So, this is for a friend

So, this is for a friend.

He is 17 and a half, does great in school (his average is 9.75 out of 10) and has issues with his family, they don't want him around his home. As his birthday is in December, he is gonna start college being underage. He suffers from depression and is thinking about killing himself this summer, for his parents tell him he brings more evil than good to the world, and to the society, and he even has wrote his final wishes and goodbyes.

What should he do?

Inb4: Shut up you crybaby emo

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move out, your parents are toxic.

tell your "friend" to hurry up and do it, coward.

if this is about a actual friend and not a pathetic attempt at a stealth waaaah thread, then there's really not much for you to do. Have you tried "Don't do it."?

Before you kill yourself, come get cucked around.

Tell him to hang in there for just a few more months. Going off to college will TOTALLY change his world

He's about to be free from his toxic parents for the first time in his life. He should embrace it and see how much better his life could be before he decides to end it and not give things a chance to improve.

Op here

The thing is that in our country, when you go to college you don't move out of your parents house. He has an older sister, and she isn't allowed to go out with her friends past 23:00 ever, and she is of legal age. He is afraid nothing will be different, and a life like that doesn't seem to be very worth living. He has thought if moving out, but he doesn't have the money (underage, so he can't work yet).

is your country mexico

Spain, but shitty country anyways.

Why would you go to college under age?
Regardless, finishing school and going college is the first step to independence. You virtually need to move out in every case.

If he's still living at home, find out why whether it is finding funding for accommodation or find a place to study. If you're a top grade scorer, chances are most scholarships will pay you serious amounts if you succeed. He's lucky since he's just about the right time to search for them.

Since you didn't mention the country you're from, you should try to seek help from job agencies that help the unemployed since they'd typically know about grants and scholarships. If not, search for some in your local area, then town, then country.

It gets better. I was being abused and neglected by my parents, now I'm doing my MSc.

Europe? You mean university, not college then.

He can literally go anywhere in Europe on the Erasmus scheme and even apply for studying abroad in Europe (I'd avoid England, but try Scotland) and he'd typically get a decent loan (€/£ isn't too bad anyway)

Make a how to kill yourself video using the exit bag method.

Good points, going to look into them (don't mind my college-university mistake, sorry).

He would use the pic related method, tho

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Honestly the best thing you can do is either get him to seek some help just so he can stay stable enough to get out.
Spain has been picking up recently (didn't you lads recently leave a recession) but it's still got rampant youth unemployment.

The only real escape is a university degree and an advanced level of English (i.e. just below fluent) and you're basically sorted. Once you've got a degree from Europe it'll be recognised across Europe, but getting one from a country that specialises in it holds far more influence (like how a British degree holds more sway in Finance/Engineering/Law/Politics related fields). I think even there are some EU institutions that snag you early (I was offered to be a EUbouga after university).

It does get better. Just remember that. I was homeless at 17, I have done things I'd rather wish I didn't but I'm still here now

I want to see it actually work though

I hope he's not self diagnosed depressed and attention seeking depressed that's the worst.
Listen. It's all hormones in teens. People don't fully develop until the mid twenties. Suicide rates in the US spike after puberty.
If you tell him to stop being emo and stop crying, he will actually kill himself.
I recommend you being there for him. Call him, talk to him, get those negative feelings out of him. The best thing you can do as a friend is to support him and get him some help.

We got some real horrible youth unemployment, you are right. I have been looking into the possibility of studying abroad, because he likes the finance and marketing stuff. Bad news are that if he were to leave his country, his parents wouldn't give him a penny, so he should live just with the scholarship money.
I'll look for more info, but thanks for all the advice, it is really appreciated

He is depressed, medically proved, but he is not emo, I just used that figure of speech
Anyway, I can guarantee he doesn't seek attention, for he, in the case he just does it, would go away to not bother anyone, so he would just be a missing person. That's what he says, at the least.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your previous situation. I haven't done anything that I could regret for now, or at least nothing that would break the law. But I'm glad it got better for you :)

Yep. You gotta be there for him.
Make him know that at least one person (if not more) would miss him and that it's more than just him being a missing persons case, but that his life has meaning to you.


Not posting the original

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