Canada has never lost a war

Canada has never lost a war

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You lost the ethnic and cultural war

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>be Israel
>25% of the population is Arab
>millions of Palestinians are eventually going to have to return after being expelled
>lose war in Lebanon

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No we just rolled over and gave our country away to trannies and brown people.

I've never lost a 100-meter running-race.

I wouldn't call Afghanistan a win.

>Taliban government toppled
>sent scurrying to Pakistan
>literally whos now

That wasn't our war though.

Canada has never mattered

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More than 70% of Afghanistan is under Talib control. Kys retard

The government controls 70% you retard.

Neither did Sealand

>Oka Crisis
Gee user

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The British didn't lose and we weren't a country.
We weren't in Vietnam.
>Oka Crisis
fucking retarded leaf

only goat fucking matters?

>we weren't a country.
and you're still not

>leaf calling other people leafs

I've been alive longer than you've been a country.

For all our shortcomings, at least we never lost a war to a bunch of literal birds.

never won one either

russian shills btfo

why are Gr**ks so retarded?

get raked faggot lmao

Lol Canada is nothing without the US. You are ranked 21 on military might. Plus you have a cuck for Prime Minister Justin Fagdeau.

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is canada even a real fucking country?

>USA #1 military might
>still loses wars

You can't lose against yourself.

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I mean as long as Canada keeps their borders open and replacing their population with muslims they will just end up loosing the war against themselves. It will just sort itself out, then the US will do a mercy killing and put the cucked Canada out of its misery

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you sound angry. how's that wall coming along, Paco?

New Zealand is to Australia is what Canada to USA is. If we aren't, neither are you.

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We’ve never lost a war that we tried to win. $20 coffee LOL

>bro I wasn't even trying to win lmao
now that's a cope

Canada has never been in a was as an independent nation.

>loses wars against natives
>loses wars against rice farmers

USA got BTFO in by UK and Canada in the 1812 war.

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pay denbts

A minor technicality. Canadian-born citizens of the empire did participate in the war, as did their native tribes.

>He thinks being invaded by the third world doesn't count because they aren't armed when coming in

>he thinks he's at war but isn't doing anything about it

They've also never won a war. All their fighting has been done for them.

stay mad, you lost wars against natives for God's sake

You burned down a building. It was basically the equivalent of a nigger riot. Congratulations you cuck. Now show me ur wank loicence.

>start a war you can't fight
>Brits burn down the White House

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how cute

go be pathetic somewhere else, war-let

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Well done leaf

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You've already lost the war of colonization against China.

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seems like you have with niggers and spics too, wow

Canada isn't a real country just like the north pole.

>has third world molesting it
You lost a long time ago leaf

>liberates Holland
>zoomer cries about it 80 years later


Yeah, thanks for that. But you guys are from a save place because you're literally on the fucking north pole. Nobody is able to invade that place.
We (the dutch) have been involved in many wars. We fought with spain for 80 years.

that's VERY interesting
tell me more tulipcuck

Lost Iraq/Afghan with the US

Then why do all you goat fuckers insist on moving here?
fuck off paki, we're full.

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how stupid are ya?

You lost the most important war leaf.
Look at your fucking coat of arms.

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> However, according to classified U.S. documents released by WikiLeaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.
>About a hundred Canadian exchange officers, on exchange to American units, participated in the invasion of Iraq
>Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort.
>Though no declaration of war was issued, the Governor General-in-Council did order the mobilization of a number of Canadian Forces personnel to serve actively in Iraq.
blah blah

>may have rebuilt post-invasion

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You lost the culture war and against Taliban







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>culture war

>the Taliban
wrong again

Ow my fucking god

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I wouldn't speak up so loudly

>Canada wasn't a colony with Canadians who were invaded by the US

this isn't even real

Canacucks are still in Iraq

Yeah, are you okay retarded leaf?

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>the Iraq War, technically on-going has been lost
It's astonishing to watch mutts try and disprove what I'm saying by posting war started by the United States


Ya it was started by the US, and you are a US colony so you are part of it too.

Okay? still has nothing to do with the Iraq War not being lost.

Ya I mean, if you have no objective, i guess you can't lose.

>objective to support Iraqi Army fighting jihadists
>Iraq has largely won their civil war

Oh that's why they started the war? To help the Iraqi army fight jihadists? el o el

Riding on the shoulders of giants.

You do realize there is the Invasion of Iraq, which was won, followed by insurgency and a civil war which for all practical purposes has been won?
>mutts not knowing their own military history

>shoulders of giants who have lost wars
l m a o

Doesn't matter. It was a subject colony bearing the name upper Canada or Dominion of Canada. Same shit.

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I don't know why you're trying so hard to say you lost the Iraq War.

Stop lying.

Yeah but you still lost Vietnam despite not having an objective or plan to actually invade North Vietnam and end the war. This seems to be a reoccurring theme for the US. American exceptionalism is a meme. The US is the one major nation on earth who's military has never been truly tested, as the US has never experienced all out war, except for when it was fighting itself, and that was a complete joke.

>Canada's coat of arms
>Toronto's coat of arms
fuck you are actually retarded

And yet they still cant win the cup.

You're right. This is the official one

Attached: Toronto_Coat_of_Arms.jpg (258x244, 27K)

here we go again

I notice you didn't refute.

I'm curious how long it would take for Russia to eat you if we didn't stop it.

This was the original one btw. Nu-toronto needs to be gassed

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I don't have to try very hard.
The objective was to stop the spread of communism. Like the 8-9 countries the US is currently bombing, trying to stop muh terrorism.

Both clear failures. Hell, though now that I type it, Vietnam was clearly more successful endeavor.

We've literally won every war we've been involved in, so there's nothing to refute.

It's your fucking capital city leaf

Why didn't the Germans exterminate every Pole?

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Every single war you got carried by either:
>the UK
>the US
You've not won a single war all by yourselves.