Should I stop taking this shit? I despise what I've become. Taking some fucking poison every day just so some fucking suit can tick a box. What's the fucking point? Surely the only way anyone can move forward in life is if they take ownership of their life? Taking this poison is not ownership, it is the complete opposite of ownership. What is the point of this poison?
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Dumb way to look at it. I just started taking Lexapro last month and it's done a great job in soothing the chronic anxiety I've had since 11 (1998) and the anhedonia that set in in 2000. I'm enjoying bathing in good feelings. Fuck "pride" or "wanting to do things on your own" or "meds are a crutch for weak people" or any of that shit.
OP here, interesting perspective. I don't think I was anxious that young though - I did have maybe "social anxiety" through my teens, but I dealt with it and got over it. I made an effort to socialise and it worked. I made an effort to go to the gym and it worked. So I definitely believe in making lifestyle changes BEFORE medication, personally, because I have seen the results myself.
But yeah, at the moment I'm currently in a bit of a shit life situation I guess, because I've been unemployed for a while. I have ended up being involuntarily detained in a mental hospital a couple of times, unfortunately. I still didn't want to take meds - the only reason I did start taking them this time was because I was detained for the third time, and I thought "maybe they'll let me out quicker if I take them - otherwise I'm locked up anyway and it's just wasted time if I don't take them". But now I'm out, so maybe I should just stop taking them because I'm not a fan.
>Fuck "pride" or "wanting to do things on your own" or "meds are a crutch for weak people"
It's not about vanity, at least not for me. I just would rather do things myself, without drugs, because surely that is what every other person does. That is what most normal people do.
sounds like your paranoia is making you on edge. Perhaps telling the doctor this, I know you have issue with these doctors but put those thoughts aside and do what they say. Sounds impossible but you maybe damaging yourself not doing what they suggest.
I started taking them in january and they've done wonders and I don't know how I would have survived without them and I'm angry for thinking like you initially and not taking them sooner.
I've been going to a hard core tech school for the last 3 years with 6 3-hour courses a term and 80 hours of homework a week. I'm quite worn down at this point. Quite an unnatural lifestyle to live for that long, so of course it eventually became difficult to pick myself up after every consecutive low moment. Antidepressants made it just a bit easier to handle my shit.
they are for helping you to cope with things.
Why so many psychiatry and pharma shills here? Most antidepressants don't work best than placebos (and the scales they use to measure effectiveness are not that good for starters) and there have been a couple of scandals of pharma companies covering up bad data about them, like how some of them induce suicide in teens.
it isnt shilling bro, they work but you have to take them as prescribed. If they arent working they will give you something else. I grew up on medication because of personal sickness and mental instability. They helped me get motivated to do better in life.
Which ones are you on? I'm on anti-depressants and barely notice any difference. Have you told whoever's is supplying them (psychiatrist idk) everything, just be honest with them
I'm not paranoid you fucking stupid cunt. Please point the part which you think is "paranoia". I am not saying that I think doctors are deliberately trying to screw with me. They have the best intentions. That doesn't mean I think it's a good method.
If they thought I was paranoid they would prescribe antipsychotics, which they haven't. I am only on an antidepressant, that's it.
OP here, fair enough. That's good that you're doing something productive, good to hear it. Perhaps my problem is that I'm not doing anything anything productive so I'm getting frustrated.
Maybe I should change antidepressant - I'm currently on mirtazapine, which is a less common, atypical antidepressant. I suggested it because I knew people who had taken it. But I think it is making me a little lethargic, weak, and demotivated. Maybe that's my own fault and I shouldn't blame the pills though. But I have been on fluoxetine (Prozac) before and I think I was pretty motivated on that, perhaps even a little hyperactive. So maybe I should try and go on that.
OP here. Like you can see in the OP, I'm not a fan of them. But I will say, in the interest of trying to acknowledge the facts, that there was some meta-analysis that came out last year saying antidepressants are actually a little more effective than placebo (I don't think it's by a huge amount though).
Here is the story:
But yeah, I am not a fan of them. I would much rather not be on them.
yeah I have told him everything. Here is the tricky thing about antidepressants, the can cause more depression if you are only off and on with them. You have to take them consistantly it takes about 2 weeks to full effect.
I take Bupropion and citalopram
Citalopram is every day and Burpropian is for holiday blues
OP here, I feel like the mirtazapine I'm on is maybe even sapping my motivation (but maybe it's just my own fault and I need to motivate myself). I have been on fluoxetine (Prozac) in the past and I think I was more active and motivated (perhaps even a little hyperactive) on that. So maybe I should go back to that.
I'm on mirtazapine which is an atypical antidepressant. I just suggested it because I knew others who had taken it. Usually they will prescribe SSRIs first. I think sertraline is the one that most doctors have said to me would be the first they would probably suggest to me. I tried that but it made me really nauseous. I have been on fluoxetine in the past though (Prozac), and I was on it for a few months, and I think that worked pretty well. I didn't have any nausea on that at all.
>I'm on anti-depressants and barely notice any difference
Have you not been on them very long? You should notice a difference before too long (in my view the first thing I notice is a slight fuzziness to everything, like I'm slightly drunk). Also I've noticed that, for me at least, the effects of antidepressants are more noticeable when I'm doing things. If I'm just sitting around on my computer there isn't much noticeable difference. But if I'm actively doing something, then I feel the difference made by antidepressants more acutely.
OP you calling it poison is what's making me think you are paranoid, and your out burst makes me think that even further. I suggested you talk to the doctors about it ,not that you have been Diagnosed by it.
Not OP but fuck you psychiatry shill, they can't even decide what the mind is or if we have free will but they sure as hell prescribe garbage as if they knew.
>Inb4 you do not check this societal lists, therefore you have a "mental illness" take this pills so you lose your individuality and get to work without complaints.
>OP here, I feel like the mirtazapine I'm on is maybe even sapping my motivation (but maybe it's just my own fault and I need to motivate myself). I have been on fluoxetine (Prozac) in the past and I think I was more active and motivated (perhaps even a little hyperactive) on that. So maybe I should go back to that.
I take adderall with my shit, I dunno some times the body begins to have a tolerance to it all. so maybe a boost in dosage might help too.
Doctors dont have this science down perfectly, that's not how medicine fucking works, if they had it down there wouldnt be a need in the first place. Chill out.
this Medicine isnt made to cure you, there is no cure but constant hard work and personal growth, these pills are there to help you cope with a shitty life and motivate you out of it.
I'm calling it poison because it is a foreign substance fucking with my thoughts you fucking cunt. I have already explained that I do not believe doctors are deliberately trying to harm me. I am fully aware that they have good intentions. But like I said, this does not mean that I think their solutions are perfect. Lobotomies used to be administered with good intentions - that doesn't mean that lobotomies are a good solution. Same for leeches and many other questionable medical solutions of the past.
You realise you're just being an asshole, right? I've already told you that the doctors don't think I have paranoia, otherwise they would prescribe me with antipsychotics. You are just deliberately being an asshole. Why don't you go to another thread if you're just going to be an asshole?
Interesting. I have no experience with adderall myself because I've never been diagnosed with ADHD. As for tolerance, maybe. I have already increased the dosage of mirtazapine from 15mg to 30mg. The next step, 45mg, is the highest dose I believe.
>You realise you're just being an asshole, right?
I realise that you are being over sensitive and that you have been confronted by this before by your reaction. If it was poison it would be killing you, there is a difference between medicine and poison for a reason. Chemo Therapy is poison, antidepressants arent. The only reason you think I am being an asshole is because I am telling you what you dont want to hear.
>tfw would like to try antidepressant medication but afraid of the consequences of having a black mark against my name for all time
>apply for job x
>says here you were mentally ill and needed medicine
yeah nah
oh shit, where do you live, they can't ask that in the states.
>tfw would like to try antidepressant medication but afraid of the consequences of having a black mark against my name for all time
>apply for job x
>says here you were mentally ill and needed medicine
yeah nah
whoops, double post.
I live in Aus
I was born with arthritis so meds are for weak people is kind of true, but I dont like pain either.
yeah here in the states they can ask of you are disabled, but that's it, nothing else.
You’re supposed to use what it does to you to move forward in life and to work your way out of the issues.
You're being an asshole because you are deliberately misconstruing any criticism of antidepressants as "paranoia". There is no question you are are simply trying to be an asshole. I suggest you fuck off to another thread, thanks.
They can ask you that in Aus? Here in the UK they can't, I believe. I think the situation is that you, as an applicant, have no obligation to disclose health things like this. And even if you did, it would then be illegal for an employer to discriminate against you on the basis of it.
Do you really have to tell employers about it in Aus? It would surprise me greatly if that was the case.
no man, you are showing signs that really make you overreact. I wasnt trying to hurt your feelings the first post. Really it was advice and when someone is told they may have something they dont want hear they get defensive. Paranoia doesnt mean you are crazy, it's just a form of misplaced mistrust. Hell even medication can cause paranoia, like the adderall earlier mentioned. It wasnt my intention to upset you the first post but it seems I just hit a sore spot and si would chalk this up to misunderstanding.
Why haven't you fucked off yet?
>any criticism of antidepressants clearly means you're suffering from paranoid psychosis!
How many fucking times do I have to fucking tell you that I don't think that the doctors are out to get me, I recognise that they are acting with good intentions, and that I merely have reservations about the medication and the effects it has? You're either phenomenally fucking stupid or deliberately being an asshole, or maybe it's both? Why don't you just fuck off?
It reminds me of the Rosehan experiment. Everything someone does is construed to make them "Mentally Ill" if the other person presupposes they are mentally ill.
Always talk to your doctor.
As for the drugs, you might actually need them but they should not be used until last resort.
jeeze you really need help alright. being this sensitive and paranoid. Take your pills, I mean poison.
Worked for me. Only symton left is memories I don't want.
I had ocd, panic attacks, depression, emotional swings and depersonalization.
Jesus you sound like a fuckin sheep that cant think for themselves. If OP doesnt want to take pills then thats his personal choice
sounds like you just want him to writhe in paranoia.
Agree with OP, your smugness and self righteousness is out of whack
are you trying to get me to say same fag so you can accuse me for paranoia?
Hahah the ego on you, it ain't all about you user
no it was always about you and how paranoid you are.
I ain't OP though, nice try
ok OP
The point of antidepressants is to make the dumbass hell world we live in more bearable without the quality of our lives going up. That's it. But there's lots of shit like that. The self-improvement cult, religion. It's all just there to sedate you while the world fucks you in the ass. Prozac is just the newest form of it.
SSRIs don't seem to do much for me, any apparent positive effect is just the changing of the seasons. Realize that depression isn't caused by anything wrong with you, it's all environmental. ALL of it
Lmao the paranoia is strong in this one
and there it is
kinda feel sorry for you though. stay on your pills mate
I'll be just fine OP, when you get a chance talk to your doctors about your over sensitivity issues and paranoia.
What's even the point of gaslighting someone over the internet like this?
He's just projecting. Kinda sad really
>he's so sensitive that he can't handle the fact that i called him an asshole and that literally everyone in this thread disagrees with him
Hahaha. Try not to cry on your way out, little crybaby.
Yeah it's a real worry obviously. I mean, in the defence of the institutions in that case, those "pseudo-patients" did say they were having auditory hallucinations. And there is pressure on mental health professionals to try and ensure that their patients are "stable" and won't act out, basically. Because if one of these patients were to leave the hospital and commit some act of violence, then it would come back to the mental health professionals who would be held responsible. So if a patient says they're having auditory hallucinations, I guess it's reasonable that these mental health workers would take them seriously.
But yeah, going back to what I was saying about my criticisms of antidepressants and that being misconstrued as paranoia - that is annoying, of course. Usually that doesn't happen with proper psychiatrists, from my experience - they are smart enough to be able to tell the difference between reasonable reservations about medications on the one hand, and paranoid delusions on the other.
Yeah true maybe I should. I might ask about switching from my current mirtazapine (an atypical antidepressant) to fluoxetine (Prozac) which I've been on before.
I assume you mean before the drugs. Good to hear that you think they worked for you though.
>he keeps on talking when the whole thread is against him
Well, in my situation, I think they are only prescribing antidepressants because they would class my situation as having been "severe depression" (basically I've been out of a job for a while and yeah, it's been a bummer). That's the general understanding I've got from the doctors. I've also read more and more stuff recently saying antidepressants shouldn't be used for mild depression - for that, lifestyle changes are better.
>Realize that depression isn't caused by anything wrong with you, it's all environmental. ALL of it
I do agree with you. The reason I'm "depressed" is because I'm out of a job basically. But the doctors seem to think I should take the antidepressants because... well yeah I may have mentioned suicide at one point.
>SSRIs don't seem to do much for me
I'm on mirtazapine which isn't an SSRI, it's atypical. But I have been on fluoxetine (Prozac) before, which is an SSRI, and I definitely felt an effect from that. I did also try citalopram (another SSRI) before that, which didn't do much for me, which is why I switched to Prozac. But in honesty, the lack of effect from citalopram might have been due to low dose. Also, I have noticed that I don't feel the effects of antidepressants as much if I'm sitting around on my computer. It's when I go outside and do things that I feel noticeably... well, drugged, to be honest. It definitely feels like being on drugs because that's what it is. So maybe you were just on a low dose or didn't take it for long enough? I don't know, I shouldn't presume. If you are able to live life without them then that's undoubtedly a good thing.
>fucking poison every day just so some fucking suit can tick a box
You sound like an edgy teen contrarian.
Take the meds they help you cope. To have control of your life you need to fix your shit and whatever is bothering you. Taking off the meds will make it harder.