please help whole swathes of London are breaking into running street battles with swords, knives, bowie knives, bill hooks, seaxes, daggers, stilettos, poniards, dirks, jambiyas, combat spoons and tactical nutcrackers
its an endless melee out there.
send help
Man 'Hacked to Death with Machete' in the UK
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This sort of news really parts my parcel.
The fuck is the point of your knife laws if maniacs still slash people?
so white people stupid enough to follow them can get hacked to pieces
Well they need to ban machetes then.
Or start killing criminals like they would have a thousand years ago when testosterone levels were normal.
>buy armor, maille works
>get a buckler
>buy a mace
But my buckler and my bracer got binned in the
"Don't be a fucker
Bin that buckler" campaign recently.
The government does not care about people getting stabbed. The government knows shit is going to get bad economically and wants unarmed citizens. Same with the US. Billionaires who back all the anti gun bullshit know people will wise up and instead of buying their own cities will go after them and politicians.
Right after the "Don't be a male, bin that mail" campaign.
It's not muslims, it's black, you stupid american cunt.
that's not how you spell
port and porcel
Serious question: are there any protests or riots going on right now over the brexit thing? what's the status of the situation
But before the "Don't live in disgrace, bin that mace" campaign.
>ban knives
>maniacs still slash people
you're on to something there, user
status = degenerate
Still got your mace. Not a knife so no license needed.
probably nigger africans who have christian mothers
Why do you guys even neeeeeeed machetes?
Just another day in Londonistan.
>literally in a brap barn
Good thing you got rid of guns or he might have been shot
Bodhisattva of kebab removal is coming
By man I'm guessing it's a nigger...
When it comes to gun crime in the US handguns are way more of an issue than rifles, any rifle. They want semi auto rifles banned as a semi auto rifle places a citizen on par with a security detail. A pistol does not. There is going to be mass austerity in the latter part of 2020. All governments are going broke. You’ll have citizens with nothing left to lose and folks seeing clown world for what it is.
About the same time as the "Don't be white, give up the fight" campaign, yeah.
Tibetan Buddhist monks were literally the Koreans on the Roofs of the 1950s, until they realised they would be over-run.
She's cute, I'd cream pie her senseless..
Gawd you english are such pussys. You truly deserve the rapes and murders. Not a man left that will stand up to the shitskins or your powerless state.
>but the state has us on lockdown
They're terrified of the muslims, a fucking minority. Become that which frightens the state.
Oi mate! 'Ave you got a part and parcel loicense for that machete attack?
I wonder when we're gonna see the "don't fight the rape, give up the gape" campaigns. Too many young girls are being murdered by Asians because they fight back when they should just let it happen and report it after.
eww she could at least have put a towel down on that chair before sitting on it
i mean doesn't she know about snail trails
The tactical nutcrackers can break several 2lb sacks of nuts in a minute!
Nobody needs to crack that many nuts.
or el washingez
part and parcel
No worries,
she's got plenty of insulation from that
How's that possible guv'na? I thought you binned all the knives?
Muslims get free clothing, housing, welfare checks, british lolis AND knife loicenses
What are you suggesting?
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal desu. Do converts get all that or is it just shitskin muslims?
Fucking whitoids and their machete obsession. This is why they must all bin their machetes so they don’t go around ‘stabbing’ the innocent by ‘hacking’ them to death.
Some Polaks living on rent next door. I reported their untaxed shitbox with a broken exhaust.
>it's gone
Happy days.
Fucking with regular people so you can scare them into obedience, while playing tough on crime while avoiding solving the problem that provides your excuse to do it in the first place.
good, hopefully more redcoats die. karma is
my fren.
Can we just stop referring to London as the UK now?
What are we supposed to rhyme with "bin that machete"? Something about a yeti or spaghetti?
I’m going to London for the first time on Friday. How fucked am I?
And when will bongoloids learn the difference between a stab which is a thrusting motion and a hack which is a downward strike?
Impossible, the police are there to protect everyone. Nobody needs to protect themselves because the police do it for you.
Black muslims
Why bother with antiquity? You could just get a stab proof vest.
The buckler, I'm not kidding, could be deemed a weapon if you bash anyone with it
And the mace, no chance. 4 years for possession of an offensive weapon. You an get away with owning it if it's a genuine antique or made in traditional methods, but you can bet the police will have you jumping through hoops to get it back from them
This is part of the parcel you were delived. You signed for it.
Don't forgetti, bin that machete
>combat spoons and tactical nutcrackers
Cant wait.
State of the United Cuckdom of Britainistan
Could find thousands of pics f the exact same thing happening in your country, burger. I'll remind you not a single city in the UK is majority nonwhite yet, while 7 of your 10 biggest are.
We're all in the quicksand, I wouldn't point and laugh if I were you
> people do violence on other people with guns
> AHA, we'll get rid of the guns, problem solved
> people do violence on other people with edged weapons
> AHA, we'll get rid of the blades, bin that knoife guv
> people still do violence on other people with whatever deadly thing happens to be most available and effective, be it machetes, pocketknives, garrotes, clubs, pistols
Will it ever occur to anyone that the problem is the people doing the violence, and not inanimate objects?
W*iteoids will pay reparations with their blood.
Now stop being a bigot and bin that knife bitch ass crackah'
do you still get pornhub?
Camera reveals the NPC robot eyes
Yeah, not good enough
(pic related)
>yfw the girl and her family would have gotten charged with a hate crime if they'd have tried to press charges against those peaceful muslims.
is that the bitch that molested her little sister, wrote about it in her book, and got praised for it?
Hear, hear.
Parts were parceled
But i thought we made knives illegal? this makes no sense whatsoever.
It's always a sad day when you find out another human being was parceled into parts.
don't be a yank, bin that wank
fuuuck. I used to live near there.
pack your stab vest
That's Lena Dunham, one of yours.
What a face. Just shattered my phone screen
those damn asian youths are at it again
>I'll remind you not a single city in the UK is majority nonwhite yet
Source? London was under 50% nonwhite last time I checked, or was that not ethnically British?
Thousands? Wtf? Yeah not quite, Muhammad.
Over 50% sorry.
maybe you should move to somalia - i heard the stats are better there
You'll be fine
Princess Lea has seen better days and shaves
Thought she was a leaf? Too lazy to look.
Nah she's one of yours, although I'm pretty sure she's a kike.
40% white British, 60% white European.
Pictures of Muslims praying? Pretty easy mate, do you even know how many mosques your country has? As of 2010, (nearly 10 years ago) you have 2,106.
part and parcel
Why even “launch a probe”? They want this to happen.