Im young and I really want to be a billionaire...

Im young and I really want to be a billionaire. How bad of an idea is it to give up my social life and all pleasure activities in order to dedicate all my time to getting rich?

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How the fuck are you going to get rich without socializing like crazy?

Start a buisness, how else?

You have to socialize with the right people in order to make connections and get your foot in the door of whatever you're trying to get a career in.

In talking about starting my own buisness, not rising up the latter in some corporation that will take years.

And how is the business going to work without socializing?

same brother ,i plan on doing both business and career routes. Thinking about using a initial career as a time for me to figure out a business model. Once i have that figured out i'm going to go after it full force.

Obviously I'll socialize with clients and people I work with.... I'm talking about going out, drinking and having fun or playing video games with friends. That's what I meant by social life
Good luck!, see you at the top brother
And dont get too comfy at that first job!

> I'm talking about going out, drinking
Something you will need to do with clients and more importantly, potential backers.

And to do it well, some practice with friends won't hurt. Though obviously vidya is trash and doesn't deserve your time.

Good luck to you too! I've realized that being comfortable is something i'll never be good at. I graduate in 6 days and classes are over so there is a period of nothing. And its absolutely unbearable.

This first job is putting me through a pretty prestigious technical program so i'm going to use that to get higher level contacts. And ofc to get some kind of financial cushion for business attempts.

I really want to make a company similar to nuscale.

I think you should save enough money/grades to go to a good school, excel at it, make good connections, and at age 25 try to aim for your own house.

Once you are set up that way you will be able to get good loan deals, and with that money invest using the knowledge you got.

Yea I can talk to people fine I don't need to practice that lmao

Getting rich is one of those things that's possible for anybody with enough work. Becoming a billionaire is a different story. That takes a fucking shit load of hard work and a lot of luck.

Just be sure that you don't only work hard, but work smart too. Think of wageslave who busts their ass all day. They may work super hard, but they're not advancing that much. You want to make sure you spend time working on the things that actually matter and will move you forward.

And you don't have to give up your social life to become rich. That's a retarded idea.

Do you have a plan for getting rich?

well, im just going to aim for a billionaire and if I fall short a few hundred million, I dont mind.

What's your plan for getting rich? How will you earn the money?

>Getting rich is one of those things that's possible for anybody with enough work.

Factually incorrect. Most people lack the skill sets to become rich.

You mean they lack rich parents or

Agreed. This was clearly posted by a conservative who fully buys into the idea of capitalist society as being a meritocracy. When it just isn't true. It usually takes way more than hard work to become rich, it takes all types of circumstances outside of your own control (luck or whatever).

>And you don't have to give up your social life to become rich. That's a retarded idea.
dont you think ill need all the time I can get?
well, im gonna start a business. Specifically a software business since that's what I know. Right now I'm working on a BI software product. No clue how to get buyers and market it though which will absolutely be the hardest step, plan right now is to just target a niche industry then expand out if it grows.
Even if it fails I got a bunch of other ideas I want to try too, software is great because the field is so vast and there's a lot you can do. Lots of menial jobs and work still haven't been replaced yet by software and all it takes is one company to come along. The automation revolution is coming fast and I plan to be at the top of it!

yea but luck isn't real. Its what happens when preparation meets opportunity, you make yourself a lot more 'lucky' by putting yourself into certain situations. I agree with the other guy that anyone can get rich with just hard(and smart) work, you can't control how your environment affects you but you can control what environment you put yourself in.