Feeling proud, huh Jow Forums?
You're turning Estonian teenagers into depressed nazis. How does that make you feel?!
Translation: Hundreds of Estonian teenagers are active on a forum which praises the New Zealand shooter.
Teenagers who have cut themselves off the rest of society have found their place in hyper masculine communities
Look at what you did, Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
You people are sick
How can we turn the Esti doomers into Esti bloomers?
Has anyone created a doomer-nazi subgenre yet?
>Teenagers who have cut themselves off the rest of society
No. It's the other way around. It was society which cut them off.
I'm 2% Baltic can I get Estonian citizenship? My stats are 5'9", brown hair, brown eyes, black girlfriend
You can't
We did it reddit!
I don't know what the fuck am i reading what kind of desert scratching nigger shit is this?
>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher
>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica
>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee
>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp
>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America
Yeah, no, fuck off Pekka.
Jow Forums is a board of peace. Go complain to cripplechan if you have a problem.
Someone for the love of god, find me the that madman's image in its proper glory.
>100s of Estonians on Jow Forums
Thousands after this good advertisement
This is the natural state of Estis.
My mum is Esti.
What an evil manic bitch.
Why are not translating the whole article nigger?
Tere kes see Jow Forums on?
Nothing wrong with that. Being alone makes you stronger and discover yourself. Depression is a phase of life you sometimes cant escape and have to go through, its fine.
Get woke
These "doomers" are electing literal nazis into the parliament
Estonian girls are easy though, or would that make the guys hyper incels from not getting any?
Take my power Estonians!
I Fucked up because I'm literally shaking right now. AND IT'S YOUR FAULT
It's the usual msn bullshit. It is only showing how they are mentally 10 years behind what happens online today.
there is no coming back from this. normie-stonia is over. embrace the kali yuga clownworld
And just like that 1k more Estonians will join this place forever.
God bless you Esti bro for the image
Fuck estonian media and fuck estonia
No problemo
>J*ws INTENTIONALLY and IRREVERSIBLY wreck every single white country
>"oy vey goyim, your grim future it's the fault of the tiny, irrelevant anime chatroom!"
>"oy vey goyim, you young white Estonians are also responsible for a massacre a guy 17,500 km away did!"
You gotta admire their audacity 2bh.
This has little to do with Jow Forums. Most baltoniggers were always nazi bootlickers
People under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent to enter into an employment contract: eg: - you agree that we can make money from your content while you get paid with a free service and you work for us providing content for our company profits.
It's true. We, every Estonian, are responsible for this young man getting radicalized online. Consequences will never be the same.
On the 24th of november 2009, a high school student from Tartu, Janis, made an anonymous post on Jow Forums promising to stage a record-breaking school schooting.
The post was read by other Estonian teenagers who shared it with the police. The police reacted quickly and no classes took place at the high school on the next day.
Anonymity didn't protect Janis and on the 27th, he was arrested. Even though the boy didn't understand the severity of his doing. he was sentenced to three years.
didnt know this was such an hyper masculine place
wow this articels spread everywhere at the same time. looks like some kind of agenda is followed thou.
Latvian mossad false flag operation
Pretty sure it wasn't Jow Forums user.
What made them come here user?
You have bigger societal problems you are ignoring user.
Oh, look. It's the "how does that make you feel" thot again.
Turns out the entire dehumanizing, belittling, guilt blaming program saturating us children was meant to break us and make us more pliable for leftist indoctrination.
Unfortunately for them, it makes it easy for people to be indoctrinated with other ideals, like nationalist socialism, libertarianism and worse.
Psychologist is saying in the article that it is teenagers common mental problems that makes people come here and look for community. Distancing yourself from family and looking for groups that share your views.
haha, thanks for the chuckle
Potato Mossad is the most secretive organisation known to man. They were behind the largest genocide, the Irish Famine, and nobody ever even thought to blame the Latvians.
its about fucking time someone noticed how hyper masculine i am
whata pity, gipsy
Come home balticman
we miss you
we have commonwealth gfs
>uus-meremaa tulistajat ülistavas foorumis
new-sealand fireists howls at forum. interesting.
That would make a nice night light, with its greenish tint
I can't read estonian without grinning, it sounds so goofy.
It's quite easy to read tho. You just have to read it in Finnish with the spurdo pronouncing.
Nah we are here just for the black girls, we are not really nadzis and terrorists
Interneti bimedad nürgad ::D
>other countries have ads for expensive clothing in papers and magazines
>Estis have ads for worker gears
>Latvian mossad
intermarium when
Why would any Estonian cut themselves off? I spent 3 months in Tallinn and loved it. Fucked like a rabbit, ate amazing food and learned about a neat culture. 10/10 would go romp around again.
Do you really want Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine in that empire?
>hyper masculine communities
Is this a thing in cucked nordic villages?
God bless the day they let tiny tots online. It's been a marvellous time, really. Watching all these youngsters help billionaires make more money and get indoctrinated at the same time has been so thrilling.
Whatever can we do to repay the supersmart tek industry for this wonderful gift of genius?
Yes. That doesn't mean I want them in my country. While that image gives the illusion of a superstate it's not like all borders would be abolished and Schengen V2 would commence.
> hyper masculine communities
Sounds based
Take better pics and translate that shit
you don't need to be intellectual giant to figure out a way which would not destroy europe
he found a way in less than 2 minutes:
All i wanted was to play videogames
>The front page is 3/4ths covered by an ad
I trust that newspaper even less than others.
>Muh Anglin supports Yair Nethanyahu
That was obviously a prank.
>but i'm here in space shitposting in gay anime forum
Yes. At least they are not cuck traitors of nation states like Germans running the EU turned out to be.
Pol is the most vile assembly of ugly retarded bigots on earth. All of you were probably born from whores to have single handedly created the vile world we see before us. Shame on you racist fat loser incel white bastards for all the murder you have made
Jow Forums isn't one person or agrees on everything
if anythign that newspaper outed itself as fake news for not doing research
Fuck off, we're full
>turned out
que? the plan has been the plan since its inception, there's been no "turning out"
Ayyyyyyyyy lmao, nigger
Well it was sold like economic union. It has changed from being economic union to EUSSR. You don't have to redpill me about Kalergri plan. I'm just telling how it look on normie side.
Not all of them are (sex) tourists is my guess.
We're being alienated and replaced in our own countries. America manufactured what are now booming domestic third-world pocket cultures by financing single motherhood generational Welfare, and robbed the white working class to do it. Now our government is importing the ACTUAL third-world to finish us all off. They want us all to be poor, stupid, and at the mercy of the government in every area of our lives.
First of all, they should lower alcohol taxation, so Finns will bring more money to Eesti.
you mean ebaumsworld is a board of peace
smells like religion
What does? I don't really understand what you are implying here.
Italians are the number 1 watchers of tranny porn in europe
>be young male Nationalist
>system betrays them
>feel like outcasts
hurr durr why they rebelling and looking for something that empowers their natural urges??!!!!
could say the same thing about trannies
>Interneti pimedad nurgad.
The goyim knows
Where my fellow DOOMERS at?
After the Doompill comes the Honkpill
Fundamentally, is there any difference between the Doompill and the Honkpill?
fuckin based