hello, do any of you know how to cure depression? or at least numb it? i’m really desperate please help me before i kill myself (i put a pic bc maybe it’ll help me get replies)
Cure depression
You can't, you can only seek treatment /medication/activities to make it bearable which is where you should start, such as getting outside and exercising everyday at the very least
Ever notice how cutters always show off their self-mutilation like they're proud of it? My cousin dated a cutter and he got a tattoo saying how many times he had cut himself. What's up with that? Are you cutting for attention and hoping someone will scoop you up and coddle you and fix all your boo-boos or is it because you think you deserve the pain?
I don't fucking get cutters man. Life hurts enough without you adding to it in a completely unnecessary way. If you want to punish yourself and be emo and shit - take up something cool. Like boxing. Get rekt in the face a few times and you probably feel the same "relief", right?
get outside and do something with your life. for me depression comes from boredom. After I got out of school my life was the same shit every day. Go find a purpose for your life and maybe you'll get better.
>depressed because i dont do anything
>dont do anything because im depressed
its something you have to actively work on. it wont go away by itself.
get into self improvement
the world is yours
focus up
do something with your life
cutting is a productive use of time
use your cutting time to network or read or workout or some shit
typo, my b
cutting ISNT a productive use of time
You do these things in order, small steps. Doesn’t need to be all at once so long as you gradually make these changes:
Can be as simple as starting off with going for a 30 minute-an hour long brisk walk everyday. Progress to jogging 3days after a couple weeks. Then maybe try some liftin or doing bodyweight. Our bodies are made to be used, like any other animal. We are the only living thing on this planet not using our bodies how we should, the whole desk job society thing. So exercise it. Cardio helps the best for me.
Start slowly filtering out crappy foods, and over one work towards cooking your own healthy shit. More fruits and veggies, and take some supplements if you need to (fish oil, multi, etc.)
This can be accomplished with the cardio part, but if you’re depressed you’re likely not spending too much time outside. It’ll worsen the more sunlight you don’t get. You can supplement vitamin d, and if you do start with 10,000iu-15,000ius. That should give you a bit of boost in mood after a few days of supplementation, but try to get sunlight. Atleast 30 minutes a day of direct.
More sleep helps too, but I’m sure you’re doing a lot of that lately. I still wanna mention it because I know you can wake up feeling like you didn’t get much. This will improve as you do the other parts, and then because your sleep has improved you will have more energy and feel even better.
I’m not gonna tell you to abstain completely, but you shouldn’t be fiddling yourself multiple times a day. Maybe 2-3x a week. I’m trying not to mention men tier shit, but I can attest you will feel better after a week or so of not doing it(if guy).
>challenge yourself
Create small challenges and beat them. The goal is to win, even if it’s jusst tossing a crumpled paper into the trash from across the room. You can apply this to working out “I’ll jog 5 more minutes even though I feel like I gotta stop”
If after doing these you don’t feel a huge change or atleast one big enough to start powering along and to keep going on this route of betterment, then start therapy. There is nothing wrong with it, I felt there was for a long time but I’m doing way better now. You just need a good one. You’ll make leaps of progress with one
>Stop seeking attention through negative means that hurt yourself or others
Good example is your cutting, stop it. Negative attention will get people to notice you, but it will push them away leaving you more depressed. You need to seek postive attention from friends or loved ones.
>See a psychiatrist
You need medication
>Don't wait for someone to save you
You need to find a hobby or dream you find enjoyable and pursue it, only you can help yourself.
>Actually want to get better
Make an effort instead of using pity as an excuse, or the attention you get from cutting. Stop basing your self worth on your appearance or the opinion of others.
>I do not understand catharsis
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There’s cutters who are ashamed of it and actually have problems, but a lot of these people are doing it for attention. That’s not to say someof them may be depressed, but it’s a cry for help for those. I dated a girl with cutting scars on her arm. When I met her we were messing around and I saw them and told her “im not even gonna ask...” and a day later she mentioned how I’m inky one to not ask and I shrugged it off, after we fucked that day she lays the arm on my chest and starts calling out Who and what each scar was from. So yeah to answer your question with this mini blog, some people straight up just want attention and wear depression and correlated issues as a fashion accessory. It’s pretty disgusting, especially if you’ve ever gone through depression or suffered with suicidal thoughts
i read all the replies, thank you it means alot. for those calling me an attention whore, i don’t show my scars to people i know in real life. as i said on the post, the only reason i put the pic is cause i thought i’d get more replies, please don’t make fake assumptions based on your own experience, you don’t know me.
Well I can tell you that if OP pic related is you that those are definitely the cry for help type/attention. It may sound hardvand even impossible to do, talk to a therapist. Just get in with one. You’ll feel better
Holy shit did you really carve "RIP" into your own fucking arm? I'm sorry OP, I really am but somehow that's hilarious to me. Kek
i didn’t...
It's right there in the pic bro. The letter R, I and P next to each other, by your sleeve. If you didn't do that intentionally then that's some creepy coincidence
i guess it’s some creepy coincidence cause i only noticed after that person pointed it out
well, i dont know what to say about this :/
but i do have advice on how to stop cutting
>squeez ice cubes till hand turn purple from chill
>pop yourself with rubber band till arm red
dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive behaviorial therapy
oh fuck that is creepy, just noticed it after you pointed it out. my bro has depression and he carved " I DIE"
Exercise, change your diet and environment. I've been on every medicine out there (which should only be used as a temp tool) and these are the only things that have helped. I am no longer a cutter myself