Is it OK to hit on girls in public? What should you say?
Is it OK to hit on girls in public? What should you say?
"That's my purse! I don't know you!
Not in modern world.
>bourgeois, quasi marxists still think their high minded philosophy rules us
You can do and say whatever you want, as long as you don't cause anyone harm.
Spaniards have the best method. Catcall her "hey girl gimme your number," and then melodramatically feign heartbreak when she flips you off. It's normal. It's healthy. It's how you build up courage for the one that humors you.
ayy bby u want sum fuk
Simple and straight to the point.
Im not a marxist. Women only want chad now or hate all men.
>Is it OK to hit on girls in public?
pfft shut up loser
lmao what?
Fuck off faggot. It doesn't work anymore.
have sex
Kill yourself retard.
dip your dick, virgin
Gain height
Get nuts and give her deez nuts
Call her a Stacy and tell her that her Chad is finally here
pls stop embarrassing us lol
t. fellow femanon
Succ dis doc bish
You need therapy, not Jow Forums. And considering you're Eurotrash it should be pretty accessible for you.
You also need therapy but since you're a burger I don't know what to tell you. Your country is deadass in a mental health epidemic and they still have trouble admitting anxiety and depression exist.
Yeah, it's fine. It's just also the case that like 99% of women have dealt with some man or another in some public reference and that experience has led them to really shy away from randos off the street. It is, and always has been a numbers game, but cold pickups these days also come with the part of being the MO of every shitty creep and desperate, sexless losers. To go further, a lot of ladies now actually get yelled at and shit just for shooting guys down, so even rejection doesn't feel safe for some and so public approaches will bring their anxiety from 0 to 100.
In other words, you CAN do it, but there's not a whole lot of motivation for it.
big cringe and big bluepill, friend
>using nigger zoomer slang
Grow up.
Don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Didn't even read your post. You just sound like a retard.
>still coping
Nothing about internet arguments will change your lives, I'm afraid
Not that that ever will, or ever has stopped you, eh?
Literally just talk to her if you're a fellow white person. If you're not the same race don't bother.
Hitting on girls doesn't work and never worked.
It's gambling with a tiny chance of success. Don't do it.
All you have to do is flirt instead. Learn to be subtle and funny. All your problems will be solved. Girls don't mind being flirted with,..
Kys cuck.Retard
You're trying too hard
Grow out of this phase.
Take a shower.
Ask fuglies Kek they always say yes
Yes, it's ok. Just make sure to tailor your talk to the location. If you ask a girl her age in a dark alley it's creepy, if you ask her in the night club it works.
Don't be pushy in a grocery store, or sleazy, or anything like that. In a neutral place, be friendly but always be ready to back off if you see her feel threatened or uncomfortable. In these scenarios, you are at a disadvantage and you need to really feel the vibe before making your moves.
Oh my god what lol
There's so much weird/interesting/amusing shit in this post
>"Catcall her "hey girl gimme your number," and then melodramatically feign heartbreak when she flips you off"
Post of the year.
Not OP but "hitting on" a woman and "flirting with" a women are different?
The fuck? I thought they literally meant the exact same thing of showing interest.
Yeah it's okay. Just say what you want to say as long as it isn't something vulgar. Telling a girl she looks pretty or beautiful is fine.
Yeah. Flirting is more subtle and refined. It's meant to tell the girl you're interested without asserting anything.
Hitting on a girl is direct and immediate. Great if the girl is already in a relationship with you, otherwise you'll probably fuck up.
It depends on how you look. If you are below average looking women will feel unsafe and creeped out if you approach them
Women want to talk to people that have a sense of familiarity. I didn't really want to admit it to myself for a while because I tend to come on a little strong, but most young people (not just girls) feel a lot more comfortable sharing things about themselves freely after at least a couple interactions. So it's always going to be hella easier to hit on a classmate, or a coworker. even more so someone from a voluntary environment. someone you've talked about a couple personal topics with before, it helps if there's a bit of space between these interactions as well.
The elephant in the room is that these kinds of interactions require:
Social skills
The inclination for repetitive socializing in voluntary environments (e.i. night life, social clubs, sports, hobbies that involve others)
Following up it takes no social skills to just obtusely hit on women. Confidence is different from charisma.
When you hit up a girl on tinder for sex, even if she says yes. You'll likely be in no position to build instant rapport with her, you probably will not have a good time
You aren't going to care about eachother's interests because you haven't been able to introduce eachother to them slowly and sensitively in relevant context.