Underemployed need to know what's wrong with me

I have an electrical engineering degree but work in a warehouse ,
There has to be something grievously wrong with me to lead to this and I dont know what that is
How do I find this out?I keep getting conflicting answers , who do I believe?What professional can I seek? A career counselor?
Staying in my current job isnt good for me been there for 4 years and its unfulfilling, humiliating makes me feel worthless
Not a day goes by that I dont think about ending my life , another year there and I may follow through with it(that is when the suicide clause on my life insurance ends). I'd give them my two weeks notice if I decided to ,I dont know what that says about me .

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I would rather be unemployed with and BSEE than work with a bunch of low iq warehouse workers.

The trick is to jump around different companies. Everytime you make a leap, you should end up in a position that is higher ranked or better paid than before. This trick obviously won't work with a Japanese owned company.

In your case, you should be watching for ads on assistant warehouse manager; 4 years is plenty enough in your resume to make a promotional leap. After a year or two, you should be aiming for warehouse manager openings which you are qualified enough with your degree.

I wanted to be an engineer thought or something involving problem solving with a team.

Play torbjorn

You could but that'll be wasting 4 years of your life; warehouse management skills can't be applied to an engineering position. You'll have to start from the bottom.
The best thing to do is finding warehouse management position for an electronic firm. Your EE degree will be mighty useful on beating other candidates if Apple or Samsung needed a warehouse manager.

Frankly I'll be surprised if you weren't actively looking for engineering job during all those years. Four years is a pretty long time, its statically impossible that you couldn't find a single EE job opportunities during that time span...

>suicide clause on life insurance ends
What the hell? That's so fucked up

I have no warehouse management experience , my job involves receiving the units that come in disassemble them, replace faulty part then reassemble , and pass it to packing .
>Frankly I'll be surprised if you weren't actively looking for engineering job during all those years.
I was it ,was initially just a job to pay bills and have something to put in my work history , so I applied to engineering jobs while I worked and the years dragged on , even applied to engineering positions within my company(all rejects),also applied to those who volunteer to go and help the engineering building and no luck there.
>its statically impossible that you couldn't find a single EE job opportunities during that time span
That is what I keep hearing but that is not matching up to my reality.

What do you mean?

> that'll be wasting 4 years of your life
sounds like he already did that with his university degree.

it's not you, it's the economy. a lot of people with very good degrees -- law, medicine, engineering, physics, finance--can't get jobs other than minwage slavery gigs. make sure you keep applying to stuff, and don't sound desperate. consider moving the fuck out of whatever shithole you live in.
>4 years
this part is your own fault though. after the first year you should have realized something was horrifically wrong. why the fuck did you stay there and tolerate that bullshit?

what you could do is lie, say you just graduated, and start applying to internships. you're fucked otherwise.

>say you just graduated,
dont they check with the schools?

>4 fucking years on the same job
>EE degree with no experience related to the major
And OP never applied for an internship during at least his last semester because he's a big dum dum.
You did an amazing job on never getting promoted in 4 fucking years, OP. With this time you already should've become a manager.

Given your lack of experience in the major, either try to apply for an internship at your college's career center or just move to the career ladder with your current experience.
Like, Jesus Christ, people get promoted in less than a year nowadays if they are pursuing at least a fucking Associate's. What were you thinking?

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I applied to internships just couldn't get one

Central europe is having job crysis: we lack workers of every single type. Move to different location. Only idiots stay in place without future.

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Then no other choice to apply for the full jobs.
Better have tried than never have done so.

How possible is it for an American to find engineering work there?

Proper engineer doesnt lack skills and logic to solve such question. Use google.

I've met plenty of engineers who are clueless about normal things.

Want a job?


get a new job and see a therapist

What kind of therapist for this though?

I know your feel man. I refuse to take any low iq unskilled labor for a job, I fucking deserve to work in what I am qualified in, otherwise the world is just a joke, I certainly don't have time wasting my life moving boxes around for peanuts.

just goggling things brings up a lot of misinformation, its more reliable to just ask people,
like the whole purpose of this board.

Not really, maybe 10% of the posts arent trolling. Google is way more accurate than this.

And really, some problems are described very well online. How to get jobs abroad is very well described online.
Some corporations literally pay to google to display them first to potentional workers. They are THAT desperate for workers. Makes you think.

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do you have to learn german?


>I know your feel man. I refuse to take any low iq unskilled labor for a job,
then what do you do for money?