I'm half german and half turkish and 16 years old. I'm living with my parents, and I have a big problem. My mother became a muslim when she married my father, and she is very religious. She believes in it, and loves the islamic culture and hates the german culture. My father (the turk) on the other hand doesn't give a fuck about religion. He only cares about traditions and that's it. Because of that I'm forced to be a muslim. But I hate Islam. I hate Islam more than everything, and I see myself as a german, and not as a fucking muslim. I wanted to join the AfD (a right wing political party in germany) but my whole family would be against it, so I can't.
What can I do Jow Forums? I don't want to be a muslim. What can I do to stop this shit?
What can I do
Kill yourself, your father, and your worthless coalburning mother.
Break the cycle and kill yourself.
Tap into your German side and start taking it up the ass
This, OP
Don't do anything too radical. Get a good education and a good job. After you become independent you can cut ties with your family if needed.
Before that there is little you can do sadly.
Vote afd but tell your parents that you voted for some cuck party.
haha your mom banged a brown guy
Do your own thing. My family is a bunch of 60s Berkley hippies who pretty much dropped me because of my views on guns on immigration. Family is important but not important enough to compromise your own views. If you want to be a right winger who fights to preserve culture that's pretty honorable and your worth more to the west than most whites are at this point.
Your mother is not even at the same level as a nigger. Niggers don't mix. So your mother is basically not even human.
dont be stupid. There is nothing wrong with Islam. It teaches women to obey their husband. Use it to your advantage. Stay away from whores for marriage purposes.
Slovenian wisdom for the young lad.
Imagine being a racemixed mutt.
Now that is suffering. I would hate my parents, bahaha
We don't get to choose our parents. Sometimes you have to just wait it out too you can be independent and make your own choices.
"God give me the strength to live as I please, with the winds open facing the breeze."
>you must be 18 or older before posting
I pity the new generation and despise their parents.
Idk if you look mutt then disregard, but I am in a similar situation friend. I dont have any dark features but it’s weird to love a culture when your own parent betrayed it. I only speak with my father now. AfD doesnt matter just do your best to improve spirit of other Germans. You can tell them things they are afraid to say. Also this guy said it best