Most men are criminals, a female world would be an objectively better place

Most men are criminals, a female world would be an objectively better place

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Most CEOs, scientists, and leaders are men

But then the prison population would be 100% female, now that most females are criminal they should be removed too and nobody is left.
Good job OP, you've killed us all.

That needs to change if we want a peaceful world

A female world wouldn't last

Only if the change is to black women, otherwise it would be worse.

Why not? Only very few (genetically superior) men are needed for semen harvesting

>prison gender gap
How do we encourage more young girls to go into prison?

More like: how do we make men less criminal

exactly my thought, just need to put some random girls there for equality, sorry but this is the brice you have to pay for eguallidy

is that you, Merkel?

Women murder more babies legally in the West than men murder other people.

everyone knows that women are intellectually at the same level as children

try harder to b8 faggot

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Female crime is rationalized away because they employ the gynocentric system to commit it on their behalf. Abortion being the standard.

Not if you "deconstruct" genders and masculinize women.

>everyone knows that women are intellectually at the same level as children

weakest bait I've seen in a while

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what about female bias in sentencing and prosecution?

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men make the world run. Men are more powerful and external so as a side effect you have more male criminality and violence as well as more productivity and good stuff. a world with just women wouldn't work and they wouldn't last. You need both genders. pic related is a bridge built by just women.

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I think it would be interesting to compare the prison sentence of women and men convicted of the same crime. I know anecdotally it seems like they receive much less harsh sentences.

its a myth

get rotten wet nigger shit waffle stomped down your throat you fucking worthless satanic germ fuck

why are germans so fucking obsessed with 'social engineering' that they turn it into their sexual fetish? Kill yourself, you fucking vile piece of shit.

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The good comes with the bad. Men are the majority of inmates, but they're also all of the CEOs, Movie stars, Athletes, Scientists, entrepreneurs, etc etc.

Get rid of the men and you get rid of the retards, the violent, the criminal, but you also get rid of all the outstanding. Which results in a world of woefully average female, none ever taking a risk. Eternal, safe stagnation.

most investors and entrepreneurs are men, a female run world would be objectivity an impoverished place


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I only came here to mock you for your insolent and ignorant post. Women are backstabbing, untrustworthy, bickering cunts, and only fools believe they are capable of compus mentis.

The degradation of every good thing in life today, is, as it has always been, due to women and faggots, which are just incompetent men.

Mission accomplished.

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cry more incel

Get women out of politics, and they'll quit backstabbing men by making ordinary and customary acts crimes.

Problem solved.
Just like the gender wage gap :^)

You're a myth. A liar too.


Who would build their buildings?

capitalism is unstable
eventually wages will get cut to the point where you are indifferent to working.

>Most men are criminals

op fuckign retarded low ip degen femcel
statistic implies Most criminal are male
and Most criminal are male statement does not imply Most male are criminal as op stated

pol is under attack.

No. Not safe at all. Various studies have shown that societies in which women dominate are utterly cruel and heartless - just like women are to each other in their verbal sparring and jockeying for status and position.

Only men keep them from destroying the world in an orgy of envy and cutting remarks about each other's hairdo's, and following that up with being sentenced to death by having strong acid dripped one drop at a time on their victims.

IQ of a doorknob working at the JIDF. cmon faggot there are fresh bleeding kike cocks ready to be sucked dry.

Sorry that my people tend to be so fucking autistic.

>50% of population commits 73% of crime
Better kill them all lmao
>13% of the population commits 53% of crime
Nothing to see here

>women in charge
>the world would be a better place

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Most criminal are male statement does not imply Most male are criminal as op stated
>Most criminal are male statement does not imply Most male are criminal as op stated
Most criminal are male statement does not imply Most male are criminal as op stated
>Most criminal are male statement does not imply Most male are criminal as op stated

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I bet you are. I am confident that the worst of the brunt of that autism impacts you daily. You have my sincere sympathy.

Women don't know how to get themselves clean running water, food, or shelter beyond "sniffle sniffle, I can't do it. Somebody else do it for me cause I have a vagina" and that shit doesn't work with other women unless the two are colluding to trick men into doing it for them. Good luck with that, women. 80% of you will be dead of starvation and dehydration within 30 days. You have no survival skills.


I don't want a peaceful world, I want a free world. And if you don't like other's freedom, you'll get gassed.

>gets facts presented

>pol is under attack.


This conclusion presumes that all crime is bad and unneccessary.

Women have murdered more babies in 50 years than all the casualties of war in human history. And they call men murderers.

I submit this post is a crime against all humanly.


While men and women have an average IQ around the same level, men have a wider deviation. You get more tards with men but also more geniuses. This explains both the larger proportion of men in prison and men in valuable positions such as leaders and CEOs.
A female run world is not the answer as this would inhibit the more often genius men. Simple eugenics the answer.

Also, men are pretty stoic. We are far more likely to ignore petty crime than report it. Women are pretty petty for the most part, and their less egregious crimes aren't reported by their victims.

The reverse is completely the reverse. Women are less likely to report a serious crime because they're cowards, and far more likely to use lawfare as a weapon for insignificant trifles.

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Powerful. Youre such an intellectual.

You're right OP, literally no female leader in recorded history started a war. They were also master diplomats and avoided all possibilities of war even if it slapped them in the face.


It balances out.

The worst people on earth are men, but so are the best people

by women and faggots, you of course mean Jews. We had both on the leash before they rooted themselves in our political and academic establishments.

Don't blame them for being what they are. Blame who let them loose, and blame us for being duped into letting it happen.

No one expects bulls to be able to run a china shop.

ITT insecure white guys justifying crime

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Your statement that 'most men are criminals' is not a fact. It's not just a lie, or even a damned lie. It's being too stupid to understand statistics.

Here, here.

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I absolutely fucking hate dealing with German bureaucracy on a regular basis.
It feels like this type of job attracts the most and worst of them.

Stick so far up their asses while huffing their own farts any chance they get yet they are the biggest imbeciles you'll ever have the displeasure of dealing with.

divide those stats among racial lines and we'll see who'll be justifying crime real quick.

Here's a better pic for you.

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>93.2% of federal inmates are male
>Most men are criminals

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Man, Memri is one of the greatest tools for creation and dispersal of memes the world has ever known. The kikes intent on using it to denigrate Muslims seem to not even grasp how effective a weapon it is against their own ideas - completely demonstrating it's utility against attempted imposition of socially Stalinist tyranny.

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>destoys civilization

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Did you know that 6.5 of the total population is responsible for 40% of all murders in America since 1980?

Well, yes and no. It's surprising that so many people that consider themselves rational expect women and faggots to be mentally competent, when it practically undeniably proven that they aren't.

Jews unleashed them with psyops. But blaming Jews for being dishonest and treacherous is almost as disingenuous as blaming women for being chattel.

The point is: don't let bulls into the china shop at all, much less give them some say in running it. That goes for Jews just as much as women and faggots.

t. neckbeard

Bureaucracies attract the worthless the world over. Near my village is a Dept.of Motor Vehicles, a government office where you deal with the legal hassles of owning a car. There is a guy there who's actually quick, personable, and effective at his job.

I'm waiting for them to fire him. He sticks out like a sore thumb.

*votes socialist*

Yeah, I wouldn't engage either. You'll lose that fight.

Not an argument

Most criminals are extraordinarily dumb and extraordinarily aggressive. Women are generally not extraordinary. They are the most average and boring people you can imagine. This is also why women are rarely geniuses. The female gender is the mediocre gender.

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Women are too pussy to kill all men, they need men to do their killing for them

Behind every evil man there's a more evil woman. Every woman is of their father the devil. The male / female dichotomy & eternal cycle wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Why is it always western euros / scandinavians posting shit like this

>trading science and technology for a beta world

neck yourself faggot

>implying the killing of a fetus ISNT murder

But who would I talk to then?

Jews are all female btw.
Pic related

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>a female world would be an objectively dumber and less athletic place*


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Never happen you'll die first whore, on this cock no less bitch slit

Oh excuse me, I'm sure Dr_Caveman is a highly decorated anthropologist

>implying it is

>be man
>commit crime
>Go to prison
>be woman
>commit crime
>have to pick up garbage every weekend for a few months

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No, bitches are retarded and evil.

I was gangstalked by jews. The crimes range from theft, stalking, harassment, medical fraud, torture, assault, human experimentation up to use of military equipment on civilian, conspiracy, property damage, attempted murder, privacy invasion, home trespassing.

Look at all the non-arguments itt.
Based OP, btfoing Jow Forums once and for all.

hey dumb thot the society will collapse for the lake of competent engineer leader and intelligente and strong leader because male brain is bigger in both mass and volume then the female brain and also you would get invaded by another society where men exists and you would be raped as thots that you are

Women get lighter sentencing all the damn time. How many women abuse kids and get virtually no jail time? Blow it out your ass fag

>female world would be an objectively better place

Impossible. Feminism only serves as a transitionary period. Either we return to a Western patriarchy or we will be conquered by more aggressive masculine societies..

ThereĀ“ll be a world war every month

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