When normies ask me what I do on my free time what should I tell them?

when normies ask me what I do on my free time what should I tell them?

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Pick some active activity that doesn't make you look like the loser you are.

right, like what though?

It's better if it's something you decide on since you know your life best. "I practice playing the guitar" can lead to awkward shit if you can't even hold one right.

any suggestions?

Drawing/painting? Coding? Making memes? If you don't mind looking like a boring loser pick studying and reading.

Say you like comedy and pick a few comedians you enjoy

can I really tell normies that I code and make memes on my free time? because thats what I do already.

>I watch movies, list off MCU films.
>I read books, list off shit from the new york times best seller
>I like to jog. (actually do this)

So what the fuck is the issue? It's cool stuff. Mostly the coding but some meming doesn't hurt if they are good.

I dont like stand-up comedians, might just say this anyways though thanks, hopefully they dont quiz me.
problem is, what if they start quizzing me. Especially about marvel, god I hate marvel.
dont want to seem like a weird nerd especially since that's all I do + watch anime.

>especially since that's all I do
Well, that's the bigger issue. Jogging would indeed be a good balance then, and really a decent thing to do.

If you actually have hobbies this shouldn't be a scary question to answer.

So basically, get 1 or a few hobbies. And no it doesn't matter if they're a bit goofy or geeky.

Is that really a hobby though that I can say? I used to run but now I just lift weights, but I wouldn't say I lift on my free time because Its only like an hour every other day of my time.
and you're right I should start jogging.

>it doesn't matter if they're a bit goofy or geeky.
that's the problem I have, embarrassed to share my hobbies, especially to the people I interact with.

> Its only like an hour every other day of my time.
Who cares. Counts. No one is going to stalk you to confirm that you do all the reps.

A lot also depends on context. If you're talking to some students even anime doesn't have to be that bad. Lately I've been surprised pretty hard over how many normal looking people like that shit. Back in my day it was a total taboo.
If you'e talking with older people, it's less likely to lead to a decent impression of course.

How about photography? Kind of outdoor-sy but also requires a computer, so wouldn't be a total fish out of water stuff. Traveling is an option too, even if it's local stuff.

thanks, might try photography

Who the fuck cares what your hobbies are?

When people ask me what my biggest hobby is, you know what i tell them? I tell them my biggest hobby is coming home from work and sitting in front of my fish tank, watching my fish swim around. If you're cool about it none will think it's weird what you like to do for fun. A few weeks ago a girl i know randomly came up to me asking: ''hey user! how are your fish doing? ;)''.

>If you're cool about it
Not OP but this is a big if. Pulling it off isn't as easy as it sounds, mate.

>If you're cool about it none will think it's weird what you like to do for fun
problem is I'm not cool about it, I'm an awkward fuck. If I know the person is not a normie ill tell them some of the truth, but I'm talking about basic NPC college students...

Why are you embarrassed about it? What hobbies do you have that are so weird (according to you) that you can't share them?

I program and watch anime

Nothing weird about it.

Not weird in and of itself. Only weird if people can tell by your autistic vibe that you're a weeb.

>what if they start quizzing me
change subject, answer generically, say you're rough on it actually want to hear about their expeirences and let them do the talking, people love talking about themselves.