College is a waste of time and money in the 21st century

What the fuck is the point of amassing unpayable debt just to lose your job in 8 years because of automation?
I think the neets are the true redpilled ones guys... Fucking 3 years in and my professors are blackpilled about our future careers as engineers.
Its fucking over. All this time and money wasted..

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She has coalburner eyes

Pretty much. The universities has been ruined and scientific thought and rationality is mostly gone from our societies. If you want to get drunk and bang thots just use Tinder, no need to pay out the nose for the additional gilded toilet paper.

>What the fuck is the point of amassing unpayable debt just to lose your job in 8 years because of automation?
the piece of paper is the key pass the HR gatekeepers. I sure hope price reformations come for you kids in the future. I'm too old to start anything anyways at the current juncture in life that I'm in.

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garbage russian pistol

Just be Chad, bro

Do something that can't be automated, like history

Delusional boomer is delusional. University degree don't get you a job as a young white male today.

>What the fuck is the point of amassing unpayable debt

Cost / benefit analysis.

>cheezits and oreos

based american lunch

The point is that there's no point in going to college today. It's for women and pajeets.

>No discernible markings on the side
>1911 style
>no shine on the slide

Nice airsoft pistol

the nose on that shiksa

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Except there is. A lot of jobs REQUIRE a bachelor's degree, regardless of your actual skill level. If you're blessed enough to live in a developed country where there's opportunities for non-college graduates, consider yourself lucky.

>Thinking Engineering=Manufacturing

user did you actually go to college? You can be honest with us.

>College is a waste of time and money in the 21st century
Especially when the Kushner White House has already made it clear they desire to flood the country will more "high-skilled immigrants" than ever. By "high-skilled immigrants" they mean trash who will do the same job you wasted years to earn a degree in hopes of one day working and they will do it for less.

"As Trump rages over border, Kushner quietly plans legal immigration boost"

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It is too fucking late for me now, I was in denial that this all would happen. But the more I learn about AI programming and engineering the more I realize how fucked we are. And all my professors agree that the "kids today are fucked".
3 years of rigorous thermodynamics studying etc and crypto marxist brainwashing courses just to want to go home and be comfy in a blanket forever...

If you pretty funny to make a YouTube video with me and some other person who actually has a degree versus myself who doesn't even have a GED. It'll be a hell of a trip comparing how many job offers one gets.

Just a quick snack to get back on sales floor.

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automation is America's way of saying they no longer have a penis.

>Talks about waste of time on Jow Forums Jow Forums
None of you see the irony in this?

Nigger just get a tan and say your a spic. HR will be tripping over themselves to get you a job

Why does a girl with such a powerful jaw go for a chinlet/jawlet?

I already paid off my 32K college loans. I'm in a finance job at 72K with pretty excellent benefits. I have about 4K of savings right now after the loan repayment. College isn't for everyone, but most people can benefit from it if they understand how to use it.
t. 24 year old physics major

At least Jow Forums is fun. There is nothing enjoyable about studying on how AI can soon solve complex mathematic problems for multiple methods of the open ended solution of say "Creating turbines and using gas pedals to setup solar energy etc".
It just makes you want to cry

I consider myself lucky. Two weeks of learning, and I got a truck driving job that pays 55k (good for my area) with benefits including healthcare. Some labor involved, but that's no problem.

What type of engineering are you doing?

>Physics major
>Finance job
Excellent reason to NOT go to college. Fucking twat

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College when its free/low tuition (i'm talking for example 150€ a year) helps you aquire skills, develop personally, become independent.

>Thread about automation
>brags about truck driving job
Alpha brainlet

>going into debt for college
I shiggy diggy
Lower class should know their place. Don’t try to move up in the world

I read his Wiki, which he probably self-authored. He sounds like a huge schmuck.


Engineering will be one of the last things killed by automation, if it kills it at all.

>Thinking self driving trucks will ever be safe enough to be on the roads within the next decade or two

The onky brainlet here is you

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If I were a dedicated method actor like you are proposing, I would have tried to get on NEETbux a long time ago.

Sound advice, especially if you lack well-connected family members.

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College is about access to networking with social and business gatekeepers, not education

Automation needs engineers to install it, maintain it, repair it, upgrade it
If there are none everything collapses

finance and physics sounds like stuff an AI will easily execute.

Better off just buying a degree from a pajeet diploma mill then. 1% the cost and no 3 years of intense cultural marxist indoctrination. It's not like any bachelor degree is so hard you can't just wing it successfully with a 10 min primer on the subject.

Not when AI has the ability to do that itself. They're designing AI engineers to repair other AI. Troubleshooting the problem and everything.

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AI and automation isn't the problem. The problem is that all the real jobs have been outsourced to slaves in China, and what remains is a pure service economy for a workforce that's 3 times larger than the amount of jobs because of women and immigrants.

Hey you sound like my grandma in the 70's about computers!
What is an onky? Sounds cute

most of my work is traveling to smaller cities in the midwest and southwest to help midsized companies implement efficiency plans -- its primarily analytic in response to what CFOs tell me about how they run operations

you dont point a gun at someones head, not as a joke, not as a selfie. doesn't matter if its unloaded you just NEVER DO THIS. because accidents can happen. have some fucking respect for what you are carrying. respect your tools or become one. this fucking faggot and his sloppy trigger discipline. disgusting. i dont even know who this is but i already know i dont like him

where was his father when he got his first bb gun? point the gun unloaded at a friend as a joke, his father steps in and yells at him with a big speech and everything drilling it into the kids head never to ever do that and to always be aware of where any gun is pointed loaded or not, never point it at anyone.

why didnt his father teach him this?
is this the power of beta dads

wasn't this a /b/ thread years ago. something like "reply or i kill the qt"

Come on now, don't be such a cuck. Assert your dominance to better life.

It's so you can be falsely accused of rape, or rape.

Your call.

AI is certainly overhyped. How many of you have actually implemented any form of AI yourself from scratch? The very nature of it means that it cannot handle edge cases well, which is one of many reasons why Google's language translators are still so inaccurate. Don't get me wrong, automation is definitely coming, but we still have ways to go and certain jobs (such as trades) will remain safe for the foreseeable future.

Hurr derr in education is not needed

This is why the white race is dying it's so funny.

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I went to carpentry school in 2007. The teacher straight up told us that there are no more good paying carpentry jobs because of the mexicans coming over here, working hard for cheap and driving down wages in the construction industry.

So after I finished that and couldn't find a job as a carpenter I got into HVAC. Making okay money now but I sure am glad I didn't waste and money on college.

why are asking brunch of right wing neets

The education is fine, it's the employers who are wrong. You know I'm right.