How can I, a non-white woman...

How can I, a non-white woman, reprogram my mind to stop being exclusively attracted to white men and become more attracted to men of my own race? It's starting to affect my dating life so I need a solution. Dating white men isn't possible cause there are very few where I live. And I turn into a nervous, awkward mess around those few I come across.

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This awfully feels like reverse bait. If not the solution is simple hard to achieve.

>whenever you notice yourself thinking about white men, or how hot they are tell yourself they are ugly. you dont like them, they are ugly

WTF are those gay rings?

How so?

That's very difficult indeed :( I might try it, though.

Ha! I noticed that too. He's a model, I believe. Might explain why he has an eccentric fashion sense.

Yeah it is difficult, you are trying to change an innate preference about yourself. It will take time and conscious effort. It worked for me when getting rid of a fetish.

Where are you from anyway?

what nationality?

Why is this even a problem? That's like asking someone to change whether or not they're attracted to short/tall people. It's really just personal preference. Why is it that you write off guys that aren't white is the big question. What if you meet a latino dude that happens to be funny, smart, and motivated?

That's just having a type really, lowering standards usually fixes it

This i guess? I mean my neighbour isn't white, but i'd tap that ass.

I'm from a Middle Eastern country.

It's a problem because it's a preference that isn't realistic or attainable, I guess. I don't want to write off non-white dudes, hence my post. It's just difficult to find myself physically attracted to them, which is something I want to change.

Ok obviously not from Turkey than, since well we have those here.

But your main issue might be them being foreign and novelty. What do you feel about other races? Asians and blacks in this case. Since it might just you liking non-locals essentially.

Not Turkey, no. And I don't find Black or Asian men attractive either on average, to be honest. I'm sure the novelty is definitely a factor, though, so you're right about that.

Well... I mean, this is a pretty unconventional problem I think. I'm not sure I've ever met someone that had a very strict "type" they wanted, but were unable, to change.

I guess maybe try and pin down specific physical attributes? What is it about white guys that you like? Strong jaw lines? Blue eyes? Narrower noses?

It's pretty hard to just say "I wish I found tall women more attractive. How do I start finding tall women attractive?". The biggest thing I can say is: Start trying to put more focus on personality traits than physical traits. That's how adult relationships work anyway. Unless you're just a young 20 something looking to smash. If that's it, and all you care about is the physical then... I dunno dude you might be a bit stuck on that one.

>t. white guy

So what about white men are you attracted to? Is it the skin color, the stereotype that goes with them like success, attractiveness, etc? Is there a specific kind of white like say American whites, European whites, etc? You should at least know what about them you like.

Ok, like the other user said you can try to focus on other traits than skin colour or maybe specific features.

But i stand by my original suggestion, you should try to consciously think about it and make an repeat yoursel "no". It will work

If you're attracted to white men, that's a sign you're white.

Is this some Ali G logic?

It's mostly about facial features, really. Blond hair, light-colored eyes, traits that are usually rare here. They tend to be taller too. I wouldn't say the stereotype that they're successful plays a role but most white men I've met were authority figures (teachers/principals) which might've added a little bit to the attraction. I also had an American boyfriend for a while, that probably plays a part too.

Thanks for the advice, guys. I do hope I'll grow out of it, eventually.

Good luck middle eastern femanon! And if you cant shake it hope you find somebody you like.

Turk user signing out.

Unironically, Arab women are the best women

That's sweet of you, thanks.

The next level down from white is Latino, then Indian, Asian and black dudes have the same trouble getting with other races. Arabs are doomed thanks to their bad global public representation.
The only thing above white is mixed races with the attributes of two races.

Arab women are hard to judge since we can’t actually see the majority of them.
Women of any race can pick who they want, it’s men who have the uphill battle regardless of race.

The majority of women where I live don't wear the burqa, actually. It's a bit of a misconception. Most just cover their hair and dress normally. Others, like me, don't even cover their hair. Not all Middle Eastern countries have strict rules when it comes to what women wear.

Mixed-race here with white bf, getting bleached is the best tbqh desu.

user you're going to have a hard time changing what you're attracted to. They say love grows, but I personally feel nothing romantically or sexually or non-white guys. If you're absolutely determined, I guess you could try looking for a nice guy and really thinking about/admiring his best attributes? Don't force yourself if your instincts are screaming it's wrong though, no use lying to yourself.
You know in your heart, mind and body what you want - I wish you the best of luck OP!

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Consume less Western media

you could always try to get a job somewhere where white people in your country live/work, something in the government or tourism or something. I kind of have the same problem about wanting to date a middle-eastern woman.

Anyway you probably won't ever stop finding them attractive but if you meet someone from your own race who you like you'll probably find them attractive and nice and be happy with them anyway.

oy vey

Invisibilia just did a very interesting podcast about this! it followed an Asian girl who had developed this program to cure herself of "white fever". which was racist, by trying to not be racist. the podcast is very sensitive and nuanced, so it is pretty good to listen to

Not OP, but, it is a problem because of the cultural connotations. the vast majority of world media is made by Whites, for Whites. Even locally produced media is heavily influenced by European and American media. so, you get situations where 90% of the people in India are dark skinned, but 90% of the people in Indian movies are super pale. It could just be OP's preference, or it could be (and most likely is) that she has been manipulated by mass media into thinking that one type of face and skin tone are more beautiful than any other. I get that it is not a deliberate conspiracy, but it really feels like one.

And, in a world where racism can be deadly, small acts of discrimination can snowball. Or, at least some of us worry that they can snowball. OP wants to date a wider variety of guys. it is a small change, but it might have profound repercussions.

actually, the majority of women DON'T have the ability to pick whoever they want. Men have a habit of looking at women as property. When a woman dates outside her race, men get insanely threatened. depending on the circumstances, a woman could be murdered for dating the "wrong" guy. Women are also more sensitive to social judgments. they might want to date different guys, but if her friends and family put pressure on her, that guy will get the boot. Not really a choice, when your choices are already made for you


As long as you're not a she-boon nigger, you're good.

eh... I don't get what you are trying to say...

Haha what is this trash where am I?

He's saying it's not whites, it's the Jews that run most of the media and also want to rule the world, eat aborted fetuses, etc.

Where do you live, and what race?

I have a similar problem accept I’m a white huh who is only attracted to Latina and middle eastern women but live in Canada where there are not a lot of them

Not for long OP

Pretty much this. "White" media isn't run by whites, it's almost always a Stein or CoinBerg. BTW, they don't want to rule the world, they already do.

>How can I, a white woman, reprogram my mind to stop being exclusively attracted to white men and become more attracted to men not of my own race? It's starting to affect my dating life so I need a solution. Dating white men isn't possible cause there are very few where I live. And I turn into a nervous, awkward mess around those few I come across.

I had the same issue for pretty much my entire life, OP, and trust me, it don't change. I just eventually gave up and gave in to my instincts and white men like me anyway, so it's whatever. You like who you like. If you can, just move to a whiter country and get yourself a white hunk. Life's too short for suffering, anyway.

t. latina

It is natural to be very attracted to white men. They are beautiful people from a beautiful race.


It's hard but just remember race mixing is immoral

lowering your standards by actually dating other people. it's a practice you need to do, like exercising.


By becoming my (guy from europe) e-gf

Thank you, femanons. I'm glad you're both happy now.

That seems very interesting. I'll give it a listen. Thank you.

It's nice to know that there are white men out there who feel the same. I know many Middle Eastern women who have a thing for white guys too, so there's hope for you. I wish you luck in finding the woman of your dreams, or maybe our paths will cross someday lol.

I think both of you are on the right track. I'm sure the media plays a big role but I've been consuming Western media ever since I was a little kid and I can't see myself stopping anytime soon, to be honest. I need it to improve my English and German language skills. Plus Middle Eastern media is terrible and depressing.

I still don't think sexual preference is racist. I want to change it out of convenience, not because I think one race is better than the other.

Tempting but I had a LDR once and it ended up being a total mess.

There's nothing immoral about it. It's beneficial from an evolutionary point of view.

I'm sure you can find white looking guys in Lebanon, Syria atleast
I have friends from Syria and Lebanon all of them look white to me.
I'm German btw.

You're right that they're usually considered the "whiter" Middle Easterners. I don't run into many of them, though, for some reason.

Totally unrelated question, but if I decided to complete my postgraduate studies in Germany, how much would I be targeted by the anti-foreign/anti-Middle Eastern sentiment that has increased after the recent refugee crisis?

also live in germany, anti foreign sentiments are only a problem if you act like a "kanake" if you act like a decent human being, are a women, and dress like a westerner youll probably get more shit from conservative migrants than anti foreign people

Good to know. Thanks for replying.

Doesn't matter if you don't dress like a camel jockey I suppose.
The refugee crisis really only brought in men who cannot behave and are without marketable skills. Educated women from the middle east are a breath of fresh air.
Also please be in munich.

god i hate white men. not really for them being white but for non-white women being obsessed by them

There's a bunch of white men saying the same thing but in reverse, just look at Jow Forums or r9k, it's not true in either case, don't fall for the meme

Yeah I know quite a few people in Germany and especially in the Munich area with German dads and Iranian mothers (they tend to be well educated), it's a great place to go and raise a family

Turkfag here,

Damn, this thread is still going on? Interesting..

Let us know how it works out for you OP, i am curious

I hope so. Just feels like all women of my race date white guys or at least when they're young and hot. I don't want to date white women or wait until women of my race are 30+ and looking to settle down

Thank you! I've been to Munich before, it's a beautiful city. I'd love to visit again, and I was actually offered an internship there last year but the housing market in Munich was one of the reasons I didn't end up taking it. Apartment hunting sounds daunting there, to be honest. I'll still look into it, though.

It's cause they stand out, when you walk down the street you won't pay attention to all of the non-mixed couples, but the mixed ones stand out so you think there's more of them then there actually are. I saw the same thing as you in reverse, try and spot all the couples that aren't mixed, and you'll quickly notice that there aren't so many that are mixed, work out, go to parties and get moderately drunk, have fun, and you'll eventually find a good girl

Op you like what you like. You like white men then hold out for one

Living in one of the smaller cities around Munich is also a great option, even though public transportation isn't Japan levels of perfect its still very good, and the cities outside of Munich are a lot cheaper

Can relate
> guy who only likes asian women

>only asian
>not sexy white girls
>not fit latina girls

you crazy

I find asian more fit and sexy

Yeah, I guess I could do that. I'll check it out. I appreciate the advice.

I live in Sachsen-Anhalt in Naumburg specifically
It's very good Tbh nothing going on against the refugees
And if you came to Germany legally to study believe me you will have it way easier than the average refugee here don't worry you are welcomed.
There are alot of foreign students in the top universities here.