My boyfriend never compliments me, he always mentions my acne, that i have a big chin, small boobs, that i need to lose weight etc. I told him how it hurts me and he tells me he's joking and to not be so sensitive. I asked him if he could give more compliments but he never does. Am i being over sensitive?
My boyfriend never compliments me, he always mentions my acne, that i have a big chin, small boobs...
No you're not. This guy is an asshole who might have a sadistic side that's getting off on making you feel bad. He might even just hate himself, and be projecting that onto you. Break up and move on. There is no "fixing" him. The best/only thing for you to do now is leave him, and try not to date a douche again. Ignore this advice and it'll be your own fault that you keep getting hurt.
Aww, I'm sorry you have to go through that. Men are oblivious a lot of the time to emotional stuff, it isn't an excuse for him to do that but you should base how you address this off of that information.
Well why did you pick insensitive brute as your bf? Did you think you cant do better? Is he your first bf? Was he always like this? Did you ignore his behavior before?
Did you think you could change him?
"just kidding" does not make it better. it only makes things worse. this shifts the blame from the abuser, back to the abused. it isn't his fault you are hurt by those vile things. it is YOUR fault for being so delicate!
wanting love and encouragement is NOT weakness
wanting to be treated with respect is NOT selfishness
wanting to be called beautiful and desired is NOT vanity
reacting to pain with fear and sadness is NOT weakness
you are a person, just like he is. you deserve every bit of trust, respect, and pleasure that everyone on Earth does. NEVER feel bad about putting your toes to someone's ass for denying you those things
Post chin Leno
These questions are important
I think you are being too sensitive. My exes never gave me any compliments either, that I can recall. Unless they were extremely drunk, I still treasure those few times. But then again I'm pretty used to getting 0 feedback unless I'm doing something wrong, I think most dudes are.
You said it, EXs. Guys who can't compliment a girl properly (and I'm a guy) shouldn't have girlfriends (and I have a girlfriend).
one of the differences between male and female is the need for verbal validation. Yeah, most guys are just fine without getting compliments. Unless I do something really awesome, I don't need a pat on the back. And even when I do something awesome, I get really embarrassed when people bring it up more than a day later.
girls, it seems to me, aren't like that. if you don't regularly tell your girl she is pretty, compliment something she does, tell her that you appreciate her, they start wondering if these things aren't true. Like, you have to, literally, tell a girl that you love her, or she won't get it. And I have dated girls who definitely got that I loved them, but still needed to hear me say it. Just a weird quirk of being female, I guess
>you deserve every bit of trust, respect, and pleasure that everyone on Earth does.
d-does this mean I deserve sex?
Hmm I rarely give compliments, don't want to seem like I'm desperate to validate them (I guess this doesn't apply as much in a true relationship, I wouldn't know). On the other hand I'm not mean and pointing out flaws.
I've dated a girl for a month and think I gave her 1 compliment this whole time
>nice sweater
She hasn't either, so meh
That kind of behaviour isn't normal, you should leave him
You deserve a better treatment
Yes user. And if you don't get what society owes you, PUNISH society.
He sounds like a manipulative asshole
Not saying it will be like this for you but my friend had a boyfriend like this, in the end he was physically abusing her and after she broke up with him he broke into her house and threatened her a lot
Fuck that. Get some self-respect and find a man who actually won't insult you
He's not into your looks, soon as he gets a "hot" girl he will be all compliments. Dump him before he does a number on your self worth
What, if anything, do you get out of the relationship?
That is a healthy relationship.
Great reflection of your self worth.
holy shit, no you arent. I know you have low self of worth but get out of that relationship.
>he's an asshole
Possible, but there's also a good chance that he's just too embarrassed to put in words what he likes about OP.
In which case the problem might get fixed if you make him understand that it is a problem.
My ex husband used to do this and it drove me up a fucking wall. He said my head was too small and my legs were too long and that he preferred girls with brown eyes and tan skin, not green-eyed and pale like me.
The only compliments I ever got were about my ass.
Don't know how I stayed with him for so long. Guess I'm industrial strength retarded.
Post your chin or acne or boobs so we can decide if he's right or not.
I think I love you
obviously you are being sarcastic, but if everything the one I replied to said is accurate, surely that is the conclusion?
Why did you marry a guy like this?
>Woman gets treated as a man
>This guy is an asshole who might have a sadistic side
Don't you have somewhere to complain about "incels" or something?
The spirits are telling me you are a bit crazy.
Why is he still your boyfriend?