The most bizarre thing about the tranny epidemic to me is not that ugly, weak men want to become women, it’s that the medical community is going along with it.
One generally thinks of medicine as a hard science. So how, when, and why did the soft “science” of left wing academia leak into medicine? Why are there seemingly no medical professionals willing to speak out against what amounts to aiding and abetting a severely mentally ill person’s desire to mutilate their body? How does this not violate the Hippocratic oath?
Can any medbros explain?
The most bizarre thing about the tranny epidemic to me is not that ugly, weak men want to become women...
Other urls found in this thread:
who do you think runs the medical community? who do you think profits off these insane procedures and hormones/medications? who? think hard
(((They))) do of course.
But Is it really that simple?
(((They))) literally found out a great way to capitalize on these mentally ill people.
>oh you feel like you wanna be a girl, Sam?
>no no it’s not weird in any way to wanna alter your body drastically and permanently
>we have this great new surgery where we cut off your dick and turn it into a vagina for you. Only $50k per operation
>pay us mental health costs and prescription drug costs as well
>oh no Samantha stuck a shotgun in his... her mouth. SUICIDE VOIDS LIFE INSURANCE, Goyette. NO MONEY FOR YOU.
Gotta respect them a little.
Mental illness is a civil right
Because they get to develope and perform new procedures which in itself is a form of scientific research.
There is grant money connected to said research.
There is a financial incentive provided through tax structures, grants, fines, and lawsuits for compliance with discrimination laws. Often times hospital administrators will speculate future legistlation and it's affect on their protocol.
Just like cosmetic procedures and ED treatments are the biggest money makers in medicine.
The irony is most of these guys probably just need to get their testosterone levels up to average male levels in order to feel normal.
They've been pushing this for a very long time. I wouldn't call it simple with just how much effort they've put into it.
Not true. If you have had the policy more than 2 years, suicide still gets a full payday
Many people only follow, never question. What you should be asking is how this became the status quo.
>it’s that the medical community is going along with it.
There's big bucks involved and a lot less people that gave an oath
There are tons of legal and ethical restrictions in medicine that prevent people in this field from human experimentation. This out where the tranny chooses to undergo experimental procedures is a godsend for these practitioners. It's also a relatively untapped market, meaning there's room to establish a name for yourself and prestige.
I'm only fine with trannies if they pass.
its all about the shekels
Fake pussy costs a lot
Well I guess you know what follows next
it doesn't pass when you see it moving
Look up Magnus Hirschfeld. It's not a coincidence that a Jew was pushing for multiple genders and transgenderism in the Weimar Republic. You've certainly seen the pictures of the Nazi 'book burnings'. Well, the books were part of Hirschfeld's institute designed for gays and trannies.
Because it works, the problem is not that its an available treatment, the problem is that the treatment is being actually unironically shilled.
"Doctor, I'm meant to be a bird. Amputate my arms."
>gets committed
"Doctor, I'm meant to be a woman. Amputate my dong."
>everyone buys into your delusion and you become a hero of the community
Honk, honk!
>tranny epidemic
Do you have any data to backup that claim? I think I've seen only one tranny IRL and a few cross dressers.
the doctors that offer hormones and sex changes make bank, why is that hard to understand
I don't want to generalize the type of men who become attracted to the transgender stuff. There must be alpha males who get caught up in the same thing.
However, when beta males turn themselves into sissies I wonder if they are motivated by the desire to have a more active sex life? Betas often struggle to get dates from the pretty girls and even have difficulty being successful with girls in general.
I consider myself a beta. I'm not terrible looking but I have shy and unassertive body language. I'm not very charismatic or exciting to be around, and unfortunately I have a *much* smaller penis than average. When I found sissy hypno and it told me to be a girl and serve the alpha males, this had a powerful effect over me.
In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women. The beta reinvents himself and develops a different mindset toward his sexuality.
I'm not saying any of this is good but I think for many betas it is the way they feel. And I feel that in the future the sissy phenomenon will get worse before it gets better. Today's growing MGTOW movement will likely end up pushing many of those men into sissification.
>when you see it moving
But that's the good part.
If only you knew what their genitals really looked like
probably they just get off on the idea themselves being a woman autogynephila or however its called
Oops forgot my pic
How do trannys look at this and think
>yeha...that looks like a vagina
When it comes to mental health, there is a serious problem.
The people who become interested in mental health and get into the field, are often motivated because they are dealing with their own mental health issues. This is how they get exposed to the whole thing... but over time, you end up with too many mentally unsound people.
Put this together with a high Jewish component and their innate hostility to 'normal' society, and after a certain point you get an 'inmates taking over the asylum' sort of thing happening.
Normal, good intentioned doctors eventually become a minority and become marginalized and even demonized... you end up with an entire field being compromised... like anthropology or sociology.
Looks like a large calibre exit wound.
Remove mentally ill weak men from the gene pool. Eventually opening up to polygamy and bringing in the ubermensch.
What if they keep the dong?
>Looks like a large calibre exit wound.
It probably is.
What's higher the suicide rate for pre op or post op trannies.
Oh god no please no. Discord trannies, no genital mutilation please. Grow tits, sure, but no genital mutilation in this clown world.
something something peehole born funny
still uncanny valley
might as well dump my folder
Good description..
What if they kept the dong?
It's mainly jew doctors that do it dawg.
Make money and sterilize fags at the same time. It's natural selection. I don't care, the world is beyond saving. Satan is literally our god at this point. May as well take the most out of this glorious shitshow!
ZERO fucking chance this actually happened.
(((medical community)))
It's just another symptom of the imminent social collapse of the West. It's not like it's without precedent - tranny shit and degeneracy became pretty popular in Rome just before the fall.
I'd have a threesome with her. A bit gay, but yeah.
Scientists are pussies man.
You think Galileo was the only one who thought the sun was at the centre of the solar system? He probably wasn't. There were probably quite a few who thought it, but they didn't have the balls to say anything. Such are the scientists today. PUSSIES.
read between the lines. he got used as the butt end of a joke to poke fun at the women at the bar and is so desperate for validation as a female that he took it ernestly
It really throws issues around medical ethics and laws and parental consent right in the trash. On one hand you have to go to court to let your child donate an organ to a sibling because it's "major life changing surgery" that neither children or parents have the right to consent to, but hey you wanna put your kid on hormones and cut off his penis? Go right ahead! Non-maleficence doesn't even factor in when the ultimate outcome is a 50% suicide rate. How is that in the child's best interest?
It's largely political. Gender dysphoria was only excluded from the DSM 5 by a vote of something like 5 to 4. The gay lobby used to firebomb the offices of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists until they took homosezuality off the list, so I suppose they're trying to avoid a repeat of that.
Mayb they hope that the pregnant men are labrats for artificial wombs
So traps? Sorry user traps are gay even if the trap has tits
Med community is corrupt as fuck. Look at vaccines as well, completely corrupt and no science backs them either, yet we give it to every single baby.
So what if it's gay or unnatural?
>One generally thinks of medicine as a hard science
only retards do that
medicine is about as corporate controlled and politically motivated as sociology and gender studies
> So how, when
a hundred years ago when rockefeller took over medicine
>Why are there seemingly no medical professionals
the allopathic medical system works like the medieval guilds did. allopaths were granted a monopoly on medical treatment by the government, and if you criticize anything they do, as a doctor, you will lose your license and your right to practice medicine
>Hippocratic oath
nobody could care less
bong women are fucking ugly, dude. no wonder your country is taxing dudes for fapping to Asian women
>Why are there seemingly no medical professionals willing to speak out against what amounts to aiding and abetting a severely mentally ill person’s desire to mutilate their body?
Fourth year medical student here (MBBCh). I and all my friends attended the optional lectures on sex reassignment surgery (i.e. inverting the hot dog). Afterwards we all agreed that this was something we wanted no part of. Some of my lecturers and tutors have said the same thing. Only a very, very small number of medical practitioners are willing to participate in the abomination that is transgender "medicine".
Just reinforces my belief that these people are all actually suffering from a combination of dysphoria, gynephilia and extreme narcissism.
Good times make weak men
Wtf dont you understand OP ?
>(((the medical community is going along with it)))
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
“A celebration of the jewish people”:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
You ever heard of eunuchs? They make a nice gentile slave class.
>no science backs them either
Dunno. suspect people shilling it though. I had it and can confirm it 100% works if you have the condition. no suicide ideation or self harm ideation for a while now. I suspect people not being used to going completely off of T to be a contributing factor though. More mood swings occur. I think the biggest problem is the current movement to legitimize trans stuff in the public. I was initially for it until I found out how they where going to go about it; force people to say pronouns, remove the condition from the
boog of fug mendal podados'.
The main deciding factor should never have been trying to make it. That's all you hear about from would be trannies. The goal of a treatment is to reduce suffering, not achieve a goal of passing. The level of suffering pre-op and pre-transition I had was abated by these treatments. More passing is more better, but you cannot approach treatments in that manner. There's a reason we call it surgery and therapies. They aren't a cure. They never will be a cure. Until we hit full xcom levels of gene moding, nobodies phenotype is going to be different. The approach to the public for persuing this treatment has been compromised.
Come to think of it. about the age group trans people commit sudoku tends to be the time when people get really woken up to the stuff that is going on here. It sure seems convenient. Over all trans people represent some .7% tops of the population. No small number but hardly a demographic end. I can only imagine the goal of all this is to prey on ROGD and victimize whites.
You have no idea dude. Most drugs prescribed are to ignore the detrimental effects of our modern diet and lifestyle
Low thyroid? Oh it couldn’t possibly be that you don’t get enough selenium which most people are deficient in, which is needed to process iodine which is needed for a non hypothyroid, just take a drug
High cholesterol? Oh it couldn’t possibly be that you just consume too much saturated fat, take a drug
Autoimmune problems? It couldn’t possibly be that you don’t eat any fermented foods besides some shitty yogurt and have a general excess of omega 6 and not much omega 3 from grain fed meat and dairy and farmed fish known to cause these problems, just take an immunosuppressant
Etc etc
Kikes utterly perverted the medical industry decades ago. How else could they get away with mutilating the genitals of most children born for no real reason and selling their foreskin for $400 a piece
>the medical community is going along with it
Cash money nigger.
Because you're wrong
Medicine isn't really a hard science. Those who do research are typically separate from the actual doctors you visit. Those doctors typically aren't that smart (compared to those in hard sciences) and are mostly there for the status and paycheck that comes with the job. Their priorities are 1) make money 2) avoid losing money via malpractice and 3) not much else. Who cares if they cut open a tranny? I'd do it for 30k.
Ethics are subjective to leftist in medicine. Nursing & HR deps are/have been infected for along time. Probably a symptom of female culture.
Never looked at it like this before. The hustle is real.
As usual, on the money
Did you know that tranny mods ban people for posting passable trannies because they tend to feel jelly?
I have never seen a doctor who would not point out the various things wrong with someone's diet and exercise. The drugs are there because they have the understanding that people won't change their lifestyles. What you say is partially true, but you're pretending like they're doing it purposefully, when really they're just dealing with a problem that they didn't cause (but can work to fix).
Do we really want these "men" passing on their poor genetic material? Let them dress up as women and get add pounded by niggers, more power to them. However don't let these mentally ill people have political power, that is the mistake
Not even Mengele comes close to the sick shit (((doctors))) do today.
>In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women.
>proceeds to commit suicide
I don't give a fuck if they are suicidal give them one on one treatment or meds. There is nothing ethical about playing pretend with them. We don't play pretend with schizos who talk to Satan do we? There is nothing ethical about chopping up someones body.
The only reason it works even a little is because placebo, in depth therapy, drugs and a social group willing to play pretend.
Cutting someone up like this is a fucking lobotomy by another name.
Yes, just look at the science behind vaccines.
They've never done any of the following studies.
No vaccinated vs unvaccinated
No vaccine licensed based on a placebo study
No long-term health studies (they look for adverse events for 5 days at best)
No study looking at the vaccine schedule or seeing if cumulative vaccines are dangerous, they assume safety when giving multiple vaccines and admit it.
I mean, just look at the recent FDA foia request sent by ICAN and Robert F. Kenny, Jr. The FDA admitted that no studies have ever been conducted on pregnant women with vaccines, and yet every pregnant women is recommended to get a tdap booster and a flu shot. That is illegal, dangerous, and goes against safe science since it is being given on the ASSUMPTION of safety.
>WHEREAS, plaintiff Informed Consent Action Network (“ICAN”) requested the following records from defendant United States Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”): “A copy of the report for each clinical trial relied upon by the FDA when approving for use by pregnant women any influenza vaccine currently approved by the FDA.”
>WHEREAS, after ICAN appealed, the FDA responded, in relevant part, as follows: These requests sought the clinical trials relied upon by the FDA prior to approving any currently licensed influenza or Tdap vaccine for use in pregnant women as an indicated use. … We have no records responsive to your requests
>We have no records responsive to your requests
We have no records responsive to your requests
You don’t see the ones that pass user.
Yea great grandpa actually had a legit medical license
Yea great grandpa actually had a legit medical license
I know people on these drugs for these problems and their doctors never even considered that diet was the problem even though I’m certain it was
disregard these posts
Here, OP.
This gives you a brief historic of the estrogen industry. So you can understand why the shekels would push those things further.
There's no such thing as "hard science" and there never was.
Most universities and hospitals are in cities
Most cities are full of leftists
that is incredibly hot owo
>muh data
Shut the fuck up, "data" is dead.
It is a long read but extremely detailed and researched. Basically exposes how Pharma companies and billionaires are pushing the tranny agenda almost singlehandedly. For example, 3 of the most prominent pro-tranny medical professionals monetary links to trannydrug-producing companies
Honk honk
I kno :3
> it doesn't work because I say it doesn't work
Imagine being this unscientific.
>give them meds
Like what?
>give them therapy
We do
>w-well not tranny therapy
Name me some RWDS tier therapists. That's right, you can't because the right thinks therapy is gay and wont touch it with a 200 foot pole.
>Cutting up someone like this is a fucking lobotomy
Except it is not a lobotomy in any way, and was primarily at least in the US because trannies kept doing it themselves.
>Social group acceptance
Pre-hrt trannies often have absolutely no social group at all, so group acceptance was never a factor before the jewish shilling of the last 2 decades. In an ideal world, it will be the counterbalance that prevents people from doing this on a fucking whim.
A better opportunity for artificial womb experimental material cant these "demographic" get.
>post op-psyop
haha nope
Uhhh... yeah. It's all about progressing science
Because gender is a socially constructed category, and because it often leads to reduced suffering to transition. The human body is highly capable to be adapted in various ways, so why shouldn't people be able to do that if they so desire? The only reason you would be against that is because of retarded ideology relating to gender.
not only is medicine clearly not a hard science, it is not a science at all, it is human problem solving applied to a particular domain, relying on actual science like biology and chemistry etc/ to provide the necessary tool set. furthermore, questions of mental illness are not even part of medicine but psychology, which is also not a science and as far as its classification of mental properties into pathological and non pathological is concerned cannot even rely on the results of some other science as this question falls squarely into the domain of philosophy. the same might in principle be true in the realm of medicine but the topic there is much less controversial, the characterization of a normal, healthy human body is much easier than characterizing a healthy mind in contrast to an unhealthy one. to speak of mental health is really a misleading analogy in my opinion and should be reserved for mental properties that clearly correlate with some physiological deviance.
unless youre talking about the chemical composition of viagra.
Fuck "science".
There's no such thing as "science", science literally just means knowledge and the modern idea that there's this cult of scholar priests out there that offer us the path to knowledge is bullshit.
Scientists are charlatans.
>muh results!
Humans got results for thousands of years within "science", what makes you modernist faggots so sure that "science" is the cause of increased modern results and not just the cumulative stacking of results of thousands of years worth of trial and error?