What do Portuguese and spanish think about North Africa (Algeria) ?

I know that we colonize them 10 years
I am algerian in origin not morrocan

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They are mostly meds, but poisoned by islam
Must purge

You are welcome to my land. Only just to make angry Fachas.

It was an error going there

Yes I would like to say 800 years

The original people of Magreb(berbers) were blonde blue eyed people. Now however....

So what are your opinion ?

It's totaly false
The original people had the same face than today
Berber are afrasian and are cousin of semitic people

We don't

What are your main point of vew honestly ?

Hehe. No


It's totaly false
North africa is the south
The more you go south, the more the skin is darker
My parents speak berberian, i know what i talk

About North Africa? Nothing in particular. I guess the landscape is beautiful, but Islam is a big negative. About North Africans? There? Nothing. Here? They have to go back. That's about it.

Idc what you talk. I care about the dna findings, what you feel like doesnt equate the truth

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Do Portuguese are racist about North africans ?
Any prejudice ?

I know that you have lot of black people in Portugal

They cleaned the islamists in the 90s so ok.
Let's hope they don't have a (((spring)))

I know it's hard to understand people from other places don't care about the things you care about, but honestly, 99.99% of the portuguese never think about North Africa. Sure, it's under us, and back a few centuries some long dead portuguese went there to wage war and commerce, but it just isn't part of our modern culture anymore. The spanish have a lot more connection with it, what with Ceuta and the other enclave, but even their interest in anything past Morocco is barely noticeable.

I would be surprised if any American that isn't living right next to a Portuguese family ever even remembers Portugal exists. Why would they? It's a tiny-ass, poor nation that produces nothing they consume. For us, Algeria is about the same. What do we even get from Algeria, other than the random terrorist trying to evade airport security? Natural Gas, I guess, maybe? I dunno.

We're subtly racist with just about everyone, nafris don't get any special treatment

Look, it's the berber dna

And of course at the north, it exists blond and blue eyes (it is not the case in the south)
Like I said I am berber, from Arris Algeria

It's the same with spain, you have also blond and blue eyes and people who have darker hair and skin

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South its really common to see afrikans. But if we see blacks at the north are either football players or some travelling merchant with stolen/trafficked goods for a nice price

Ah ok
And what about african people ?

I heard that you call nafris "moro" which is bad i think

It's the same in Algeria, we don't think a lot about portuguese also

But in France, there are a lot portuguese here.
I have a good friend from portugal in origin

What do Algerians think of white French people?

Honestly ?

Nothing, really
Colonisation is the past
the majority think nothing
You can find rare people with bad opinion but it's rare

Scum , every one of them behave worse than africans

Retournes dans ton pays c'est toi qui a foutu le bordel

Look at the atlas mountain people, how do you explain they look like this?

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Pretty much

Latinos>>>> rumanians>>>> africans >>>>>>>>>>>>you

Bordel les fautes de français que tu fais

T'es sur que t'es francais ?

People like this exist but it's not the majority
You pick the most blond and then you show, it's not representative

It's the same with portuguese
I am sure that you have blond and dark hai, the two are portuguese right ?

So it's the same
All dna prove that the actual north african are berber in origine

>we wuz
It's all so tiresome.

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Remember Maddie McCann? These are Moroccans from the atlas mountains.

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i tell ya this: racism? racism exists everywhere, its common? no, period. Leftist scum argue there is racism everywhere because its part of their agenda. Its comon on streats? way no. Are they respected? as long as they work and pay taxes as everione else, absolutely yes, notably the ones that work on construction, because they work harder then locals.
If you come here and are muslim, this is not the best place for you, pork is the most comon here, cow is not comon anymore since the mad cow crisis, and please dont engage in mosque stuff, pray at home.

I was in Morocco and had a good time. Country and culture was nice, however they can get annoying constantly calling and trying to sell crap and cannot control when fhey see women. Like monkeys. I never been to Algeria but from my friends that live in Paris I only heard bad thing about Algerians. That they're the worst scummiest immigrants living there. Don't work, live on welfare, they hate France and French people and are destructive subhumans.

They thought the little girl was Maddie.

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I met an Algerian when I was in Spain. He told me he was an illegal immigrant and we talked about Mr Bean. Apparently Mr Bean is dead in Algeria. Who knew

Algerians are the worst.

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Ok thanks my friend for your detailed answer

chicken is arround 3 euros/kg or less, pork is arround 3-6, vitela is more then 5.
you can ask other questions if you want.

Porkchops retained much more of their celtic DNA than spaniards. Just look at my cousin John, for instance.

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>be roman
>adopt greek gods
>almost all greek gods are described as being red/blonde blue eyed
>almost all mythical greek heroes are describes as red/blonde blue eyed

What did they mean by this?

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They'll never find Maddie. Her parents got rid of her. They were drunks.

I thought you speak about Marrakech ?

It's not algeria but Marrakech is very strange, yes
It's touristic so they never stopped to sell you something and take your money

Oh it's really not expensive, good point

But he's mixed with polish.

Portuguese and English is a good mix though.

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Yes I have a question
Do People are really religious in Portugal ?
I know that france, people are not religious, they don't take care about christianity, they never go to church

But is it the same for Portugal ? Do all portuguese or the majority go to church every sunday or are praticant ?

I saw various docs on youtube, the only doubt is how they were able to dispose of the cadaver.

>how they were able to dispose of the cadaver.

I also have no idea how they got rid of it other than throwing it to the sea with some rocks attached to it.

only a small portion of old women go to church this days. in general no one is religious anymore, religion is not trusted anymore, small corrupted sects made people doubt every religion. islam is not trusted both because of terrorism and history

The only true religion in here is football. It's obsessive.

That it's exotic and rare? Odin has red hair and people from Scandinavia are blond.

Ah ok, I though that you all believe in Jesus and God

No, we pagan. We believe in Fátima.

So you are still religious In majority

Probably the same as in UK. Hardly anyone believes in Jesus any more, but we still practice our ancient pagan traditions like Yule and Easter etc

We believe in this weird ghost type of thing that appeared in 1917, could be a ufo or something. But we think it's the virgin mary so we whorship it.

No, not joking.

By the way, the land is called Fátima, because the muslims saw a strange woman appear to them which they assumed to be the Prophet's daughter.
It's just a weird place.

They were Vandals, Alans, Swabs, rival gothic families etc expelled by Visigoths rulers. This is a matter of fact. Go out from Western, you all are ruining our Nations, you all do not belong to this world.

Spanish DNA is tainted by arabs by 5-10% average, that's why some people can look darker eventhough most of arabs were expelled in the peninsula. However that didn't happen in North Africa, original Berbers were white similar to anyother Christian Mediterranean country. And I say Christian because that means the mixage with the Arabs was limited.

In north Africa, however, you never had a Reconquista like we did in the Peninsula, that's why you look way more darker than we do, because you Arab mixage is way way higher than ours. Original Berbers were white as any other Mediterranean nation before the Arab Conquest, similar thing to the Iranians.