Is female ejaculate just urine?

>Proud of ability to fingerbang girls into squirting
>Turns out they're pissing on my hand

Attached: andysambergjizz.jpg (347x303, 95K)

Sorry you had to learn it.

It's usually not pee, however, if you already have to pee and then your tense muscles relax for a short moment then some pee could get out

It's pee

The female cum are the involuntary pelvic movements, their vagina get tigther, spasm occur, etc.

apparently female cum tastes like lemonade. can anyone confirm?

>not asking for advice
are there any femanons here who actually squirt? I am female friends bragging that they do all the time, I can't believe it's not just pee
t. femanon who followed advice on how to squirt and definitely just peed

>I am female friends

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some components are indeed the same. some differ. there is still plenty of uncertainty and the scientists couldn't resolve the issue completely as of yet

She obvioulsy meant she has female friends you autist

Just a bit salty.

I've made 1 girl squirt and it definitely doesn't look or smell like urine. I left that girl's urine scent (yeah I know disgusting, but she was my gf) and it was different.

As a female, the answer is no, they are two different substances and come from two different locations. Female "ejaculate" is like salty watery fluid while pee is pee.

but user, pee is salty watery fluid as well

I'm sorry no one here has ever received proper SEX ED in school. The following is medically accurate.
There are two different fluids that CAN come out during intercourse or stimulation.
The first is one that people generally call "squirting". This is an involuntary spasm or loosening and contracting of the urethral muscles. This produces urine in either bursts, drips, or streams. So if the liquid or secretions you are experiencing are watery in nature, this is definitely urine.
The second type is arousal fluids. This is caused by an increase in blood flow and pressure which causes fluid (transudate) to be pushed onto the surface of the vaginal walls. This is the natural lubricant that women produce to make penetration frictionless and painless. In some women an excess amount of this fluid is created. It does not "squirt" out. It may drip or seep out, but cannot be ejaculated. You can see these fluids during sex as a white or creamy color discharge from the vagina. You may also see it on your penis during penetration.
There is another type of fluid as well that is not as widely known. It is cervical secretions. This increases before a woman has a period. This is the most fertile time for a woman and these secretions increase in parallel. This is more of a clear fluid but you generally cannot distinguish this from the arousal fluids that are present during intercourse.

Hope this helped someone!

I felt*

this, it looks like liquified semen, like cloudy water with little chunks of a white paste

^ this.
My boyfriend made me squirt twice and it smells and looks completely different.

From a quick google search:

Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of fluid from a female's urethra during orgasm or sexual arousal. The urethra is the duct that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.
There are two different types of female ejaculate:
Squirting fluid. This fluid is usually colorless and odorless, and it occurs in large quantities.
Ejaculate fluid. This type more closely resembles male semen. It is typically thick and appears milky.
Analysis has shown that the fluid contains prostatic acid phosphatase (PSA). PSA is an enzyme present in male semen that helps sperm motility.
In addition, female ejaculate usually contains fructose, which is a form of sugar. Fructose is also generally present in male semen where it acts as an energy source for sperm.
Experts believe that the PSA and fructose present in the fluid come from the Skene's glands. Other names for these glands include the paraurethral glands, Garter's duct, and female prostate.
Skene's glands sit on the front, inside wall of the vagina near the G-spot. Researchers believe that stimulation causes these glands to produce PSA and fructose, which then move into the urethra.

It also has a completely different texture than piss. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was partially urine, but it’s definitely not just piss.

why did reading this make me rock hard

If it's not blood and comes out of the urethra it's pee.

t. EMT who knows a thing or two about the human anatomy.

>salty watery fluid
That's pee, brainlet.

kek Leave it to an EMT to think he knows everything.

Squirting is fake and is totally piss. It has been theorized that its not 100% urine but its totally blatter fluid.

Watched my gf squirt twice
The first time was legit
The second time looked like pee