Was McCarthy right?

Was McCarthy right?

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I agree, we need another Pol Pot to cleanse the cities of urbanite filth and burn the universities to the ground.

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>tankie with a check mark

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McCarthy was right and way too polite. We need to start enforcing anti-communist laws on the books.

and all she gets is a helicopter ride

McCarthy was wrong. Things are far worse than he ever suggested.

>under 25
>blue checkmark

wow this opinion could not be worth any less

after talking to more and more communists my sympathy for Pinochet grows.

I hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers.

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Yes, and so was Pinochet on how to deal with them.

>unrionically wants communism
drive her into the fucking field and let her work till she croaks

>Bourgeois urbanite
>blue checkmark
>communism now

best way to deal with this is stating our desire for china to take over the west because they are hardcore anti-progressive, if communist takes over we win anyways and they lose anyways... I've been doing this on /tv/ and /sci/ and other boards... they really don't like it because they hate china...its funny.

No, as Moldbug pointed out, McCarthy thought he was attacking a Nest of Communist spies, in Reality he attacked the American elites.


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She must really yearn for a hard day's work tilling the fields for no payment whatsoever.

Why don't we Communize vagina?

Equitable access to Vagina is what Incel want and need. It's not far that alpha chads getting a way higher "distribution" of Stacie's than /pol cellar dwelling population.

It's completely unfair that one sex out of 69 gets to decide who gets vagina and who doesn't.

Every Male has a right to a son and daughter from any female they so choose. That's just fair. Anyone who says other wise is a believer in backwards notions like individualism and self-determination of one's body.

End Sovereignty of the Female Body because female's want to end Sovereignty of the nation state.

Also Communize Copy Editors cause fuck I could use at least one.

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Proper knuckling, followed by a lobotomy. After that straight to the breeding cattle

That is the one language she understands

Fat people can't be communists

they always seem to think they'll be in the privileged class

FYI the first thing communists do is start a communist scare to purge non-communists, after this they start a reconciliation campaign where they lament their mistakes and promise to never do it again. Then they bring out the real communists and kick start all of it. It's possible Anne Coulter and McCarthy were in on the current socialist push we are experiencing.

Current day example of this would be the Russia Collusion crap, the catch is they can't play off the communist label because they didn't see this coming and already started pushing for it during the Obama years.

That's literally what arranged marriage and the point of christianity was. Subhuman right wingers celebrated it and are still advocating for it to come back. Right wingers never had a notion of fair or unfair, just what was good for them and what wasn't.

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>Was McCarthy right?
Get your McCarthy T-shirts.

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unironically this and we need to round up all the landlords

Nancy Reagan was BAMF
> When deputy White House chief of staff Michael Deaver cautioned Nancy Reagan against excluding the vice president and his wife from the dinner, saying it would be a breach of protocol, she reportedly responded, ‘Just watch me,’“ Page writes.