullshit tires me so quickly.
I want someone who is serious about me, as I'm serious about people I want to be in a relationship with. If that's not you, it's fine, I move on. I've never met a man who is worth putting up with stupid shitty games.
If you have to verbally assert that you want to fuck her, you're doing everything wrong.
>tfw last time I made my intentions clear to a woman and got friendzoned
I just wanted a conservative christian gf
That being said, just about every relationship I've ever been in started with something along the lines of, "want to hangout?"
The whole purpose is to let betas mimic Chad. The rules are simple and static just so that social autists won't go off book and dick it up. Because of that, it requires a fairly perfect matchup to actually work. So no, it doesn't require a cocoon Chad.
It will never be a golden ticket though as it's only useful for those that don't understand how social interaction unfolds.