I need to quit smoking. But I just cant. I tried but failed. Im heavily addicted. Any advice?

I need to quit smoking. But I just cant. I tried but failed. Im heavily addicted. Any advice?

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Don’t buy them. Buy nicotine patches if you have to,

Try vaping, it's what I did

Seriously start vaping. Buy a quality mod and nice tank. Get 24mg juice. Use that for a few weeks. Then drop to 18mg. Then 12, 6, 3. Then mix 0mg with 3. Then 0. Your addiction to nicotine will be broken. Now you just have to drop the vaping habit, if you like, which is easy. Been smoke free 3 years and haven't vaped in about 2.

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Cut put nicotine, replace with CBD herb vape for the enjoyment of smoking+slight calming effect.

God damn it I knew you were going to say this

You wanted advice, so there it is faggot

It works. I tried quitting so many different ways and nothing worked except vaping. Temporarily looking like a fag beats getting lung cancer. Besides, vaping actually is pretty enjoyable.

It worked for me. I got one of those shitty small capsule ones thats bery incognito and does not smoke up the fucking room. It's not as good as cigarettes but it does take the edge off.

OP, some people are going to suggest vaping but that is jumping ship to another one. Do you really want to do that? No.

Here is my advice, coming from someone who used to sell cigarettes for their job AND had their mother get cancer this way.

Stop now and find another "healthy" addiction. I saw people so addicted to cigs, that they woudl almost cry and went full panic mode when we were closing down shop. Smoking only hurts your health and does not help.. bad teeth, cancer, blackens your lungs, ages your skin.. ect, ect. It has no positive befits.

If you want to see real world benefits, put money in a jar everyone you want to buy a pack (or carton) and watch the money pile up.

I know you can quit OP. I am rooting for you.

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What kind of advice is this?

Cigarettes are bad, really heavy addiction! I recommend quitting!

>jump ship to a less harmful addiction
>ween off the nicotine and quit vaping
That's what I did, and its what a lot of people have done. What's wrong with that advice?

if you can't quit cold turkey you are a weak willed faggot
>I tried but failed
you didn't fail, you gave up.

I used to smoke 2 packs a day. I haven't touched a cigarette in close to 5 years.

There's no "way". You have to really want to quit, more than anything else. If you really want to do something, you'll figure out a way because it's different for everyone. The only commonality re: people who have successfully quit is that they all really wanted to stop smoking. Whether you go cold turkey, taper off, transition to vapes first, etc., you have to figure out what works for you and you CAN'T GIVE UP.

I had to quit cold turkey, which everyone said was crazy because of how much I was smoking, but trying to wean off of cigarettes never worked for me. So one day I said that's enough, threw out the pack I was working on and stopped.

>What kind of advice is this?

The advice of someone who sold peoples addiction and saw them at their lowest point in life with alcohol / cigarettes. Cigarettes will kill you, slowly, and I think that's a lot better advice than saying just vape up Johnny.

You may " say " you know that smoking is stupid, but most smokers think they'll never get cancer or anything else. That was my point.

A lot of people don't do what you did though. They just move onto vaping and think it's "safe". I am glad it helped you though.

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you can learn to use chewing tobacco and not even really try to quit at first. Get to the point where sometimes, you'd rather dip. Transition the addiction. It is much easier to stop chewing. Chew is a bunch cheaper too. Nobody's gotta know you are doing it.

Fuck this OP, chewing is disgusting

>Nobody's gotta know you are doing it.

They are all shit. They all leak (after a few months use)... reeeeeee

I've almost never had this problem when I vaped

Change coil regularly. Even better make your own coils.

iv done it after i was addicted and it worked for me :)

That doesn't make it any less gross.