Which state is better, Wyoming or Montana?

I'm going to be moving to one of these two states.

>Fuck off we're full!

Born in a far right state, not Dem and you cucks in Wyoming are importing Californians in Jackson Hole like the plague.
Either state will need people like me to offset the refugees from California and New York.

So which is it? Which state is better politically, quality of life, and will be able to last through another Commie Dem presidential term?

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Is more free than the west

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We're not a real 'nation' anymore, it's best to dispense with that idea. The US is just a loose conglomeration of different nations at this point. Those are mostly nignogs in large cities, not the average citizen.

Montana. Wyoming has too many Indians

>a far right state

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The eastern 2/3 of Montana is extremely dry and flat

They are pretty much the same. Cold wide open spaces with a few towns. More mountains in Wyoming so I’ll go with Wyoming.

Missouri? I was thinking about moving there.

Idaho brother


Wyoming has a serious, serious lack of water problem. Look it up. Many of the nice houses you might see on Zillow, for example, cannot even run a shower and flush at the same time. It's really bad

Also, Missoula and down the bitter-root valley is very, very liberal.

I was recently in a town in Wyo, and I wanted to get some .22 ammo. There was a Walmart nearby, probably one of the most rural in the state, so I head over. Guess who is loitering by the front door? Jiving eachother and customers?
Niggers. Wtf Wyo anons? Why are there NIGGERS in rural Wyo?

montana fag here...stay the fuck away.

but montana its nice in alot of way here. not very many people not very many niggers or shitskins, The few you might meet will actually(mostly) be decent hard working human beings. lots of stuff to do in the mountains here some places you can be 20 minutes away from them also. lots of guns we fucking love guns here. but some places say butte are heavy dem cities. trying to redpill people here on stuff at times can be difficult. for example the wall...people here are so far away from all of it & the they only hear about it from CNN and fox they dont understand the need for a wall. So some aspects fucking blow but for the most part I feel pretty comfy here even if shit were to go south in america sures the hell wouldn't want to be balls deep in LA or NYC.

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>but some places say butte are heavy dem cities
dont let this scare you either there is a lot of open area here so if you don't want to live around them...you wouldn't need too.

China straight up has secret prisons and will shoot criminals without trial.

also in ways I think there might be more redpilled people here then I know.


Based and redpilled.. Self determination and separation is the epitome of being based. Prove me wrong.

I bought land in wyoming recently, both places offer cheap land if you don't want to live near someone.

too late it's already filled up with shitlib city hipsters

I won't go live in either until I can hunt grizzly bears.

hunt yourself faggot

Montana has more wildlife/forests. Wyoming is basically White Mongolia with spoiled college fags. Wyoming simply just has more of wealthy and stable, not as much conservative. Kinda like 50-70's thing. Idaho may be the best because it is actually conservative with no restrictions on homeschooling and lax gun laws. Montana is good bc of low population.

Montana is full. Fuck off we don't want you.

Ok so here's my thoughts on both states:

1. Wyoming: Great state but very dry. Seems to be right leaning but more libertarian than say Alabama style conservative (i.e. Wyoming ok with massive legal immigration and tolerates illegals; Alabama has the strictest immigration in nation). Wyoming has some of the best gun laws and I heard they were thinking about banning welfare and Section 8.
2. Montana: Strong gun, fishing, and hunting culture but tons of hippies/left wing trash in Missoula. Loggers get support from the government so they reluctantly vote Dem, which is why they have a Dem governor and one Dem Senator. Bozeman is now slowly becoming a new Los Angeles that will soon have refugee centers and illegal immigrants as more people move there from California.

Shut up faggot my state is more right wing than yours I'm doing you a favor!

They're both already fucked. Stay where you are and fix your own community, you rootless cosmopolitan faggot. Seriously, you aren't wanted here and will never be accepted by the natives. Fuck off.

I know it would be hard for you to appreciate this, Alfonso, with all that nigger African blood pumping through your veins, but we have a legal system with trials and juries and a penal system. China has mobile execution vans.

its also cold as fuck and will btfo all the "crossovers" citycucks drive

I'm not sure where everyone is getting the idea that Wyoming is a fan of immigrants or left wing politics.

A few UW professors and some loud, out of state college students do not represent the whole state.

Says the guy from a state who either voted for a California software engineer or Cheney's dyke daughter.

There are niggers in Fairbanks. They're everywhere

I said it's already fucked. Fuck off. Stay out.

Too bad fucko I'm moving to Montana and I'm bringing my degeneracy with me.

Places like Afton, Wyoming and that area is really nice. Western and northwestern Montana is really nice, too..

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Why would you not want someone from Jow Forums in your state? Kike

what state do people vanish innawoods the most? Thats where I want to go. I want to be on a nice hike and find myself into a DUMB rabbit hole. Shit would be so cash.

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>more right wing then Montana
Holy fuck you're retarded.

>Born in a far right state, not Dem and you cucks in Wyoming are importing Californians in Jackson Hole like the plague.
Why are you justifying yourself to Jow Forums faggots? Just move if you want, nobody gives a shit. They're probably both very similar - flat, not a lot of people.

Bothe states are pretty libertarian but montana has more commie enclaves.
Wyoming is harder to live in overall

Obama used our tax dollars to send niggers everywhere. The literally had a list of "least diverse" places they used to determine where refugees went. Look it up.

North Dakota

It doesn't matter where you want to go, there is some Jew on Jow Forums screeching "its full, don't find like minded people and organize"
We are supposed to pretend he isn't actually sitting in a government building in Tel Aviv.

It's fucks like Alan Simpson and Dick Cheney's dyke daughter that have fucked Wyoming. Look it up, Barasso would probably suck niggers dicks so he wouldn't be called a racist.

I like my empty state. More people is not a good thing and I don't give a fuck who they are. The more crowded a place gets the less conservative it gets. You will not be made to feel welcome. It's not just fuck off we're full, it's fuck off you aren't from here so we don't like you. Spend your tourist money and go the fuck back home.

This. Dipshit thinks that living away from niggers somehow makes him more right wing, despite the fact Missoula is flooded with purple hair dykes and cucks demanding the governor import more Africans.

Wyoming, by far.
We have huge regions of wilderness are that you need a guide to travel and retarded city fucks go missing never to be seen again so frequently it barely makes the papers when it happens.
Plus at least 1 chink tourist dies in yellowstone every year


Laughed so hard I spit my coffee out.

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Holy shit this guy must be JIDF.
>"Fuck off we're full!"
>imports 10,000 Africans

You're delusional

Michigan bro, seriously other than Detroit which is in a corner of the state everyone here is fucking hard core right wing

Jackson isn't Wyoming.


My state does not have a refugee resettlement agreement with the federales, so I don't know how that applies to me.

Thank you for your response. That settles it. I want to see some shit before I pass.

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Right. Why would you want to live by an asshole like me? I'm also unstable.

>Montana is one street

Do you think I'm the only one here (Wyoming) who hates outsiders?

you the only jew in tel aviv pretending to be in montana right now, so i'm guessing yes.

Why would someone hate a person from Jow Forums, either you're disgustingly new here or a jewish shill

Why would Jews try to preserve Wyoming and Montana, you old bullshitter...

It's all outsiders, not Jow Forumsaks

If you haven't been in Wyoming or Montana for at least 3 generations people won't like you. Doesnt natter if it's 40 days or 40 years. If this bothers you move to someplace like NE or KS. Shit here in TX is probably the most welcoming of all. Completely degenerate honestly. Im going back to ND.

>people won't like you
Folks go to the mountain states to live remotely usually. Xenophobia is a good thing, but when you're already getting brown skinned trash shipped into your states monthly, well, I'd think you have bigger problems.

they don't want Jow Forumsminded people to organize

Just tell them you are from the next state over, like Idaho or Utah. They won't mind so much then.

fuck off we're full
>blah blah im so based plz accept me
fuck off we're full

Just lie and say you are "moving back"
i have told people "oh i grew up in /major city/ and left. Now I am back"
Instant friends.

We on the right are the individualists. We already don't organize well, and your solution is to put all the good people in a few red states so the left can run the rest of the country and us, in the process. And I'm the jew...

Then why are all the Californians moving in? You prefer them?

What are you even talking about rainman? You were implying that elsewhere people there would be more accommodating. I pointed out that was false.

>muh offgrid
Aka normal life for half the people living there. It requires tons of social connection and community don't kid yourself. Having a fuck what the people of the state think attitude is exactly the reason why America is importing shitskins to every bumfuck town. If WY doesn't want dipshits from KS or some other state in then those people shouldn't be allowed in.


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Collectivism is Judaism

>b-but im not like those other immigrants, im so based plz accept me
fuck off we're full

all of the people saying fuck off we are full are jews lying about where they are
I would pay for Jow Forums to move into my neighborhood.

What if I hate shitlibs and Californians with a burning passion and swear to defend against them in time of unrest? Can I still be let in?

Just be honest and say you hate inner city shitholes full on immigrants and wanted to move out to the country to be left alone. Worked for me in TX as a MD transplant.


Montana is a ridiculous shithole filled with methhead morons and alcoholics. 80 % of the state is a shit dry prairie desert and the rest west coast tourists by missoula up to whitefish. you can see the arrogance of the Idiots living there in this thread. please never move to that shithole or else youll become braindead like the rest of the mutts claiming to be "german" there.

How's the state of your country then?

Fuck no. More people ruins conservative states. If anything the U.S. needs to be slashed down to 100mil in population.

Collectivist faggots like yourself belong in cities like the state-dependent niggers you are. If you're a natsoc socialist go to the northwest front.

>Montana is ful-

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strange i thought closed boders were meants for everybody

If you've ever been to that crowded shithole known as Germany you probably wouldn't use it to make a point, but you did a decent job of proving mine.

>go to Oregon


>wanting to live in states that have shitty economies and no jobs

oh no, there is still some nature and housing is affordable. quick fill it with niggers and liberals until it has 200 people/sqkm

what is overcrowding?

Germany was full when based Hitler invaded Europe for more room 80yrs ago. Bad example. Especially considering more than half of it is a prairie desert kek.

>working for another man

I'm starting to think Libertarians are as much of a problem as SJWs. Literally import Africans and treat fellow citizens WORSE than them. Fucking Montana importing sandniggers that are even trying to assassinate former US soldiers.
Apparently these faggots in Montana even support Sharia Law.


>he isnt self employed
Lmao no wonder citiots are dying to live in urban sprawl. Literally have nothing of value to offer the marketplace on their own.

This is why you arent welcome.

Have fun with the result.

>"libertarians" continue to support open borders and civic nat policies
>not realizing that "libertariansm" is just jews undermining the white man
I think most everyone already knows this user

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yes probably. While sjw will invite nigs because of muh multiculturalism, libertarian will invite them because of muh workforce. Thats why closed borders means NOBODY enters the country illegally and that visa/passport application conditions must be strengthened

legally /illegally is a conversational trap
no one comes in, no more, no legal or illegal non white immigration.

Montana. Unless pistol whipping the gays to death while hopped up on meth is your thing. Montana.

This. "Legal" chinks absolutely destroyed Canada and Australia.

>Oh no! We have a shortage of Phds in Zoology at our university
Better fund a natives education then or pay enough for someone to unretire. That's how the labor market should work. With our countrymen becoming stronger.