Reminder that an ENTIRE CONTINENT was plundered

Reminder that an ENTIRE CONTINENT was plundered.

Attached: colonization.jpg (707x370, 93K)

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>says the Ottoman
Nothing wrong with plundering though
Might makes right

and yet turkey failed to do the same

The weak exist to justify the strong

Why is it still full of niggers then?

Yeah and you dominated in the slave trade. By number of slaves :)

we've barely scratched the surface afrique

Yeah... which ethnic group is profiting off Africa’s resources now? Which ethnic group is exploiting Africa right now?? But hey yeah it’s cool to hate whites

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Why is it that the Black man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build crackers' fucking empires. Why is it that the BLACK MAN is expected to just get over SLAVERY and institutional racism and getting fucking killed walking down the street. How about YOU CRACKERS FUCKING GET OVER IT WHEN A BLACK MAN BREEDS YOUR WOMEN. YOU FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELVES CRACKERS.

The greatest thing the white cracker devils fear is a Black man remembering who he is and what he built like Rome. When a Black man knows who he is he can topple the cracker system and breed every white bitch in sight inseminating their nubile wombs with black seed until the white demon genes are obliterated from existence. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember your pale cracker evil racist asses when we've bred you out of existence.

This is accurate. Whites didn't make Africa poor by stealing all resources, it's only poor today because nogs are fucking retarded.
If you repopulated with whites it would be more developed than Europe
nice pasta gay nigger

weird how the continent with the most resources on the planet was depleted during colonization that lasted for less than 100 years but in Europe there is still massive mining and logging operations still going on after probably more than 2000 years

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Is this why the sea level stays constant? The ice melts and the water keeps filling Africa? Why do we keep dumping money in the ocean?

It's not like the natives were ever going to get around to it and you'll see real plunder, occupation and Colonization now that the ass backward chinks are having at it...

Reminder africans aren't people and roaches belong in the insect kingdom.

Raid (tm) yourself mudasir.

They'll beg for da white devil to come back when chinks turn their shitholes into concrete jungles you can't breathe inside without an oxygen tank

not posting the accurate one.

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Why is central America left alone?

Reminder that an ENTIRE CITY was plundered(?)

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the flow of money to Africa.

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Op wishes he was a nigger

Yeah. That's what happened. You watch to many Marvel movies twerp.

>used collectively to make a use of its riches for europeans AND africans. the wealth that colonization created is stayed mostly in africa (76%) under the form infrastructure. africans ruined it by themselfs.

Why you post this dead and false meme?
Are you just sad the ottoman empire is gone?


if that were true why are people still concerned about blood diamonds and uranium and shit

>be European powers
>decide to split up Africa
>go to africa
>99% of it is just tribesmen and small kingdoms
>literally have a cakewalk of a time establishing colonies
>have to pour money and time into africa to somewhat improve the situation
>build infrastructure and roads, bridges and canals
>world wars come around, africa is almost untouched by two of the most destructive wars in human history
>decolonization time
>"oh my God they destroyed africa, they took all the wealth and crippled the economy, if they would have been left alone they would have proved themselves kangs"

Just stop

What about the UN?
Keeping peace in 20 countries for decades?
Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor?
What about all the help given to Africa? Which is coincidentally more recent than the era of colonialism.
What's the point?

Turkey fucked shit up over 3 continents for half a millenia.

i wouldnt say so
of course, the african people were exploited, but things like natural resources are still on the continent, they hold around 90% of the world's platinum and 33% of uranium
(btw poland was robbed too by swedes, germans, russians, austrians and french but we arent complaining)

>we arent complaining

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It’s called being conquered get over it

Uh. A lot of those resources go to China. Not white Western nations.


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They literally werent doing anything with those resources even shit was all around them easy to get to

>Ottoman talking about wronging people.

Than why are they kicking out white farmers if the land has no value?

are we though? our braindead gov told germany they should give us reparations, then germany refused so we moved on
this was the only case we complained about it (not counting random polish nationalists because they are a minority, 99% of poles dont think the same as them)

Then why is there still a massive and constant flow of cotton, gold, diamonds and oil coming from Africa?

I get the impression Polacks complain a lot

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That’s what you get when you fail to defend your homeland. Nogs have no one to blame but themselves

>Reminder that an ENTIRE CONTINENT was plundered.
Reminder that most of that country is worthless desert and unfarmable arid land.

It’s too bad they didn’t kill every last nigger

thats because foreign media doesnt care about ordinary people and only reports about dumbasses and extremists

Niggers were kicking diamonds around in the dust. Niggers were too stupid to invent metallurgy, sea faring ships, two story buildings, written language, or any language with more than 500 vocabulary words, and on and on it goes.

Excerpt Africa is full of resources. Which is why China is currently plundering it. But you’re a retarded roach. I hope your sister and daughters get raped you fucking faggot. Enjoy watching their honor killing

Really..? Africa is not a small place. Even if all whites worked solely on that, for a century, the natural resources of Africa would not be noticeably decreased. Also, whites have not done that. In fact, whites give so much developing aid to Africa that we could build a new international space station every fucking year. We'd literally have colonized Mars without Africa, there is ZERO doubt about this. Does that give you any idea just how big of a hindrance Africa is to us? Your picture is so far from truth that it literally couldn't be further.

And? They weren't using it. They've had thousands of years to make real civilization, and they fucked it up.

>99% of poles dont think the same as them
and this is your cuck mistake

The Turks did the same thing you retard

We were plundered by Ottoman Empire
Pay reparations.

>We'd literally have colonized Mars without Africa

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>kicking diamonds around in the dust.
diamonds are actually worthless.
its the diamond company controlling the flow that makes them valuable.

my question is, is Africa making any profit at the moment by selling to the west?
if so why the fuck not?

>And all we got is increased crime rates

>That same flag, that same meme
>Shitposting the same uninspired stale garbage every day
Double wew

Begging for gibs is unseemly. What kind of a nationalist does such things?

what exactly did we take?

Roach nigger btfo

>if so why the fuck not?
pic related

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Not even the water wants to have contact with niggers lol

You killed Armenians!
At least we had a reason!

No the entire continent was not plundered. If it the entire continent were plundered the chinks wouldnt be there now and we wouldnt have ear in Sierra Leone, etc. etc.

what was taken? anything of value? niggers and rocks? yeah ok fuck off or it will happen again harder and deeper this time and no niggers will survive nuke africa motherfucker.

>Reminder that an ENTIRE CONTINENT was squandered.
ftfy, faggot.

That's rich coming from the Ottoman. An empire that existed for 700 years.

So what you're saying is, the sins of the father are the sins of the son, nothing can ever be forgiven? Alright then theres no pretense for peace, lets go back to war RIGHT NOW.

Do you think "white" people stopped assfucking the world because they were made to, or because they realized it was wrong? Do you really want to make that decision a bad one, one that no race/group will ever make at the height of power/strength?

I won't lie, that is how speci(es)ation occurs. But I doubt your ready for that, and I don't think you understand that your group would not be part of the victors in that struggle. Heck, even my "group" of mutts is going to be mostly genocided or sterilized too.

There's also the food. Without white gibs in the form of food, medicine, technology and untold heaps of other gibs, 99 % of currently living Africans would never even have been born. Barely a century ago, the world had as many Germans as it had Africans.

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Reminder that Africa is still the most resource rich continent.

Reminder that Japan doesn't have shit for natural resources, relatively, and is still one of the most powerful countries on Earth.


That's a lie spread by leftists to enable their unhindered immigration.
>But they have no where to go!
>You've destroyed their land!
They could farm the land if they weren't lazy retards. Their IQ is literally too low to understand basic farming, but these are the sorts that liberals want as votepets.

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>germans wreck entire Poland, get marshall plan for it
ok then
>Poland rebuilds on its own even with commies being assholes
well, life is bad
>jews want to get rebuilt stuff for free because it was never theirs but some jew lived there at some point
this is bullshit, we need some shekels to throw at jews, enter german reparations

>jews want to get rebuilt stuff for free because it was never theirs but some jew lived there at some point
Rebuild Auschwitz and grant them their wishes.

Nigger, every year you get the amount that was stolen in 200 years and it wasn't stolen, you participated in slave trade and money transactions.

Refugee money:
>United States of America 1,291,774,188

USA AID to Africa:
>The FY 2019 President’s Budget for the State Department and USAID is $39.3billion

Btw white people cured your ass:
>Until the 1700s, seven out of ten children died before reaching reproductive age.
>It is estimated that one out of every ten children died from smallpox.
>AIDS has lowered average life expectancy levels by 10-20 years in some African countries. In hardest hit countries, such as Zimbabwe, AIDS has reduced life expectancy by more than 20 years. Life expectancy in Botswana is projected to fall to 41 years by the year 2005, 29 years less than expected in the absence of AIDS.

Btw you are a rapist of own people:
>In 2012, a study reported that 50 percent of Black women were sexually assaulted, raped, or molested by Black men by the time they reached age 18.

Attached: Africa nigger.webm (640x360, 541K)

why have all resources in the world if you don't have the capabilities to make something valuable with them?
without western societies those shiny rocks worth less than a grain of rice, e.g. diamonds

Diamonds have intrinsic value because they are the hardest known material in the universe. If you are mad at the value you hold above that, and that Africans aren't seeing as much of that value as you think they deserve, you should take that up with the (((people))) who run advertising agencies that scammed white goyim into diamond engagement rings and the cabal that runs the South African diamond monopoly

if only...

And it's still the richest continent. Fuck africa for not sharing their resources with the rest of humanity. They deserved everything they got.

Even so, when North African rulers want to break out of the petrodollar and use a currency backed by a valuable resource, they are promptly New Roman Empired into bayonette sodomy. I do have to admit that racial tensions between probably Bantu descended people and the rest of the continent probably haven't helped. I do think Ethiopia, Egypt, and Morocco are pretty solid countries.

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And you buy it from Aliexpress or other stores how to purchase their good form China :D.
It's stealing with extra steps just like the phone you use has rare metal harvested in Chongo by some Warlord how uses slave labor.

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You forgot to change your flag nigger

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In the past it was Europe and America. Today they give Africa foreign aid and the Chinese are the ones plundering Africa. You Ottoman fucks wish you could get your caliphate back so you can plunder Africa some more.

>they are the hardest known material in the universe
They're not even the hardest known material on earth. Besides, artificial diamonds are purer and harder, and they're the ones used by industry.

Yes it was plundered intellectually by its indigenous inhabitants

It's unlikely that any african nation would have developed the technology to take advantage of uranium, REMs, etc... and, as such, one cannot plunder something that is owned by no one

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>has rare metal harvested in Chongo by some Warlord how uses slave labor.
Those damned white warlords!

I admire the sheer committment of the turks to their copypasta (assuming OP isn't some proxy faggot).

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Can you fuckers just colonize us already? I'm sick and tired of having to hear constant bitching about race and IQ, just get the colonizing over with!

There's still plenty of resources there. Why do niggers lie so much? Ever stop and think maybe you're just too stupid to utilize the land?

Tell that the chinese people who just started Colonisation 2.0

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Hey, autismo

Cheap lab diamonds are a pretty recent invention
Nobody is coating drill bits with cutting edge (pun intended) nanotechnology then selling it at home depot

Wot... And you think other continents were not?

Kenya and Nigeria if they aren't racist. Eritrea if you want to capitalize on Christianity. Sudan and South Sudan if you're feeling guilty about a civil war they just went through for some reason, and if you want some say in how the Nile works.

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>a fucking turk complaining about countries plundering africa for resources

its like pottery

And there it is. Put me in the screencap.

The black man is currently sitting on 10 times the shit we extracted from Africa and yet does jack shit about it.

They literally have to pick the wealth on the floor in some instances and yet still live in mud houses.

Uh north america was also plundered. And mohhamed you abducted and enslaved millions from europe esp. Ukraine

Reminder that no one cares

>Nobody is coating drill bits with cutting edge (pun intended) nanotechnology then selling it at home depot
That's exactly what they're doing, and what they've been doing for quite some time. Not the nano-technology part, though, because this is in no way related to it. Diamonds are grown in a way, and very much in macro scale.

Eat shit Ottoman retard,your people literaly took the children of poor families to serve your slave built country

Then why is china investing in it? Sage

It's too bad a bunch of these crazy fuckers tried killing everyone, chasing away Kenyans and the original migration out of Africa (probably including Egyptians and Jews). At least they had reason for being mad when it came to usury.

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What % of 'resources' were actually extracted form Africa during colonialism. 0.1%, 0.01% or 0.001%?

I gotta imagine mining some gold and diamonds in Africa has done far less damage to the continent then what China is currently during with their open pit acid stripping for lithium.

1) Africa is one of the most resource rich regions on Earth. It has a mild climate and large areas of prime farmland. They are poor because nigger are low IQ subhumans, not due to plundering.

2) This map is not an accurate depiction of the plundering either. If we look at the slave trade of Africans, most slaves went to the Middle East and South America. European and North American slave trades were miniscule compared to those slave trades. The Arab slave trade was so bad it was dubbed the African holocaust and still continues to the day. It should also be noted that for the last few decade Asian countries, most notably China and India have moved in and plundered Africa. So why is no representation of their plundering?