Graduate from college soon

>graduate from college soon

What am i supposed to do with my life

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what do you want to do with your life user?

Idk what do you wanna do?

Nothing now. I use to have goals but they have all been ripped away one by one. I turned into what i hate.a jaded directionless asshole.

Seems like im just gonna cut my hair shave shower until i die. There are some things i kinda want but itd be unrealistic to expect them and i dont have the drive to really pursue anyway

what kind of things do you want user?

I am in same position. I have no idea what to do....

Id like to be good at guitar but ive only recently started playing. Its likely just a novelty thing. I cant think of any real world goals. Or any career I would like to have. My time in college was amassive waste. I am ashamed in myself and wish i had a time machine.

do you know any good songs yet?

Leave it

what did you major in?

Do whatever will make you happy in the long run. Realize that you are still young and nobody has life all figured out. NOBODY!

get a decent job and pay your student loans ASAP.

Leave all the creative stuff (i.e. luxury hobbies) at home and start working on something related to your major or similar.

I have no loans. I dont care about making money if im miserable

Computer science. I will never work in industry

>I have no loans. I dont care about making money if im miserable
Lucky you but you should still work so you don't die of hunger.
Starving ain't fun.

I'm the same boat as you.
Why won't you work industry?

Ive starved before. Its not so bad.i could survive on min wage easily.
The thing is that id just feel wastedand stagnated.

I dont know. I guess I agree with uncle ted too much. Im not sure if i should even go to gradschool. If i did itd likely not be for stem.

Well for starters, I don't think a grad degree is worth it unless you're very passionate or want to try to take up research. (Both of which I do not like personally).
Have you had internships before?

No. I couldnt stand the subject so i just did bare minimum to graduate

I see. That's unfortunate.

I know some students who are in your shoes.
I'm sure you know it, but time is running and will run out on you in terms of schooling.However it's not the end. The fact that you made it four years is a testament to that.

What I can tell you is this: another degree at the moment is not worth it. Maybe try to scrape together the best resume you can to get that first internship. Work a part time job in the meantime to make ends meet. In the meantime, continue to learn more CS on your own. Maybe even go to a code camp and have that certificate and a degree.

If CS really isn't your thing at all, I think it may be time find other purpose and jobs you can get behind.
It will take time and analysis on your end.

While a degree is a good way to get those higher end jobs, it's not the only. Everyone needs to start somewhere and if you're restarting, the only cost is time.

You should have dropped out or changed majors if you didn't like what you were doing, Shane.

Now you're going to have to eventually work menial jobs that are 10 times tougher than any of your experiences at college just to survive.

Not, OP but I'm curious about these menial jobs you speak of.

Menial jobs are pretty good and way easier than going to college

Is it bad to do a minimum wage job for a year after finishing university?

I did a shitty degree that I grew to despise. I just feel sick of studying and thinking of doing a year off any further studies. Just to live with my parents and do that for a year while figuring my shit out. I never worked in my life before so I feel a bit lost about how life outside of studying is like. And no there's no chance I'll get an entry level job


You csn suck my delicious dick.

If you have a degree and want something significantly different, maybe OCS is for you? The military can always use competent leaders, and the pay + bennies is nice.

kill yourself for asking this fucking retarded question you moron
you sound like a drama queen by the way fuck off

I've been playing the guitar for 10 years so I guess its my time to help another user out. There's 3 things you should do when learning to play:

1. Fingerstyle. It's sad that a lot of people can only play with a pick. It might be easy when starting but it will be a pain later on when songs become more difficult, hell you cant even play a very large amount of songs only with a pick. Its retarded, just use your fingers. As you get better you should also let your nails grow 0.5-1cm, you might think it's stupid but it's easier and also sounds way better. People will notice them too and think better of you.

2. Tabs. Sheet format is retarded, and takes too long to learn. For the 9 years that I was taking lessons I only had books with sheet format. Now I only use tabs. Also use guitar pro, you can find it easily cracked if you don't want to pay. It makes learning a song much easier because you can hear how a song should sound, it's rythm and speed. You can also edit it to be easier.

3. When practicing a song dont play it from beginning to end. Instead, split it in many parts and play each part alone many times, like 5 to 20 depending on how hard it is. Also practice 2 parts together if the transition between them is hard. If you find a song hard, play in a smaller speed until your playing becomes stable.

Good luck user

I dont reallylearn songs. At least not like that.

If i want to learn a specific parti just kinda go by ear. Otherwise i improv along to songs or I just practice on my own.
Also i do fingerstyle already i dont own or afford picks

Dont go to college