Sargon hate thread?

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leaf, you're using stale metokur memes from what 6 months ago?
god you're pathetic

Says the fucking Norwegian your country hasnt been relevant for 12 fucking centuries I wish the Swedish wiped your pitiful race off the face of the planet one of the 15 times they conquered you


Shut up boomer leave my Norwegian based boi alone

No SARGOY is the man

what did you accomplishe?
i bet you couldnt even redpill your way out of a 3 way gangbang with muhamad and tyrone.

Says the one using a Kekistan flag how about you go castrate yourself already you degenerate

Because doesn't care if whites die out.

Where can I support your Youtube and Paypal, hero?

go suck a 2cm han-chinese micropenis so your mom can keep her house you faggot

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Sargon redpilled me, lads.
I used to watch him all the time, but then he decided that he was going to smash the alt-right, and BTFO Richard Spencer.
I wanted to see that, because the alt right is supposed to be retarded, and racist and shit.
So I watched it.
I watched the whole 4-hour long debate.
And... I had never seen such a painful humiliation. I used to think that Sargon is smart, but he revealed himself to just be... like an average biased human.
I could no longer look up to him anymore after that.
His this week in stupid, that I enjoyed very much before that, just revealed itself to be picking off the lowest hanging fruits available.
And I ended up agreeing with Spencer on every single issue.
So then I went down, and I watched Jarred Taylor and Styxx. They were good.
And then I started doing my own research, and I ended up here...

So I must thank Sargon, for, without him, I would have never gone so far.

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U should start a blog

Donate to the poor of your blood and save your race our people from racial death

Take it from me that the weakness he spouts will only weaken our people, we must be willing to be stronger and more versatile with more endurance than our ancestors could ever imagine in the hope of claiming back our land, it is easier for your people my German friend, here in North America we must undergo violent revolution to unite Canada and the United States as did your leader so many decades ago

>t. Destiny

I loved this guy until i found out he fucked a tranny

You are cringy as hell, also im willing to bet you are morbidly obese lol

He’s a good entry level red pill and you know it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not

I don't hate sargoy, but I don't follow him either.
Let's turn this into a Turk hate thread.

yeah we all hate the roaches lets do that from now on

I'm. Not so sure your "bubble" can be burst though löl

It goes like this:
First, you watch PewDiePie.
Then, you click on Ben Shapiro.
Then, you get to Jordan Peterson.
Then, this leads you to Sargon.
Then, you stay there for a while until you are ready to watch the Debate with Spencer.
This automatically gets you to Styxx and Jarred Taylor.
From there you will necessarily be led to Jow Forums

Sargon is a necessary link in the chain, lads. No need to hate him.

you have somehow convinced me that the swedes are even more annoying that I previously could of imagined, you somehow are on the level of an autistic puppy

he tends to have an ego and a weeeeee bit of a "god complex" for a lack of words...also he tries to hard to be hip and with it when it comes to memes and Jow Forums

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The guy's pretty smart. Hopefully he can guide Britain back into the white light.

Kekistan am i right my fellow Jow Forums fags

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This is old shit now and even fat cunt Sargon got over it

Honestly did not know he was still making videos.

doubt it hes running for office from what iv heard but hes probebly gonna get alil to high off his own ego and fuck shit up even more

Then you go back to pewdiepie.

>Sargon is a necessary link in the chain

Are you kidding hes a puffed up mediocrity that beta cucks give their bux to cause feminism is stupid lol.

a necessary link give me a fucking break. Imagine all these fucking bugmen who give him money who have the soilent grin. Do you want these people to come to your house? Do you want them to be your friends?

Fuck all of them


Sargon is based

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coming from the one who pressed the wrong button

No, then you watch the NZ video.
And THEN you (re)subscribe to pewdiepie

*chug smuckle*

Wow, the Nord really struck a nerve.

But I thought Mr Mountain banned the hate threads