Seriously how can reactionary conservative retards even debate against abolishing the EC? Our country was founded on democracy and this system has been set up to give unfair power to...you guessed it....white men. It's time to change this outdated antiquity, like we did with slavery, women's rights, voting, etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Founded by the Founding Fathers who put the EC in the Constitution...
Nigger want?

republic != democracy

They also owned slaves so...maybe they weren't right about everything?

Every day I am more comforted by the suffering that the plebs will endure under this "egalitarian technocracy"

but you are

The Liberal tears makes everything delicious.

No, they were.

>yeah, fuck those rural states and the people who live there
>because we’re not winning elections so muh progress isn’t happening
It’s almost as if we have the EC to limit the chance if mob rule.

They all did? Are you sure about that Schlomo?

If the electoral college is abolished, all presidents will be elected by a handful fo the largest cities in the country. Huge swathes of rugged inhospitable land will be disenfranchised and will have no stake in the continued existence of the United States of America.
No EC => civil war.
Hope your happy. Blood will be on your hands.

Our country is not, never has been, and never will be a democracy. When will you stupid liberal fucks realize this basic fact?

They were right about everything.
Including the Scandinavians being swarthy.
Anglos are the only whites.

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But your limp wristed fatass is? Okay dale why dont ya go back to fucking your sister and let the adults talk this over for a bit.

No, slavery was a mistake because it reduced the incentive for automation, which is infinitely superior to lazy negroes.

it's not dirt, it's local governments. fucking liberal doesn't even know how to read a map

so would that mean that Republicans would win all the time?

The map he posted is still more red than blue

They came within 1 vote of the original constitution not having slavery

>dirt doesn’t vote
Lol these are the same people that call for IQ tests for voting because “rednecks bad” but can’t fathoms that blacks would be completely stripped of voting rights.

This goy gets it.

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Try again, conservatives would all vote in every state under pop vote.
Dems lose by landslides again and again.

The only chance dems have ever is ballot box stuffing, period.

The US was created to be like no other nation on earth, and the EC preserves that intention.

To want to do away with the EC...is unAmerican

>our country was founded on democracy
It was founded on republicanism you fucking retard. The entire point of a republic is to prevent direct rule from the masses, which is a shit system that doesn’t even work well for city states. Anyone calling America a democracy is an instant brainlet red flag. Also please sage this garbage thread

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apparently neither do you fag boy

You know what to do "rural and suburban retards".
The cities want to run your shit, no matter how damaging it is.
I might just sell my farm and buy a bunker.

kek, fucking based

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How can OP be this gay?

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States have their own culture and their own political needs. We function as a United States not as a singular people.

I unironically supported that notion.
No blacks.
Few hispanics.
Lots of suddenly ineligible lefty zoomers.

I admire your optimism.

That dirt does to vote.... If you own it, it's yours....
I'd love to see that dirt actually turn red with these fucking traitors blood.

>liberals calling rural conservatives dirt
and they wonder why everyone hates them.

>civil war.
which is bad because..?

The electoral college mirrors the exact amount of power that already exists in congress.
Also states get votes, not people, otherwise it is just mob rule.

So what's the problem? Why should inhospitable and mostly empty states have such a powerful sway in the outcomes of our election? The EC devalues the individual's vote and gives stupid rural flyover states an unfair boost. Why should 5 inbred hicks be allowed to stand in the way of the rest of modern society who is trying to build a better future? Just fuck off already and stop trying to justify such a bullshit and obviously unbalanced system lol

We’re a union of individual states with individual rights and interests. Not one big fucking drum circle. Sage

Cuba gets it

The Dems don't understand that a lot of conservatives don't vote in solid blue states because they know their votes won't matter. I say we call their bluff and go with popular vote ONLY IF we enact strict voter ID and purge the voter rolls of all illegals, dead, duplicate and moved voters. Tie it to social security and ID numberz.

Equal appointment of reps by pop means the popular vote is the ec vote

Because then there is no point in having the political distinction of a state.

I value peace and stability. I want my children to not die in a civil war.

Who the fuck cares? Slavery ended in 1865 you nigger apologist. Those white men built a country that virtually all non-whites wanted to mass migrate to and freeload after all the hard shit was over. White men must be doing something right. It's why it's backfiring. Call us Nazis but then want to live next to us. So... which is it?

Fuck off

>populism is bad
>tyranny of the majority is a bad thing
>hay let’s have a popular vote
Christ leftists are inconsistent idiots

Let me translate
>fuck rural interests, I just want more poz
>using bless your heart as an overt insult
Fucking leftist yankee urbanite scum

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>founded on democracy
Wrong. It was founded as a Constitutional Republic with elements of democracy.

For you EU flag, it would be a bad thing because having the US military in Europe enables your continued existence. If the US were to take its troops back home to quell a rebellion, the EU would cease to exist.

Think about it, we live in a democratic republic. We have state's rights and their own laws. The EC isnt a real democratic process. Senators and governors represent the states, the president represents the country. States that hold large amounts of ec votes like California and Texas is further proof that the system is fucked. If every vote counted the same and no state had an ec voting advantage, it would be pure democracy within the republic and the people would actually choose the president. Yes, its obvious that this would ensure dem victories every general election, and yes states that have more people will out number smaller states, but that's how actual democracy works. Those who have a problem with this, have a problem with democracy. Personally, I believe democracy is bs and not everyone should be allowed to vote. That is what the real problem is. I think the solution would be to change who should be allowed to vote on the best interests for Americans. If you took away all the votes from people under a 100iq, felons, jobless, and dual citizens, the results would be much better and politicians would be held accountable by people who actually have the ability to understand what's going on and who control the flow of money.

The electoral college is a great defense against leftist cancer. Fuck off and die.

Daily reminder that the only reason the Left is pushing so hard to abolish the Electoral College is to broaden the reach of their imported voting base to the federal level. Currently the tens of millions of Mexicans they've imported are confined to Sanctuary Cities and only able to influence local or state politics: once the Electoral College is abolished they'll ensure a Republican is never elected president again.

Keep in mind that this was the (((plan))) all along. We're entering the endgame. It's only a matter of time.
>pic related, Reagan gave illegals the right to vote in 1986

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>mostly "flyover states"
>ever amending the electoral college
so so sooo dumb.

>Our country was founded on democracy

Technically wrong, our country was founded as a REPUBLIC.

One reason for this was they didn't want to turn elections into literal popularity contests. Going to a nationwide popular vote would mean elections would be decided by who promises the most gibs.

Another reason is corruption. If one state (eg California, New York) has laws that make voter fraud very easy, then they might be able to tip the vote in THAT state but they won't be able to tip the entire election. If we go to a nationwide popular vote, we will never have an honest election ever again.

This is a problem because....?
It isn't the 1800's anymore, it doesn't take 3 months to travel from one state to another by horse. The only reason these states even have a culture is because the vast distance between each other, they all formed mini countries. Well now we have highways, cars, the internet. We are all connected and close to each other now so this whole muh state culture shit is basically moot and outdated.

Then cooperate with progress lol. That was easy

Because moron, California has almost 1/5 of the electoral votes alone to win presidency. Wyoming has 3. Oh sure, there is less people per electoral vote there but entertain this faggot. All of Cali can slack off in an election. You still get 55. All registered voters could vote in Wyoming and they still only get 3.

>muh inbred flyover states

Yet you display an utter lack of intelligence. And those flyover states are much smarter than indoctrinated marxist hipster faggots with a gender studies degree. City people are actually quite dumb. They parrot everything they hear on MSNBC and possess a stupud herd animal mentality. No sense of individuality whatsoever. We know it. The forefathers knew it.

You don't like it? Move. EC is staying whether you like it or not.

My debate against abolishing the EC: Why, because it would help the left?! No, fuck you.

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Its almost as if, they have their own State to turn into a shithole if they want

all that shit you listed has to change back sorry.

Our country is a democracy you moron. Every election is based on popular vote except for the presidential election.

I did the math once.
In or around July 2040 the number of years blacks in the USA were slaves will be smaller than the number of extra years of life expectancy compared to Africa that blacks living in the USA since slavery ended have gained.

So after that, they're actually ahead thanks to slavery.

democracy is for faggots
a divinely inspired monarch is the only way

>he doesn’t know about the compromises at the constitutional convention
The idea behind the EC was to keep a populas States from controlling the elections. The idea is that the smaller stares would have some sway in deciding it because it wasn’t their population that was nessicary to win, but rather their electoral votes. It keeps rural and small states from being elbowed out by the larger ones. Without it LA and NY could decide elections by themselves.

>Then cooperate with progress lol. That was easy

What is your definition of "progress"?

Because they are two different modes of living that are neither inferior nor superior than the other. If the EC were abolished, urban city dwellers would be free to oppress ruralites due to a lack of understanding the lifestyle and legislation.
>stupid rural flyover states
It's this kind of contempt for working class middle America that betrays your bourgeois over educated intellectual privilege that is common among you Champagne Socialists.

If you're against democracy, than you're against the values of our nation and are basically a self described traitor so why should you be taken seriously? I don't care what the powdered wig retards thought 800 years ago, the world has changed enough socially and technologically where having a republic doesn't make any sense. A direct democracy is a fair and honest representation of what the PEOPLE want. Anything else is just old white rich men trying to justify undermining the power of the people through tricky bullshit. If a direct democracy results in a liberal victory multiple times then so be it, it's just a natural consequence of fairness. If the people want liberalism over and over then they should get it and vice versa.

>muh voter fraud

Thanks for being honest about the debate, at least. The right wing just wants to BTFO libruls epic style, it's really what their arguments and beliefs boil down to.

Then perhaps you should give people a reason to show up instead of playing red commie

America is a constitutional republic. Anyone that utters the word democracy should be gassed on site. Every state in the union gets an equal ay on who the president is regardless of population density.

You absolute mongoloids don't even know why the electoral college exists or why it was created, but scream for it to be abolished.

I wish the most gruesome and painful slow deaths to all of you commie faggots.

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>Intermarries into your nobility over centuries
pshh, nothing personal, peasants

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>Seriously how can reactionary conservative retards even debate against abolishing the EC?
They'd do a better job if they just admitted that they want to keep the Electoral College in order to counteract the Democratic strategy of stacking the demographical deck with millions of immigrant voters.

But that would be 'racist', that would be 'anti-immigrant', and anyway, Paco the Taco and Pajeet Shitstreet will turn into Reaganites any moment now!

>They also owned slaves so...maybe they weren't right about everything?

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What the fuck are you trying to say here? I’m a commie because I support federalism?

City people are the most doomed people in American. Say this does happen, each state now has a claim to succeed the union without unanimous votes.

So stupid City dwellers who are so entitled and believe that everyone should give them handouts and be equal. Will be the first to die since they 100% rely on rural Americans to feed them. So they'll try to migrate out but soon realize border are fucking shut and be thrown in fucking labor camps or thrown back where they came.

Seriously, they live in a fucking fantasy world. They are the most ill equipped, untrained, physically the weakest and most disease ridden people. Yet somehow they believe they know best for everyone else.

>Why should 5 inbred hicks be allowed to stand in the way of the rest of modern society who is trying to build a better future?
He says this, after calmly walking past 6 drug-addled, homeless people talking to themselves like it's not a big deal on his way to work.

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Equal appointment by the census is the law
Anything else makes you a commie
Fitting how the most against the constitution wear red

>complains about white men in power
You're in the wrong place

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holy fuck i can't deal with this shit you guys. i posted this image on fb hoping to get some support and some nuanced political discussion and some crytofascist replied with same kind of illogical drivel people are posting in this thread lol. At the end of the day this all boils down to fairness and equality, which are objectively the most highest of moral positions. Everyone arguing against this change is just buttmad at the prospect of losing out on a system that disproportionately favors them. This would almost be understandable if it wasn't a total miscarriage of democracy and a corruption of our election.

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> (You) #
>>muh voter fraud

Cherry picked, but irrelevant. The fact that it's even POSSIBLE AT ALL, regardless of who does it (even though everybody knows Democrats do it in the millions) proves me right. Do you REALLY want "every vote to count" like you claim? Then we need nationwide strict voter ID laws and better controls for purging voter rolls. Voters die, move, go to jail, etc. This is very poorly managed in many states.

Cant tell if edgy or just gay

god(s) isn't(aren't) real

peace, love, hope, change, equality, ending racism

About 50% of that red will be dying off over the next 20 years bub

When I put that out on Facebook I got yelled at by about thirty people who all called me a racist but refused to address my argument. Apparently blacks are owed something for slavery but if you point out that they got actual free life that just isn't enough.

It was a fun day.

>flyover states
Aren't you cowards supposed to be the virtuous ones with your degree in being indoctrinated? This is pretty bigoted for such a woke sheeple

>you’re against the constitution if you believe in the election system enshrined in it
>fucking commie
Brilliant legal opinion.

I'll do that, but the others won't.

>I'm pro tyranny of the majority
>I hate the people that feed me
>They are all inbred hicks
>I totally don't care that this would make most of these flyover breadbasket states leave or at least be in open rebellion.
>I want this war because Americans dying is great.

God what a fucking faggot retard.

I clicked a random thread and read the comments


About 10 posts in and I find someone saying "Mao was great because he killed all the landlords."
I wonder if this is how they feel when they read Jow Forums.

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nice buzzwords cuck, but thats all they are. Those words might mean something in your head, but how do we legislate that shit other than equality of opportunity?

Change it with an amendment if you dint like it

its not it's a republic back to school murica education.

>redditors reading Jow Forums
If they did, they wouldn't go back

Dear god, you have zero idea how America works...you do realize, you depend on rural American right? Metro Americans offer zero in return. It's already one sided and our taxes show it too. You consume way more than us, use way more government aid, and best of all you preach fucking equality. Where you have none to begin with because you were taught Trotsky political ideology.

Fact is, rural Americans aka middle class are already fucking on the short end of the stick. You have zero life experience and it shows.

Fucking redditfugees

Lmao. Blow it out your ass retard. The founders were smarter then any politician/lawyer/social scientist alive today. Stop being a fav

>If you're against democracy, than you're against the values of our nation and are basically a self described traitor so why should you be taken seriously?
Ok mr.patriot, I guess the government is always right and you agree with all their "values". Taxes, letting child pedos walk out after serving a couple months, rapists getting slapped on the wrists, bailing out banks after they fucked up by fucking you over so much, giving American dollars to foreign countries, sending our troops to die for wars that serve us no interest, and hate speech laws are all things you are really proud of and have no problem with...
>A direct democracy is a fair and honest representation of what the PEOPLE want.
This is what I was saying? An actual democracy wouldnt have an ec... That's what my whole comment was about, ec isnt the actual problem to people who are against it, it's because it doesnt represent a democracy. I could care less if dems won every general election. My main point is that if we abolished the EC, and had actual voting requirements other than being 18+, the system would be a lot more efficient. In my system, your IQ would keep you from voting and hurting Americans that arent completely retarded and know how to read with comprehension.

>peace and love
>but fuck those white people because they vote against what I want
You’re a nitwit who thinks they are much smarter they actually are.

Electoral college is just a delay, conservatives must just secede. Ideally "I love MLK" conservative and "cancel all the laws which passed after 1900" conservative should secede in 2 different countries.