IQ and skin tone? Does it have a connection?

As this map and others clearly show, darker skin = Lower IQ and one can say more violent. Has this been scientifically proven or even investigated? I know today it’s politically incorrect to study things like race and intelligence or even bring up the differences between the races.

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Half way through 2017 into 2018, every eceleb and every shill was trying to disprove this, and we're all btfo. It has been proven there is over a year of threads on this, and also reality.

Attached: iq.png (1317x1652, 425K)

>IQ and skin tone? Does it have a connection?

Skin tone = latitude.

>countries with super strict education system produce higher IQ

>countries with barely functional education and poverty issues don't.


If they were equal why didnt they develop said systems on their own?

Climate and religion issues.

IQ is genetic Bartosz you fucking imbecile

Is this why Europeans who moved to America have lower averages?

It's part genetic.

>tfw 40% nigger
>tfw a generic intelligent social autist
>tfw everyone automatically assumes I’m stupid because of other niggers

I hate this

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Are you retarded. American whites have higher IQs than there European counterparts.

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even if it does what's worse is culture that goes out of its way to be stupid

What the fuck happened in Sierra Leone?

tfw no nazikorra gf

Low IQ is the reason for a barely functional educational system and poverty issues, not the other way around.

Attached: stats.jpg (1452x1936, 381K)

Attached: Africa Redpill.jpg (1557x1200, 874K)

IQ only measures sensitivity to patterns (the ability to spot patterns) but not selectivity (the ability to tell patterns from noise).

In general:

Asians = good selectivity+sensitivity

Africans = high selectivity

Europeans = extreme sensitivity, abysmal selectivity.

Essentially, Euroepans are not smarter, they only score higher, beucase they sacrificed selectivity for sensitivity, so they can see patterns easily, but theymake nonsensical inferences and get easily confused by something random. They even rely on being careful not to confuse anybody else with what you do or say, which is kind of ridiculous if you think about it.

Ebola. Wiped out retarded niggers.

purely economical factors.